Il Jailbreak di iOS 6, ormai o più o meno lo abbiamo eseguito tutti sui nostri dispositivi, per chi invece non l’ha ancora fatto, in questo articolo saranno segnalati tutti i Tweak compatibili con iOS 6.1.x. La lista sarà in continuo aggiornamento, non appena i tweak saranno testati e funzionanti.
Ecco l’elenco del tweaks testati:
- SBSettings
- Overboard
- Unfold
- Messages+
- PasswordPilot Pro
- UnlockFX
- CleverPin
- QuickReply For Whats App 2.4 – Ora Ottimizzato per iPhone 5 –
- Status Bar Switcher
- TweetAmplius
- MultiIconMover
- NCSettings
- Swipeaway
- SpringTomize 2 : dovete scaricare e installare la versione iOS 5 e iOS 6 Support già reperibile su cydia free
Testati giorno 05.02.2013 ore 11.50
- JTheme
- ThemeIconMaker
- BounceLock
- ColorKeyboard
- DeleteContact
- GravityLockscreen
- iShakeLock
- KillBackGround la nuova versione
- Notificator
- Speed Intensifier
- Zephyr
Testati giorno 05.02.2013 ore 18.24
- Ifile
- Mobile substrate
Testati giorno 05.02.2013 ore 21.35
- WhatsPad
- CyDelete
- WhatsPad
- Merge – No iPhone 5 –
- Flex – ora anche per iPad
- roqyUSB
- MyWi
- My3G
Octopus keyboard
- Icon Renamer
- Rich Text For Mail
- Sbcenter
- VoiceActivator
- Color Profiles
- Home SpringPage
- HapticPro
- Pull to Dismiss
- WeeKillBackground Pro
- PwnTunes
- QuickReply For Viber
- DisplayRecorder
- Cyntact
- Callbar
- WiFi Booster
- Auto3g
- MultiIconMover
- NoVoiceMail
- NoNewsIsGoodNews
- Chatpic
- PictoKeyboard
- Lorem
- Five Icon Dock
- WAlpha
- LockLyrics
- Nitrous
- SBRotator
- WeeSearch
- CurrencyConverter
- MountainCenter
- Plugication
- AppList
- DispalyRecorder
- ProTube
- ProTube HD
- ProTube 2
- Open in ProTube
- ColoredKnob
- Bridge
- Attacher PRO
- BrowseInApp
- OmniStat for NotificationCenter
Testati giorno 05.02.2013 ore 22.51
- NoAppStoreBadges (può essere sostituito anche da SpringTomize 2 nelle impostazioni cartelle, elimina tutti i Badge)
- BrightnessPlug
- BlurriedNCBackground
- Insomnia Pro
- lighttpd + GPS Web Server + lighttpd Toggle SBSettings, dalla repo (Serve a identificare in automatico, senza modificare il file var dei temi il meteo della propria zona)
- Software Update Killer (niente più aggiornamenti nelle notifiche di iOS)
Testati giorno 06.02.2013 ore 10.30
- LiveClock
- RealSMS 3.0
- Dock
Testati giorno 06.02.2013 ore 16.45
- Applocker
- iTransmission 3
- BrowserChooser
- RecognizeME – Non va Su iPad “Safe Mode”
- Shrink
- Dimmer
- AppCent
- AnyVoice
Testato giorno 16.02.2013 ore 15.00
- IconRotator Vers. 1.0.1
Testato giorno 27.02.2013 ore 17.00
- iTouch Vers. 2.0
- Ostium Vers. 1.2-2
- RingerX Lite
- UnCurl
Testato giorno 03.03.2013 ore 22.00
- iFix Brightness for 6.x
Testato giorno 06.03.2013 ore 15.00
- Flusterless Vers. 0.9.1-1
Testato giorno 07.03.2013 ore 18.00
- Receiveany Vers. 1.0.2
- Sendany Vers. 1.0.2
- ActiveDock Vers. 1.1-2
Testato giorno 12.03.2013 ore 18:00
- Vexil Vers. 1.1-90
Testati giorno 13.03.2013 ore 19:00
- WiFi BooSter
- Sharlem Shake
Testato giorno 15.03.2013 ore 19.00
- LastPic Vers.1.0.1-1
