Qualche ora fa il Team Evad3rs, ha rilasciato a sopresa il tool di sblocco, Evasi0n 7, per tutti i dispositivi dotati di iOS 7.0.x, in questo articolo, dato che Saurik è stato preso di sopresa e non ha potuto testare Cydia e Tweak compresi da inserire nello store, vi verranno inseriti tutti i Tweak Compatibili con iOS 7.0.x e anche quelli che non sono funzionanti, la lista sarà in continuo aggiornamento.
Il Jailbreak Untethered di iOS 7.0.x, è stato rilasciato qualche ora fa e come al solito, vi verranno segnalati, come già successo con iOS 6.x.x, tutti i tweak compatibili e non ancora funzionanti. La lista sarà in continuo aggiornamento, quindi rimanete sintonizzati.
Tweak testati e funzionanti con supporto a iOS 7 23.12.2013 ore 23.55 :
- SwipeToRespring Vers. 1.0 (Supporto a iOS 7+)
- Unrestricted Folders Naming Vers. 1.0-2 (Supporto a iOS 7.x)
Tweak testati e funzionanti con supporto a iOS 7 24.12.2013 ore 10.30
- AppSync for iOS 7.0+ Vers. 2.5 (Supporto a iOS 7 Funzionante – BiteyourApple)
- UIKit Tools Vers. 1.1.8
Tweak testati e funzionanti con supporto a iOS 7 26.12.2013 ore 12.30
- WhatsAtor Vers. 1.4
- HiddenSettings7 Vers. 0.1-1
- Verbal Vers. 2.1-1
- RadiSpot Vers. 1.o
- NoNewMark Vers. 0.0.1-5
- PhotosEnhancer Pro 2 Vers. 2.3-1 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- WhatsApp Notes Vers. 1.4 (Supporto a iOS 7 – Supporto 64-bit iDevices)
- Menu Button Emulator Vers. 1.0-25 (Supporta iOS 7)
Testati giorno 27.12.2013 ore 18.30
- Zeppelin Vers. 2.0 (Supporta iOS 7)
- PowerDown Enhancer Vers. 1.1-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Unrestricted Folders Naming Vers. 1.0-3 (Supporto a iOS 7.x)
- Secretary Vers. 1.2.0-13 (Supporta iOS 7)
- SiriNoConfirm Vers. 1.0-2 (Supporta iOS 7)
- TabLess Vers. 1.0-2 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Simplock Vers. 1.0-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- PhotosEnhancer Pro 2 Vers. 2.4 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- AllMail Vers. 1.5 (Supporta iOS 7)
- TransparentDock Vers 1.0.0-9 (Supporta iOS 7) ARTICOLO
- RecordMyScreen (Tweak) Vers. 3.0-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- DateCarrier Vers. 2.0 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Lyco Vers. 1.0 (Richiede iOS 7)
- Sicarius Vers. 1.0 (Supporta iOS 7)
Tweak testati e funzionanti con supporto a iOS 7 28.12.2013 ore 00.00
- 3G Unrestrictor 5 (iOS 7 e iOS 6) Vers. 5.7-2
- AskToCall Vers. 1.1-13 (Supporto a iOS 7)
- ClearFolders Vers. 1.0 (Richiede iOS 7)
- LandscapeVideos Vers. 1.1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- iCaughtU Vers. 2.3-1 8(Supporta iOS 7)
- FlipLaunch Vers. 1.0-5 (Richiede iOS 7)
- Bigify Vers. 1.5 (Supporta iOS 7)
- Menu Button Emulator Vers. 1.6-1(Supporta iOS 7)
- SideSettings Vers. 1.1 (Supporta iOS 7)
Testati giorno 30.12.2013 ore 17.00
- iCaughtU Vers. 2.3-2(Supporta iOS 7)
- Bigify+ Vers 2.7.1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- iFile Vers. 2.0.0-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
- LandscapeVideos Vers. 1.1-1 (Supporta iOS 7)
Da Oggi 02.01.2014, si inseriranno solamente i tweak funzionanti grazie a voi.
