Apple rilascia per iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch il nuovo aggiornamento iOS 8.4.1 che risolve problemi alla sicurezza e porta miglioramenti ad Apple Music.
Apple rilascia ufficialmente iOS 8.4.1 per iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch, questo nuovo aggiornamento ha come numero di build 12H321.
Attenti perchè iOS 8.4.1, blocca gli exploit per eseguire Taig, lo sblocco su tutti i dispositivi.
L’ aggiornamento può essere scaricato anche via OTA ed è compatibile con i seguenti dispositivi :
- iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus
- iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad 2, iPad 3a generazione, iPad 4a generazione, iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPad Mini con Retina Display
- iPod Touch 5G, iPod Touch 6G
Vediamo insieme il changelog ufficiale e subito dopo gli exploit corretti per eseguire TAIG.
Changelog Ufficiale :
- Risolve alcuni problemi che potevano impedire l’attivazione della libreria musicale di iCloud
- Risolve un problema per il quale la musica aggiunta veniva nascosta perché Apple Music era impostato per mostrare solo i brani non in linea
- Fornisce la possibilità di aggiungere brani a una nuova playlist se non ne esistono altre tra cui scegliere
- Risolve un problema per cui lo stesso album poteva avere una copertina differente su dispositivi diversi
- Risolve diversi problemi riscontrati dagli artisti durante la pubblicazione di contenuti su Connect
- Corregge un errore per il quale il pulsante “Mi piace” non funzionava come desiderato durante l’ascolto di Beats 1
Ora invece vediamo gli exploit bloccati per eseguire lo sblocco con TAIG :
● Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
● Impact: A maliciously crafted afc command may allow access to protected parts of the filesystem
● Description: An issue existed in the symbolic linking mechanism of afc. This issue was addressed by adding additional path checks.
● CVE-2015-5746 : evad3rs, TaiG Jailbreak Team
Air Traffic
● Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
● Impact: AirTraffic may have allowed access to protected parts of the filesystem
● Description: A path traversal issue existed in asset handling. This was addressed with improved validation.
● CVE-2015-5766 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
● Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
● Impact: A malicious application may be able to create symlinks to protected regions of the disk
● Description: An issue existed within the path validation logic for symlinks. This issue was addressed through improved path sanitization.
● CVE-2015-5752 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
Code Signing
● Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
● Impact: A malicious application may be able to execute unsigned code
● Description: An issue existed that allowed unsigned code to be appended to signed code in a specially crafted executable file. This issue was addressed through improved code signature validation.
● CVE-2015-3806 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
Code Signing
● Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
● Impact: A specially crafted executable file could allow unsigned, malicious code to execute
● Description: An issue existed in the way multi-architecture executable files were evaluated that could have allowed unsigned code to be executed. This issue was addressed through improved validation of executable files.
● CVE-2015-3803 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
Code Signing
● Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
● Impact: A local user may be able to execute unsigned code
● Description: A validation issue existed in the handling of Mach-O files. This was addressed by adding additional checks.
● CVE-2015-3802 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
● CVE-2015-3805 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
● Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
● Impact: A local user may be able to execute arbitrary code with system privileges
● Description: A buffer overflow issue existed in IOHIDFamily. This issue was addressed through improved memory handling.
● CVE-2015-5774 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
Come sempre per facilitarvi il download ecco i LInk Diretti al Download.
iPhone :
- iPhone 6
- iPhone 6 Plus
- iPhone 5s (Modello A1453, A1533)
- iPhone 5s (Modello A1457, A1518, A1528, A1530)
- iPhone 5c (Modello A1456, A1532)
- iPhone 5c (Modello A1507, A1516, A1526, A1529)
- iPhone 5 (Modello A1428)
- iPhone 5 (Modello A1429)
- iPhone 4s
iPad :
- iPad Air 2 (Modello A1566)
- iPad Air 2 (Modello A1567)
- iPad Mini 3 (Modello A1599)
- iPad Mini 3 (Modello A1600)
- iPad Mini 3 (Modello A1601)
- iPad Air (Modello A1474)
- iPad Air (Modello A1475)
- iPad Air (Modello A1476)
- iPad Mini 2 (Modello A1489)
- iPad Mini 2 (Modello A1490)
- iPad Mini 2 (Modello A1491)
- iPad (4a generazione Modello A1458)
- iPad (4a generazione Modello A1459)
- iPad (4a generazione Modello A1460)
- iPad Mini (Modello A1432)
- iPad Mini (Modello A1454)
- iPad Mini (Modello A1455)
- iPad Wi-Fi (3a generazione)
- iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (ATT)
- iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (Verizon)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA)
iPod Touch :
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