Testato giorno 16.03.2013 ore 18.00
- FlagPaint Vers. 1.1.1-1
- Forecast Vers. 2.2.0-1
Testati giorno 18.03.2013 ore 19.00
- InfiniFolders Vers. 2.0.4-1
- Infinidock Vers. 2.0.4-1
- InfiniBoard Vers. 2.0.4-1
Testato giorno 22.03.2013 ore 15.00
- Safari download Manager Vers. 2.1-1
- CyDialer Vers. 0.9.35
Testato giorno 26.03.2013 ore 18.00
- Iconoclasm Vers. 1.8.3
Testati giorno 27.03.2013 ore 18.15
- PowerSaver Vers. 1.3
- LockGestures Vers. 1.2
Testati giorno 02.04.2013 ore 23.30
- Compose Vers. 1.3.1
- WeatherIcon 6 Vers. 6.0.1-2 ARTICOLO
- BTC Mouse & TrackPad Vers. 1.4.3-4
- GridLock Vers. 2.0.4 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 06.04.2013 ore 19.30
- RaiseToCall Vers. 1.4 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 07.04.2013 ore 21.00
- Auxo Vers. 1.4-2 ARTICOLO
- Action Menu Vers. 1.2-12
- Beacon Vers. 0.9.9-13 ARTICOLO
Testato giorno 09.04.2013 ore 17.30
- iBatteryInfo Vers. 2.0
- Twitkafly iOS 6.0+ Vers. 1.0.4-1
- Twitkafly Vers. 3.4.1-1
Testato giorno 10.04.2013 ore 17.30
- ScreenDimmer Vers. 1.77
Testato giorno 13.04.2013 ore 18.00
- Reminders+ Vers. 0.9
- AccountChanger Vers. 1.2.0
Testato giorno 14.04.2013 ore 20.00
- QuickReply for Messenger iOS 6.0+ Vers. 1.1-5 ARTICOLO
- Chip Vers. 1.3-1
- Mail Enhancer Pro iOS 6 Vers. 2.1-1 ARTICOLO
Testato giorno 21.04.2013 ore 18.30
- SwipeSelection Vers. 1.3.2-8
- Printify Vers. 2.1.1
- Messages Vers. 1.1-2
- Addial Vers. 1.1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 24.04.2013 ore 17.45
- Carnitine Vers. 2.1.0
Testati giorno 25.04.2013 ore 22.00
- IntelliscreenX 6 Vers. 6.01.11
- Prime Vers. 1.0
- Iconoclasm Layout Maker Vers. 1.8.2-1
- CameraTweak HD Vers. 0.9.2
- FBPrivacy Vers. 0.3 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 26.04.2013 ore 20.30
- BadgeClearer Vers. 3.2-1
- Enable Facebook Voip Vers. 1.1b-2
- PullAll Vers. 1.0.6-2
- DataChanger Vers. 0.0.1-1
Testati giorno 27.04.2013 ore 19.00
- SliderKiller Vers. 1.3-1
Testati giorno 28.04.2013 ore 20.30
- CaptureWeb Vers. 1.1-2
Testati giorno 29.04.2013 ore 13.00
- PDF Printer for Safari Vers. 1.3.4 ARTICOLO
- BiteSMS Vers. 7.5 ARTICOLO
- Live Battery Indicator Vers. 2.7-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 30.04.2013 ore 21.00
- ImmediateSend Vers. 1.3.3
- iWidgets Vers. 1.0.2
Testati giorno 01.05.2013 ore 19.30
- Messages Box Vers. 1.0-5 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 02.05.2013 ore 17.30
- YouTubeToMp3 Vers. 7.6.2
Testati giorno 03.05.2013 ore 19.00
- Abstergo Vers. 1.1.2
- Yahoo! Weather is Better Vers. 1.0.5-1 ARTICOLO
- SelectiveReading Vers. 1.2-2
- AppleFireRT Vers. 1.1 ARTICOLO
- Forecast Vers. 2.2.1-1
Testati giorno 04.05.2013 ore 19.00
- IntelliscreenX iOS 6 Library Vers. 6.01.12
- FolderIcons iOS 6 Beta Vers. 2.99.15
Testati giorno 05.05.2013 ore 21.00
- QuickCompose Vers. 1.3 ARTICOLO
- Protecti Vers. 0.11-1
- BannerImage Vers 1.0 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 06.05.2013 ore 19.30
- UnlimTones Vers. 4.7-64