Testati e funzionanti giorno 02.01.2014 ore 18.00
- Infinifolders Vers. 2.1.1-1 (Supporta iOS 7) ARTICOLO
- Infinidock Vers. 2.1.1-1 (Supporta iOS 7) ARTICOLO
- Infiniboard Vers. 2.1.1-1 (Supporta iOS 7) ARTICOLO
- LyricFlow Vers. 1.1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 03.01.2014 ore 17.00
- Swipey Vers. 1.0.2 Grazie alla segnalazione di Lorenzo Munari ARTICOLO
- TimeForAlarm Vers. 1.1.1 Grazie alla segnalazione di Francesco
- MyWi 7 Vers. 7.02.01
- Zeppelin Vers. 2.01-1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 04.01.2014 ore 16.00
- WiFi Booster Vers. 2.0
- PreferenceLoader Vers. 2.2.2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 06.01.2014 ore 12.00
- NowListening Vers. 1.9.3-1
- Share Widget for iOS 7 Vers. 1.0.1-1 ARTICOLO
- Accelerate Vers. 2.0-1
- AirRepo Vers. 0.0.2
- MobileTerminal Vers. 520-2-1 8 (Supporta iOS 7)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 07.01.2014 ore 16.00
- Sicarius Vers. 1.0.1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 09.01.2014 ore 18.00
- AquaBoard – Liquid SpringBoard Vers. 1.0-2
- GingerLock Vers. 1.4-1
- MultiLS Vers. 1.1-1
- Fav Vers. 1.2.1
- LivelyIcons Vers. 1.1-1
- Unauthorized cable enabler vers. 0.01 ARTICOLO
- Respring Vers. 6.0.1
- Transparency Vers. 1.1-94
- AquaBoard – Liquid SpringBoard Vers. 1.0-3
Testati e funzionanti giorno 10.01.2014 ore 17.00
- Locallapstore Vers. 1.4.1
- NCSingleTapClear Vers. 1.0-2 ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 11.01.2014 ore 14.00
- LiveWeatherIcon Vers. 0.4 ARTICOLO
- iFile Vers. 2.0.1-1 ARTICOLO
- RePower Vers. 1.1-1 ARTICOLO
- FakeClockUp Vers. 0.2-1
- VoicemailRemoveriOS7 Vers. 0.1-16
Testati e funzionanti giorno 13.01.2014 ore 14.00
- WelcomeMe Vers. 1.1.0
- Gridlock Vers. 2.0.5 ARTICOLO Grazie alla segnalazione di Dokkio
- QuickClear Vers. 1.1.1-1
- TimeForAlarm Vers. 1.2.1-1
- Touchy Vers. 1.0.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 14.01.2014 ore 00.00
- Touchy Vers. 1.0.0-1 ARTICOLO
- MultiIconMover Vers. 1.1.1-1 ARTICOLO
- Five-Column SpringBoard Vers. 1.2-1
- HD Enabler for YouTube Vers. 1.1.0-4
- unlockr Vers. 1.0-1
- Winterboard MOD ITA Vers 1.0 (Compatibile con iOS 7) ARTICOLO
- CallLockScreen Vers. 1.5-1
- App Update Manager Vers. 1.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 15.01.2014 ore 12.30
- MyWi 7 Vers. 7.05.01 ARTICOLO
- Substrate Safe Mode Vers. 0.9.4000 ARTICOLO
- Clear Badges Vers. 1.0.1
- IconBundles Vers. 0.1-3
- InfoHider Vers. 0.0.4-20
- NCObey Vers. 1.0.1-1