- SliderCustomizer Vers. 1.1-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 07.05.2013 ore 21.00
- Torch Vers. 1.5.2
- Message Send Percent Vers. 2.0 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 09.05.2013 ore 17.00
- FolderEnhancer Vers. ARTICOLO (Compatibile fino a iOS 6.1.2)
- Athena Vers. 2.00-8 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 11.05.2013 ore 00.00
- BTC Mouse & Trackpad Vers. 1.5-1
Testati giorno 12.05.2013 ore 22.00
- Infocenter for Notification Center Vers. 1.2-1 ARTICOLO
- Velox Vers. 1.0.3-2 ARTICOLO
- JellyLock iOS 6 ancora in fase beta Vers. 0.0.8-1 ARTICOLO
- Affix Vers. 1.1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 13.05.2013 ore 18.30
- Axis Vers. 1.0.1-10 ARTICOLO
- UIRotation for Activator Vers. 1.1-3
- MouseSupport Vers. svn.r216-1
- WeePreferenceLoader Vers. 1.1
Testati giorno 14.05.2013 ore 23.55
- CountDownCenter Vers. 1.2.1
Testati giorno 15.05.2013 ore 18.30
- QuickStore Vers. 1.0-1
- Accentify Vers. 0.0.1r2-2 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 16.05.2013 ore 18.55
- atom Vers. 1.0-3 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 18.05.2013 ore 18.00
- LSFlatAlerts Vers. 1.3 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 20.05.2013 ore 23.25
- Messages Conversation Photos Vers. 0.9.2 ARTICOLO
- SearchUnknownNumber Vers. 1.1-2 ARTICOLO
- iBlackList Vers. 6.1.1 ARTICOLO
- SafariBlankPage Vers. 0.0.1-3 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 21.05.2013 ore 19.00
- IconFlip For Velox Vers. 1.0 ARTICOLO
- PushTone Vers. 1.3-8
Testati giorno 22.05.2013 ore 23.30
- Luna Vers. 1.0.2
- FullImage Vers. 1.0-4
- LockSliderZ Vers. 1.3
Testati giorno 23.05.2013 ore 18.45
- AnimateAll Vers. 1.6.6-1
- AnimateAll HD Vers. 1.6.6-1
- PowerMusic Miniplayer Vers. 1.7.0-1
- iMusicShare for Notification Center Vers 1.0-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 25.05.2013 ore 18.30
- LockInfo 5 Vers. 5.3.0-1 ARTICOLO
- App Activate Vers. 1.0.0-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 27.05.2013 ore 20.00
- LSScrubbing Vers. 2.0-1
- QuickGestures Vers. 1.3.2 ARTICOLO
- Kamera Vers. 1.3 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 28.05.2013 ore 17.00
- Clear the Air Vers. 1.0.2-114
- Bigify+ Vers. 2.5
Testati giorno 31.05.2013 ore 10.00
- LivePapers Vers. 1.2.0-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 01.06.2013 ore 16.30
- Infinite Tweet Vers. 1.5.3-1
- AltKeyboard Vers. 1.0.0 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 03.06.2013 ore 23.30
- Message Box Vers. 1.0-10 ARTICOLO
- TranslucentStatus Bar For Safari Vers. 0.0.1-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 06.06.2013 ore 18.00
- LockScreenToggles Vers. 1.0.1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 07.06.2013 ore 18.00
- SwitchIcons Vers. 1.0
Testati giorno 08.06.2013 ore 19.00
- Auxo For iPad Vers. 1.0.2-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 11.06.2013 ore 19.45
- Alertmate Vers. 1.5 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 12.06.2013 ore 17.00
- Widget MEGAPACK Vers. 1.2 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 13.06.2013 ore 19.00
- Chrome Downloader Vers. 1.0.5 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 14.06.2013 ore 18.00
- FullScroll Vers. 1.1.2
Testati giorno 16.06.2013 ore 17.00
- Speaking Keyboard Vers. 1.1.3
Testati giorno 17.06.2013 ore 17.45
- Badger Vers. 1.1-1
- RemoteTweet Vers. 1.3.1-1
Testati giorno 18.06.2013 ore 13.00
- Vox Vers. 1.0-1
Testati giorno 19.06.2013 ore 19.00
- DimInCall Vers. 1.1.1 ARTICOLO
- LockStatusHide Vers. 0.0.2-21
Testati giorno 20.06.2013 ore 18.00
- Safari Upload Enabler Vers. 1.2-1 ARTICOLO
- Slide2Kill Pro Vers. 1.2-1
Testati giorno 22.06.2013 ore 08.00
- PatternUnlock Vers. 1.0.1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 29.06.2013 ore 14.00
- iUnlock Vers. 1.0.3-1
- Messages Vers. 1.2.2-1
- Volume Amplifier Vers. 1.0.5 ARTICOLO
- Actiwidget Vers. 0.1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 30.06.2013 ore 00.00
- YourTube for iOS 6 Vers. 6.5.4-1
Testati giorno 02.07.2013 ore 19.00
- iWidgetTapper Vers. 1.4-6 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 03.07.2013 ore 10.00
- LiveWire Pro Vers. 1.0.1-1 Compatibile solo fino a iOS 6.1.2 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 08.07.2013 ore 13.00
- Sleipnizer for Safari Vers. 3.3-2-1
- BattSaver Vers. 2.0.1
- VeloxTube For Velox Vers. 1.1b-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 12.07.2013 ore 20.30
- StatusHUD Vers. 1.0.0 ARTICOLO
- Sliderz Vers. 1.0 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 13.07.2013 ore 19.00
- AirFload Vers. 1.3.2
Testati giorno 15.07.2013 ore 18.00
- SleepFX Vers. 1.6
- BeeKeyboard Vers. 1.5-1
Testati giorno 16.07.2013 ore 22.00
- SubtleLock Vers. 2.2-1
Testati giorno 18.07.2013 ore 23.30
- CleanMemory Tap Vers. 2.5-1 ARTICOLO
- Esra Assistant Vers. 2.0-1
Testati giorno 20.07.2013 ore 17.30
- Knober Vers. 1.2
Testati giorno 22.07.2013 ore 18.30
- Facebook Sound Fix Vers. 1.0-1
Testati giorno 23.07.2013 ore 20.00
- iSlideText Vers. 2.0-1
- Doodle Message Vers. 0.6.1
Testati giorno 26.07.2013 ore 22.45
- GraviBoard Vers. 2.1.1-1
Testati giorno 27.07.2013 ore 18.30
- Gotha Vers. 1.1 ARTICOLO
- Flashorama Vers. 1.4-6 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 28.07.2013 ore 18.30
- CancelUpdate Vers. 0.0.1-8
Testati giorno 31.07.2013 ore 18.15
- CancelUpdate Vers. 0.0.1-8 ARTICOLO
- FYAFastTranslate Vers. 0.0.1-11-12
- Push for Gmail Vers. 1.3
Testati giorno 02.08.2013 ore 19.50
- LockFlavors Vers. 1.0 ARTICOLO
- LockScreen Settings Vers. 1.5
- SafariBlankPage Vers. 0.0.1-5
- Cleary Vers. 1.1-1
Testati giorno 03.08.2013 ore 17.50
- LockHTML 2 Vers. 1.4-1
Testati giorno 05.08.2013 ore 23.30
- AlwaysClose Vers. 3.1
- LandscapeCalc Vers. 1.1-1
- QR4WeChat Vers. 2.0.1
- Selenium Vers. 2.0-3
- Sodium Vers. 1.2-1 ARTICOLO
- TaskMaster Vers. 1.3-2 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 08.08.2013 ore 18.00
- BatteryDoctorPro Vers. 4.6.1-11
Testati giorno 10.08.2013 ore 11.30
- BannerSwipe Vers. 1.2-1