- LockY0urAppFree Vers. 1.0-1
- MesaVibrate Vers. 1.2-2
- iWidgetTapper Vers. 1.5-1
- anyBadge Vers. 1.0.3-3
- Firewall iP7 Vers. 1.0-3
- NoVoiceMail Vers. 1.0-32 ARTICOLO
- Random Icon Flip Vers. 0.2-8
- CallLockScreen Vers. 1.5-2
- SwitchSpring Vers. 1.0.1 ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 16.01.2014 ore 12.3
- App Tracker Vers. 2.0
- MyVibe Vers. 1.2
- Random Icon Flip Vers. 0.2-9
- PowerSaver Vers.2.1-5
- TryGpsOut5 for iOS 5/6/7 Vers. 3.7
- PowerDown for QuickDo Vers. 1.0.2
- AlarmRestrict7 Vers. 1.0.3-1
- Facebook Sound Fix Vers. 1.1-1
- Printify Vers. 2.2.1-1
- ActiSearch Vers. 1.6
- Fast Forward Vers. 1.5-1
- TabLess Vers. 1.3
Testati e funzionanti giorno 17.01.2014 ore 00.30
- MesaVibrate Vers. 1.2-3
- anyBadge Vers. 1.0.4-10
- Secretary Vers. 1.3.1-8
- StatusHUD 2 Vers. 2.0.0
- AlarmRestrict7 Vers. 1.0.4-1
- Remind Me Vers. 1.0.2-1
- AlarmControl Vers. 1.3-1
- TouchPose+ Vers.1.1-15
- LLBPano Vers. 1.1-4
- BioLaunch Vers. 1.0
- Apptray Vers. 1.0-36 ARTICOLO
- Gotha Vers. 1.2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 18.01.2014 ore 13.30
- Apptray Vers. 1.0-36 ARTICOLO
- PadClock Vers. 0.0.1-337
- InfoHider Vers. 0.0.4-42
- Signal Booster Vers. 1.3
- FolderCloser Vers. 1.2
- iProtect Vers. 7.0-5
- Live Effects Enabler Vers. 1.0-1 ARTICOLO
- LLBiPT5 Vers. 1.0-5
- 3G Unrestrictor 5 (iOS 7 & 6) Vers. 5.7.3-1 ARTICOLO
- unlockr Vers. 1.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 19.01.2014 ore 13.30
- iDeletePhotos Vers. 1.0b-1
- AdBlocker Vers. 1.58
- NC Cleaner Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Awake Speech Vers. 1.3.2-1
- Auto AppTranslate Vers. 1.97
- QuickStrobe Vers. 0.0.1-18-1
- TVLocker Pro Vers. 1.4.1-1
- NetworkList Vers. 0.3
Testati e funzionanti giorno 20.01.2014 ore 15.30
- BetterFolders Vers. 0.0.1-1
- LockY0urAppFree Vers. 2.1.1
- LockMemos Vers. 1.2.1
- Sleipnizer for Safari(Obsolete) Vers. 3.3.2-3
- LockMemosPlus Vers. 1.1.1
- ProxyManager Vers. 1.0-8
- Animer7 Vers. 1.0 ARTICOLO
- TweetBot 3 Stream 3G/LTE Vers. 1.1-1
- Terminal Activator Vers. 1.2-7
Testati e funzionanti giorno 21.01.2014 ore 11.00
- DoubleDock Vers. 2.0.0-2
- Full Name for Messages Vers. 1.0-2
- Smartwatch+ Vers. 1.500.1
- Whatsapp Unlimited Media Vers. 0.0.1-1 ARTICOLO
- Wake Info Vers. 1.5.6-6
- WhatsApp MorePhotos Vers. 1.0-2
- Sesame Vers. 1.0-1
- LandscapeVideos Vers. 1.1-4
Testati e funzionanti giorno 22.01.2014 ore 12.00
- Pulse Vers. 1.0-1
- ASUpdateHider Vers. 1.0-2 ARTICOLO
- SilentMode Switcher Vers.
- QuickStrobe Vers. 1.0-1
- MusicGestures Vers. 1.4-2
- ClipShot Vers. 0.4.3-1
- NoStoreButton7 Vers. 1.0-2
- Lock Screen Tool Vers. 2.0-1
- aLock4Line Vers. 1.2-1
- aLock4WhatsApp Vers. 1.2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 23.01.2014 ore 02.00
- OpenOnSearch Vers. 1.1.1-1
- CCHide Vers. 1.1-3
- Notification Privacy Vers. 1.3.1-1
- DoubleDock Vers. 2.0.2-1
- QuickContacts Vers. 1.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 24.01.2014 ore 10.30
- AdBlocker Vers. 1.60
- In A Minute Vers. 0.0.1-7
- TweetBot 3 Stream 3G/LTE Vers. 1.6-2
- HebrewContactFixer Vers. 1.2.1
- shufflr Vers. 1.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 25.01.2014 ore 18.00
- CallController Vers. 7.1-3
- ControlTask Vers. 1.2.0-1
- OpenOnSearch Vers. 1.1.3-2
- Sirius4Ever Vers. 2.6.2
- Volume Vers. 2.0
- QuickContacts Vers. 1.1
- Doodle Message Vers. 0.7
- Reminders+ Vers. 0.10
- shuffl2r Vers. 1.0-2
- Apptray Vers. 1.2-1 ARTICOLO
- BetterPasscodeKeypad Vers. 0.2-1-1
- Bars Vers. 0.7.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 26.01.2014 ore 23.00
- iSilent Vers. 3.0.0-5
- NoSoundCloudComments Vers. 1.0-1
- MovieTime Vers. 1.0
- iBlackList Vers. 7.0-4 ARTICOLO
- libSimulateKeyboard Vers. 0.1-2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 27.01.2014 ore 14.45
- SimplePasscodeButtons Vers. 0.0.4
- NowPlaying on Status Bar Vers. 1.1.0-8
Testati e funzionanti giorno 28.01.2014 ore 19.55
- WiFiFoFum Pro Vers. 1.0 ARTICOLO
- RetinaPad Vers. 1.3.7
- Phantom Vers. 2.6.3-1
- HideHomeTime Vers. 1.0-1
- Turn to hangup Vers. 0.1.3
- FullImage Vers. 1.1-1
- EasySpring Vers. 1.2-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 29.01.2014 ore 18.30
- TapTapFolder Vers. 0.3.1
- LocationRemindersEnabler7 Vers. 1.0-1
- Winterboard Vers. 0.9.3915 Grazie alla segnalazione di Raffaele Amendola ARTICOLO
- ColorPrompt Vers. 0.1
- Actapaper Vers. 1.0.1-1
- MuteIcon Vers. 1.4.1-2
- QuickEmoji Vers. 1.2.5
Testati e funzionanti giorno 30.01.2014 ore 23.30
- Audio Recorder Vers. 0.4.62
- anyBadge Pro Vers. 2.2.1-1
- DismissMyKeyboard Vers. 1.1-2
- FlagPaint7 Lite Vers. 1.0-1
- NCPad Vers. 1.0.2
- UnlockID Vers. 1.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 31.01.2014 ore 10.30
- KDLTE4G for iOS7 Vers. 1.0-1
- BrightVol Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Better Grabbers Vers. 1.1.1
- SpotLock Vers. 0.5
Testati e funzionanti giorno 01.02.2014 ore 00.30
- ColorPrompt Vers. 0.2
- App Activate Vers. 1.2.0-1
- anyBadge Pro Vers. 2.3.0-4
Testati e funzionanti giorno 02.02.2014 ore 22.30
- MuteIcon Vers.
- iBlackList Vers. 7.0-5 ARTICOLO
- CloseAll Vers. 1.0-1
- Aptdate Vers. 1.1.1-5-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 03.02.2014 ore 23.00
- Chrome Downloader+ 64 Vers. 2.2-1
- ScreenshotShareSheet Vers. 1.2-2
- IPPeek Vers. 1.0-1
- AutoOK7 Vers. 2.0.1
- MessageRenamer7 Vers. 2.0.1