Testati giorno 12.08.2013 ore 19.30
- Piano PassCode Vers. 1.1-4 ARTICOLO
- WxNotifier Vers. 1.0.1-1
Testati giorno 13.08.2013 ore 17.45
- InstaLauncher Vers. 1.1-1 ARTICOLO
- NCEnough Vers. 1.1-1 ARTICOLO
- VPNOnly Vers. 2.6
Testati giorno 16.08.2013 ore 22.00
- MessageRenamer Vers. 0.2.1-1
- TodoFast Vers. 1.0-1
- EasyIconEdit Vers. 1.1 ARTICOLO
- Activate Command Vers. 1.0.1-1
- MiniPlayer Vers. 2.3.4 ARTICOLO
- XPasscode Vers. 1.0-1
Testati giorno 18.08.2013 ore 11.30
- Grabby Vers. 1.2 ARTICOLO
- VideoPane Vers. 1.1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 19.08.2013 ore 22.30
- Flex Vers. 1.12 ARTICOLO
- ReturnDismiss Vers. 0.0.1-4
- FlatNeue Auxo Vers. 1.0
Testati giorno 21.08.2013 ore 10.30
- WhatsApp for Couria Vers. 0.1.1
- CodeScrambler Vers. 2.0.0-4
Testati giorno 24.08.2013 ore 11.15
- WappBG Vers. 1.0-1
- NetworkList Vers. 0.2-1-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 25.08.2013 ore 11.00
- Remind Me Vers. 1.0.1-16
- ColorfulBulletins Vers. 0.7-1 ARTICOLO
- Auto AppTranslate Vers. 1.86
Testati giorno 27.08.2013 ore 17.30
- FB Unlimited Chat Heads Vers. 0.0.2-3
- MessageSwiper Vers. 3.6.1-1
- WhatsApp MorePhotos Vers. 1.0-1
Testati giorno 28.08.2013 ore 23.00
- ActionsNotifier Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Auto App Updater Vers. 1.6 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 29.08.2013 ore 21.00
- Celeste 2 (iOS 6.x) Vers. 2.0-23 ARTICOLO
- Bluetooth Companion Vers. 1.5.5-1
Testati giorno 30.08.2013 ore 12.00
- NCCalendar+ Vers. 1.1-2
- Pull To Disable Alarms Ves. 1.2
- ReederEnhancer Vers. 2.1-1
- Remove Slideshow Button Vers. 1.1
Testati giorno 31.08.2013 ore 17.15
- NightFlash Vers. 1.0
Testati giorno 01.09.2013 ore 20.45
- Find My Friends Location Spoofer Vers. 1.1.2-7
Testati giorno 02.09.2013 ore 22.30
- AutoBrightness Vers. 1.0.0-1 ARTICOLO
- CopyDock Vers. 0.0.1-8 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 04.09.2013 ore 17.45
- DataDeposit Vers. 2.0.8
Testati giorno 05.09.2013 ore 17.25
- NotifyWifi Vers. 1.1-8
- GlyphPatch Vers. 0.3-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 06.09.2013 ore 20.25
- TapTapFolder Vers. 0.2-1
- Instant Mirror Vers. 1.40-17
Testati giorno 07.09.2013 ore 19.55
- AutoDimWithoutLock Vers. 0.0.1-23
- Anemo Vers. 0.8 ARTICOLO
- VoiceChanger Vers. 0.1-2
- WhoIsThis Vers. 1.2.2
Testati giorno 08.09.2013 ore 23.30
- CamBright Vers. 1.0.1-1
- WaveOff Vers. 1.0.2-1
- Face Off Vers. 0.0.3-38
Testati giorno 09.09.2013 ore 23.45
- Lockdown Pro Vers. 3.1.6
- SBPageSwipe Vers. 0.0.1-1
- StatusColor Vers. 0.0.1-2
- TapToScroll for Activator Vers. 1.0-1
- Reminisce Vers. 1.3 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 11.09.2013 ore 00.00
- Lockdown Pro iPad Vers. 2.1.1-1
- LocationChanger Vers. 1.2-0
Testati giorno 12.09.2013 ore 00.30
- FaceHalt Vers. 1.1.0-1 ARTICOLO
- DisableCam Vers. 0.0.1-1
- AirPlay for Activator Vers. 1.0.1
- BuddyLock Vers. 1.1.2-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 13.09.2013 ore 17.45
- SMS on GV Vers. 1.5-2