- KeepAutoCapReal Vers. 0.0.1-2
- AppAnyWhere Vers. 1.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 04.02.2014 ore 19.00
- Flex 2 Vers. 1.928
- WhatsApp Blacklist Vers. 1.0-2
- SoundCloud Share Vers. 1.0-16
- CallTap Vers. 2.0
- Reaction Vers. 1.0-5
- SwitcherBlur Vers. 1.1.2-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 05.02.2014 ore 23.15
- FlipControlCenter Vers. 1.0 (Repo Ryan Petrich) ARTICOLO
- NoLowPowerAlert Vers. 0.1-1
- ayna Vers. 1.0
- CustomBrightness Vers. 1.1
- NoLSAlbumArt Vers. 1.0.0-1
- lockSafe Vers. 1.0-1
- disabled Vers. 0.0.12
Testati e funzionanti giorno 06.02.2014 ore 23.00
- disabled Vers. 1.0.2-2
- NC Style iWidget (ios 7 GPS) Vers. 1.6-2
- HomeLock Vers. 1.2
- PasswordPilot Vers. 1.2-4
- BlackTranslucentPhotos Vers. 0.0.2
- Home Button for Activator Vers. 0.0.1-24
- InfinityTask Vers. 1.6-1
- LockScreen Extender Vers. 0.3
- SSH Connect Vers. 1.3-1
- 20 Second Lockscreen Vers. 1.2-6
Testati e funzionanti giorno 07.02.2014 ore 20.30
- alwaysunlock Vers. 0.0.1-12
- Bluetooth Keyboard Helper Vers. 1.5-2
- DisableLaunch 2 Vers. 2.1-3
Testati e funzionanti giorno 09.02.2014 ore 21.30
- FaceHalt Vers. 1.1.1-1
- LongerAutoLock Vers. 1.0.1-1
- PassTime Vers. 1.0.1-1
- DeleteAllMessages Vers. 1.1.0-1
- KeDoRi Vers. 0.9-2
- AirBlue NG Vers. 0.9.305
- StatusWeather Vers. 1.3
- I’m Listening Vers. 1.3.1-2
- iMeasure Vers. 1.4
- Aloud Vers. 1.1.4
- Grabber Vers. 1.0.0-12
- Grabber Pro Vers. 1.0.0-32
- WiFi2Passwd Vers. 2.0
- FullscreenPreviews Vers. 1.1.0-1
- BetterLSMedia Vers. 1.2.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 10.02.2014 ore 16.30
- ToggleControlsAgain (iOS 7) Vers. 0.1-1
- CustomSpotlightAction Vers. 0.3-4
- Fancy Vers. 1.2.0
- Custom Me Vers. 1.0
- Arco Vers. 1.2-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 11.02.2014 ore 21.30
- Activity Pro Vers. 1.0b-12 ARTICOLO
- StatusBarSuite Vers. 0.0.1-55
- Vmoji 7 Vers. 1.5
- Remove Recents Vers. 1.3.5
- Weasel Vers. 1.0-1
- BeeKeyboard Vers. 1.8-6
- GeekClock for iOS7 Vers. 1.0-3
- Selfie Vers. 1.0.0-2
- iSpeed7 Vers. 0.0.1-2 ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 12.02.2014 ore 18.30
- Insomnia Vers. 6.0.1
- Insomnia Pro Vers. 6.0.1
- MusicAppMods Vers. 0.1.7
- HiddenLINE Vers. 1.0b-1
- AutoKillApp Vers. 1.4
- KeDoRi Pro Vers. 1.0-1
- Phontact Vers. 1.0.1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 13.02.2014 ore 18.00
- HomeArtwork Vers. 2.0.1-1
- Clock Delete Vers. 1.0-2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 14.02.2014 ore 13.00
- PassDial Vers. 1.3
- LockSafety Vers. 1.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 15.02.2014 ore 23.55
- SprintBoard Vers. 1.1
- VibLock Vers. 1.0.1
- Icon Finder Vers. 1.0.1-1
- CamRotate Vers. 1.1-6
Testati e funzionanti giorno 16.02.2014 ore 23.30
- AnyBoard Vers. 1.1
- FolderBoard Vers. 1.1
- CCVolumeControl Vers. 0.0.2-6
- Check Vers.