Testati giorno 14.09.2013 ore 14.15
- AccountChanger Ts Vers. 2.3.3-1
- SiriCorrectInfinity Vers. 1.1
- WiFi2Passwd Vers. 1.2
Testati giorno 16.09.2013 ore 19.30
- Reeder2Enhancer Vers. 1.2-3
- WebSource Vers. 1.0-2
- GingerLock Vers. 1.3-1 ARTICOLO
- Launch Notify Vers. 1.1
- LyricFlow Vers. 1.1
Testati giorno 18.09.2013 ore 18.25
- SBDocument Vers. 1.0
- Show My Touch Vers. 1.0.0-4
- Locker Vers. 1.0-8
- Car Mode Vers. 3.0-2
Testati giorno 20.09.2013 ore 15.00
- LockBar Pro Vers. 1.1.2-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 21.09.2013 ore 14.30
- Power Securit Vers. 1.0
- AudioExplorer+ Vers. 1.7
- Volume Vers. 1.0
Testati giorno 22.09.2013 ore 17.25
- YourTube for iOS6 Vers. 6.5.5-6
- Dandelion Vers. 1.0
- QuickShoot Pro Vers. 1.5-1
- Glassic Vers. 1.1.0
Testati giorno 23.09.2013 ore 18.30
- Musa Vers. 1.0-3
- Chameleon Vers. 1.0
Testati giorno 24.09.2013 ore 19.30
- LokationFaker Vers. 1.3-2
Testati giorno 25.09.2013 ore 21.00
- Widget Weather Vers. 1.5-26
- iLostFinder Vers. 1.2.0-15
- AnyRing Vers. 6.27
- Uninstall Application Size Vers. 1.1-1
Testati giorno 26.09.2013 ore 20.00
- Glowcon Vers. 1.1
Testati giorno 28.09.2013 ore 23.30
- ColorDock Vers. 1.0
- FindMyDevice Vers. 1.1
Testati giorno 01.10.2013 ore 19.15
- Instahancer Vers. 1.9.0
- Chrome Downloader Plus Vers. 1.1
Testati giorno 02.10.2013 ore 19.45
- ListLauncher6 Vers. 6.0-26
Testati giorno 03.10.2013 ore 16.00
- iDetector Vers. 1.0 ARTICOLO
- QuickHide Vers. 1.1-1
Testati giorno 04.10.2013 ore 14.30
- Show My Touch Vers. 1.1.0-8
- TouchSniper Vers. 1.1.0-1
- VLC Gestures Vers. 1.0.3
Testati giorno 06.10.2013 ore 18.00
- Soly Vers. 1.0
Testati giorno 08.10.2013 ore 18.00
- No Skype Preview Vers. 1.0
- Couria Vers. 0.5.1
Testati giorno 09.10.2013 ore 23.00
- JellyBoard Vers. 1.0.3-5 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 11.10.2013 ore 18.00
- SimulateTouch Vers. 0.5-2
- CamVolNoReset Vers. 1.0-1
- CamZoomNoReset Vers. 1.0-2
Testati giorno 12.10.2013 ore 19.45
- DisplayCandy Vers. 1.0.7-48
Testati giorno 13.10.2013 ore 18.30
- RichNotes Vers. 1.6
Testati giorno 15.10.2013 ore 19.00
- SpringJumps Vers. svn.r96-3
Testati giorno 16.10.2013 ore 19.00
- FreeSpaceCam Vers. 1.0
Testati giorno 17.10.2013 ore 18.00
- SevenCenter Vers. 1.1 ARTICOLO
- Spapa Vers. 1.0-7
- WAPrivacy Vers. 1.2 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 19.10.2013 ore 19.00
- PasswordTime Vers. 1.0
Testati giorno 21.10.2013 ore 20.00
- Arco Vers. 1.1.1-1 ARTICOLO
- JellyBoard Vers. 1.1.0-1
Testati giorno 23.10.2013 ore 18.30
- AdBlocker Vers. 1.53
- KeDoRi Vers. 0.0.1-1
- Wake With Weather Vers. 2.6.0-1
Testati giorno 26.10.2013 ore 18.30
- Unlock7 Vers. 0.0.2-1 ARTICOLO
- ayra Vers. 1.0.2-4
- Keyboard Control Pro Vers. 1.1-3 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 29.10.2013 ore 23.00
- Clota Vers. 1.1-1
- Australian BOM Weather+ Vers. 3.2.0-1
Testati giorno 30.10.2013 ore 20.55
- Ayra Vers. 1.0.3-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 31.10.2013 ore 21.45
- FullCameraLog Vers.
Testati giorno 01.11.2013 ore 16.00
- Tips Vers. 1.1
Testati giorno 02.11.2013 ore 20.30
- BetterWiFi Vers. 1.0.1
Testati giorno 03.11.2013 ore 20.00
- Smartwatch+ Vers. 1.130
Testati giorno 04.11.2013 ore 19.00
- BytaFont Vers. 1.7.1
- HandcentSMS Vers. 2.9.11
Testati giorno 07.11.2013 ore 19.30
- AlarmControl Vers. 1.1-1
- Boxy Vers. 1.0
- MultiShortcut Vers. 1.4
- ShowCase Vers. 1.3.2-1
Testati giorno 09.11.2013 ore 19.30
- Attachments+ for Mail Vers. 1.5-1c
- Photo Organizer Pro Vers. 1.2-1c
Testati giorno 11.11.2013 ore 19.45
- NowNow Vers. 1.1
- MTerminal Vers. 1.0-1
- Safari Download Enabler Vers. 3.0-1
- Call on GV Pro Vers. 1.1-4
Testati giorno 13.11.2013 ore 12.30
- SwipeNav Vers. 0.6-4
- MultiLS Vers. 1.0-1 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 14.11.2013 ore 19.30
- Protect My Privacy Vers. 3.1.0
- NoAttachmentPreview Vers. 1.0-1
Testati giorno 15.11.2013 ore 17.30
- FakeMyLocation Vers. 1.1-2
- IPA Installer Vers. 3.20 ARTICOLO
- Panomod Vers. 1.1-3 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 18.11.2013 ore 19.30
- Apex Vers. 1.4.1-1 ARTICOLO
- AutoTouch Vers. 1.7.8
Testati giorno 23.11.2013 ore 18.30
- copy10 Vers. 3.0.1
- DNDPro Vers. 1.0.0-5
- Simple Mode Vers.1.1.2
- Copic Vers. 3.2.1
- InfoStats Vers. 1.0.3
Testati giorno 25.11.2013 ore 00.00
- AppSwiper Vers. 1.2.1 ARTICOLO
- Auto App Killer Vers. 3.1.4
- Lockdown Pro Vers. 3.1.7
- Browser Changer Vers. 1.13-3
- Burst mode Vers. 1.1-12
- CamVolNormal Vers. 1.0-3
- PhotoTorch Vers. 1.2-3
Testati giorno 26.11.2013 ore 09.30
- Cleaner (PRO) Vers. 3.2 ARTICOLO
- Alemitu Vers. 1.2-7
- Protube Extension for Youtube Vers. 2.2.2 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 30.11.2013 ore 23.30
- SilencePlease Vers. 1.2-1
- ActiSearch Vers. 1.5 ARTICOLO
Testati giorno 02.12.2013 ore 20.30
- MyAssistive Vers. 1.5-2
Testati giorno 06.12.2013 ore 11.45
- LockY0urApp Vers. 1.1
- Move2Unlock Vers. 2.0.2
Testati giorno 09.12.2013 ore 20.30
- MeterProfessional Vers. 1.0.1
Testati giorno 10.12.2013 ore 19.00
- CamVolZoom Vers. 1.0-4
- Clean Master Vers. 1.1
Testati giorno 11.12.2013 ore 19.55
- DDMath Tweak Vers. 1.1-3
- Mobi2Mon Vers. 2.0
- Railway Vers. 1.0
- PaperBoard Vers. 0.1.2
Testati giorno 15.12.2013 ore 23.30
- BetterFritz Vers. 0.0.1-12
- knowy0urCallActive Vers. 1.0
- aLock4Lin Vers. 1.0-1
- aLock4WhatsApp Vers. 1.0-1
Testati giorno 17.12.2013 ore 19.45
- 3G Unrestrictor 2 Vers. 2.6.6-1
- GrayNC Vers. 1.0-1
- tsProtector P Vers. 3.3.10-15
Testati giorno 18.12.2013 ore 12.25
- PaperBoard Vers. 0.1.5
Testati giorno 19.12.2013 ore 18.55
- AppOnLock Vers. 1.2-2
- Destify Vers. 1.0-1
- Burst mode Vers. 1.1-3
- Camera Button UI Mod Vers. 1.0-1
Testati giorno 23.12.2013 ore 19.30
- Lyricalizer Vers. 1.3.1-1 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- AudioExplorer Vers. 1.6
- Navigate From Maps Vers. 2.2.1
- Nitrous Vers. 2.2-1 (Supporto a iOS 7 dispositivi a 32-bit)
- Canopy Vers. 0.2.0-48
- f.lux Vers. 0.986 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- LiveWallpaper Vers. 3.1
- SwipeShiftCaret Vers. 1.6-1 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- p0sixspwn Vers. 1.0-9 ARTICOLO ( Conversione da JB Tethered a Untethered per i Chip A4)
- InfoStats Vers. 1.1 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- Mail More Photos Vers. 1.5
- Push for Gmail Vers. 1.4 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- SwipeToRespring Vers. 1.0 (Supporto a iOS 7+)
- PkgBackup Vers. 5.4.0 ARTICOLO (Supporto a iOS 7)
- qrmail Vers. 1.0
- CamRotate Vers. 1.1-2 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- LLBPano Vers. 1.1-1
- Video Zoom Mod Vers. 1.0-1 (Supporto a iOS 7.0 e 7.1)
Testati giorno 24.12.2013 ore 10.30
- AppSync for iOS 7.0+ Vers. 2.5 (Supporto a iOS 7 Funzionante – BiteyourApple)
Testati giorno 26.12.2013 ore 12.30
- WhatsAtor Vers. 1.4 ARTICOLO
- Purge Vers. 1.0-2 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- HiddenSettings7 Vers. 0.1-1
- TetherMe Vers. 2.10-1 (Supporto a iOS 7 -64-bit per iPhone 5S)
- YouTubed Vers. 1.1-1
- FrontFlash Vers. 1.3-3 ARTICOLO
- Record ‘n’ Torch Vers. 1.4-3 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- Verbal Vers. 2.1-1