- BlueBoard Vers. 0.0.3-12
- Dashboard for Maps Vers. 1.5.2-1
- AppBox Vers. 1.0.6-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 17.02.2014 ore 23.30
- ShareMemos Vers. 1.0-1
- AppETA Vers. 1.1
- iPadKeyboardBlur Vers. 1.0
- NCWeather Vers. 1.0-1 ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 18.02.2014 ore 23.30
- LockLaunch7 Vers. 2.0
- SpotDefine Vers. 1.3.2
- Totarya Vers. 2.10b-4
Testati e funzionanti giorno 19.02.2014 ore 17.00
- TV Tube Sleep Vers. 1.2
- FolderBoard Vers. 1.1.1
- AutoPause Vers. 1.0
- AnyNote Vers. 1.0
- SleepFX Vers. 2.2.1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 20.02.2014 ore 23.55
- Springshot Vers. 1.0.0-24
- Athena 2 (iOS 7) Vers. 1.0-53 (Anche per iOS 6)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 21.02.2014 ore 18.00
- Lockify Vers. 1.1.0-3
- ProximityCam Vers. 1.0-2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 22.02.2014 ore 17.00
- NoGrabber Vers. 1.0-2
- TouchBar Vers. 1.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 23.02.2014 ore 23.00
- FolderIcons Vers. 3.0-13
- ClassicBadges Vers. 1.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 24.02.2014 ore 20.00
- Gestr Vers. 1.0-6
- SSLPatch Vers. 1.0 ARTICOLO
- Alkaline Vers. 1.3
- FBMessenger Unrestrictor Vers. 1.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 25.02.2014 ore 23.00
- p0sixspwn Vers. 1.4-1 ARTICOLO
- NextVibrate Vers. 0.0.1-3
- MessagePopper Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Unread Vers. 1.0-1
- SelectiveReading Vers. 1.3-3
- Dock Vers. 2.2.8-2
- vColor Vers. 1.1.1-1
- AutoAnswer Vers. 2.0-21
- BytaFont 2 Vers. 2.1.3
- Widget Weather Vers. 1.5-43
- OpenBackup Vers. 2.0.5
Testati e funzionanti giorno 26.02.2014 ore 19.00
- ColorY0urBoardFree Vers. 1.2-1
- Masks Vers. 3.0-1
- Giffy Vers. 2.0.2-37
- NoteCreator Vers. 1.2.1
- WiLogger Vers. 1.1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 27.02.2014 ore 23.00
- Hands On Vers. 1.1-0-3
- Binary Clock 7 Vers. 1.0.6-3
- StatusBright Vers. 1.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 28.02.2014 ore 19.00
- Show My Touch Vers. 1.2.2-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 03.03.2014 ore 23.00
- iMessageSpamReporter Vers. 1.2-1
- CCFlashLightLevel Vers. 1.0-5
- Dater Vers. 2.0.0-6
- Fleksy SpringBoard Vers. 0.0.1-2
- SwipeDown Vers. 1.1
- BootSound Vers. 1.2
- ActiveAlarm Vers. 1.1-1
- ColorY0urBoard Vers. 2.0.1
- JalJaYo Vers. 0.0.3-1
- RaiseToCall2 (iOS 7) Vers. 2.0
- PowerBanners Vers. 0.0.1-1
- Compose for iOS 7 Vers. 1.0.1
- Coono Vers. 1.2-1 ARTICOLO
- MultitaskingGestures Vers. 0.9.2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 04.03.2014 ore 18.00
- ForceSleep Vers. 1.0-2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 05.03.2014 ore 23.00
- Dbltaptoendcall Vers. 1.0-5
- AdaptiveKeyboard Vers. 1.0.1
- InstantCamera Vers. 1.2-1
- Dbltaptoendfacetime Vers. 1.1-1
- HDR Badge 7.0 Vers. 1.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 06.03.2014 ore 22.00
- PreferredLanguageOrder Vers. 1.0-7
- bAnimated Vers. 1.1.1-2
- Protecti+ Vers. 1.4.4-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 07.03.2014 ore 19.00
- NoCameraFlash Vers. 1.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 08.03.2014 ore 17.45
- UnlimTones Vers. 4.8.1
- Disablemute Vers. 1.1-3
- Lockify Pro Vers. 1.4-2
- IsRunning Vers. 1.4
Testati e funzionanti giorno 10.03.2014 ore 23.45
- Discreet Vers. 1.1.0-1
- FakePasscode Vers. 1.1-1
- Grabless Vers. 1.0-2
- Color Keyboard for iOS 7 Vers. 1.4.0-1
- KDLTE4G Pro for iOS 7 Vers. 1.5-4