- RadiSpot Vers. 1.o
- NoNewMark Vers. 0.0.1-5
- iMeasure Vers. 1.2 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- ToneEnabler Vers. 0.0.1-27 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- Barrel Vers. 1.7-1 (Supporto a iOS 7 ma ancora non funziona)
- IPA Installer Console Vers. 2.2-1 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- Private Space Vers. 1.2-1 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- Remove Badges Vers. 1.2-1 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- WhatsApp Notes Vers. 1.4 (Supporto a iOS 7 – Supporto 64-bit iDevices)
- VoiceChanger Vers. 5.1 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- SwipeNav Vers. 0.6-5 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- Burst mode Vers. 1.1-6 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- Flashorama Vers. 1.4-7 ARTICOLO
- Glowcon Vers. 2.0-1
- VineDownloader Vers. 0.0.4-21 (Supporta iOS 7)
Testati giorno 27.12.2013 ore 18.30
- Zeppelin Vers. 2.0 (Supporta iOS 7)
- PowerDown Enhancer Vers. 1.1-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Lock Screen Tool Vers. 1.2-3 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- CallerID Greece Vers. 0.7-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- CamRotate Vers. 1.1-3 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- FaceDetectionDuringVideo Vers. 1.1-11 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Front HDR Vers. 1.2-4 (Supporta iOS 7.1.x)
- iKeywi Vers. 1.4-3 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Unrestricted Folders Naming Vers. 1.0-3 (Supporto a iOS 7.x)
- Secretary Vers. 1.2.0-13 (Supporta iOS 7)
- SiriNoConfirm Vers. 1.0-2 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Still Capture Enabler 2 Vers. 1.8-5 ARTICOLO
- TransparentCameraBar Vers. 1.4-2 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- TabLess Vers. 1.0-2 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Simplock Vers. 1.0-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- PhotosEnhancer Pro 2 Vers. 2.4 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- AllMail Vers. 1.5 (Supporta iOS 7)
- NCAllOnly Vers. 1.0-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- TransparentDock Vers 1.0.0-9 (Supporta iOS 7)
- DockShift Vers. 1.0-2 (Richiesto iOS 7)
- I’m Listening Vers. 1.3-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- RecordMyScreen (Tweak) Vers. 3.0-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- DateCarrier Vers. 2.0 (Supporta iOS 7)
- akAuto3G Vers. 2.0.0-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- iCleaner Pro Vers. 7.0.2 ARTICOLO (Supporta iOS 7)
- Activator Vers. 1.8.2 rc1-1 (Supporto a iOS 7 – Repo Ryan Petrich)
Testati giorno 28.12.2013 ore 00.30
- 3G Unrestrictor 5 (iOS 7 e iOS 6) Vers. 5.7-2
- AskToCall Vers. 1.1-13 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- LocationFaker Vers. 1.5 (Supporta iOS 7)
- LandscapeVideos Vers. 1.1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- WiPi Vers. 1.2-2 (Supporta iOS 7)
- iCaughtU Vers. 2.3-1 8(Supporta iOS 7)
- iCaughtU Pro Vers. 2.6-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- FlipLaunch Vers. 1.0.5 (Richiede iOS 7)
- NCAllOnly Vers. 2.1.5 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Bigify Vers. 1.5 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Menu Button Emulator Vers. 1.6-1(Supporta iOS 7)
- SideSettings Vers. 1.1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Barrel Vers. 1.7.0-1 (Supporto a iOS 7 ma ancora non funziona)
Testati giorno 30.12.2013 ore 17.00
- Nitrous Vers. 2.2-5 (Supporto a iOS 7 dispositivi a 32-bit)
- Bigify+ Vers 2.7.1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- tsProtector P Vers. 3.3.11-4 (Supporta iOS 7)
- iFile Vers. 2.0.0-1 (Supporta iOS 7) ARTICOLO
- LandscapeVideos Vers. 1.1-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Phantom Vers. 2.6.1-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- SBInfoGrabber Vers. 1.1.6
- Background Manager Vers. 0.9-25 ARTICOLO
- No Percent Sign Vers. 1.3-1
- Icon Tool Vers. 1.4-1 ARTICOLO (Supporta iOS 7)
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