- MessageSwiper7 Vers. 1.1.2-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 11.03.2014 ore 23.00
- SilencePlease Vers. 1.4-1
- MyStatusBar Vers. 1.4-1
- PhoneProtect(SMS Protect) Vers. 1.1-1
- WhatsAppProtect(Instagram Protect) Vers. 1.1-1
- xBackup Vers. 1.3-1 (Backup Pacchetti Cydia)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 12.03.2014 ore 19.00
- VideoGestures Vers. 0.0.1-82
- CustomSpotlightText Vers. 0.0.1-13
- VerticalVideoSyndrome Vers. 0.0.1-8
- Keyboard Vers. 1.0
- AlarmNotifier Vers. 0.0.1-74
- NextGenUI Vers. 4.3.17
Testati e funzionanti giorno 13.03.2014 ore 20.30
- Edit Clocks Vers. 1.0-1
- NoNearMe Vers. 0.0.1-8
- Powerleft Vers. 1.4.2-1
- Rain Lock Vers. 1.5.1-4
Testati e funzionanti giorno 14.03.2014 ore 20.30
- AlwaysHDREnabled Vers. 0.0.2-2
- ByPass Vers. 2.0.0-1
- TapTapPass 7 Vers. 2.0.0-1
- IntelliID Vers. 7.00.00
Testati e funzionanti giorno 15.03.2014 ore 17.00
- JellyLock7 Vers. 1.1.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 16.03.2014 ore 19.00
- NCMusicControle Vers. 1.3
- IncarcerApp Vers. svn.r607-3
- SPTouch Vers. 1.1.0
- CallBar Vers. 2.3-480
- FoldMusic Vers. 2.0
- Calendar for Lockscreen Vers. 1.4.2-1
- WiFiControl Vers. 1.2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 17.03.2014 ore 23.55
- MailUnlimitedPhotos Vers. 1.0.0-1
- Flashy Status Vers. 2.12
- CCMeters Vers. 1.2.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 18.03.2014 ore 23.00
- Octopus Keyboard Vers. 1.05-4
- CCSettings Vers. 0.0.5-41
Testati e funzionanti giorno 19.03.2014 ore 18.35
- PostOffice Vers. 1.1-1
- Car Mode Vers. 4.0.2
- Mail Enhancer Pro iOS 7 Vers. 3.0.2-1
- TimePasscode Pro Vers. 0.0.3
- IconOmatic Vers. 1.2
- AppShape Vers. 2.0 beta6-1 ARTICOLO
- WhatsApp+ Vers. 1.3 ARTICOLO
- PlanBe QuickAdd Vers. 1.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 20.03.2014 ore 18.00
- SetScheduler Vers. 1.1
- No More Shadows Vers. 1.1-1
- Auto VPN Vers. 0.2
- Activate Link Vers. 1.3.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 21.03.2014 ore 23.30
- ScreenshotShare Vers. 1.0
- Copic Vers. 3.3
- iLostFinder Vers. 1.3.0-25
- SpeakEvents Vers. 1.0.3-15
- WebSource Vers. 1.1-1
- Activate Command Vers. 1.2.0-1
- Spin Vers. 0.2-9
- TimePasscode Vers. 0.0.3
Testati e funzionanti giorno 22.03.2014 ore 23.30
- Bio Lite Vers. 0.0.1-14
- PopoverUnder for iPad Vers. 1.0.0-1
- VibCall Vers. 1.1
- ScramblePass Vers. 0.0.2-1
- BarrelDock Vers. 0.5
Testati e funzionanti giorno 23.03.2014 ore 23.45
- hid-support Vers. 1.1-1
- MouseSupport Vers. svn.r217-1
- Reminders for Lockscreen Vers. 1.3.1-1
- DockFlow Vers. 0.5-1 ARTICOLO
- BTC Mouse & Trackpad Vers. 1.6-1
- Cylinder Vers.
- VPNOnly Vers. 3.0.1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 24.03.2014 ore 20.30
- PDF Printer Vers. 1.4-3
- BetterNC7 Vers. 1.1.0
- AnyDrop Vers. 1.0 ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 25.03.2014 ore 23.45
- BetterVolume Vers. 2.2.0-1
- SameStatus Vers. 1.1-1
- DisableVoiceControl7 Vers. 1.0
- akAuto3G Vers. 2.1.1-1
- BatteryStatusBar Vers. 1.5.1
- TimeForAlarm 2 Vers. 2.0.1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 26.03.2014 ore 22.45
- IconLock7 Vers. 1.2-1
- Bio Vers. 1.3.1-85
- Cybernetic Vers. 1.5
- NextGenUI (iPad) Vers. 4.3.18
- Dock&Roll Vers. 0.6-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 27.03.2014 ore 19.00
- PowerDown Pro Vers. 1.1.0-2
- Clear Background Apps Vers. 1.0-5
- Colendar Vers. 1.1-2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 28.03.2014 ore 23.00
- Custom Clock Icon Vers. 0.0.1-8
- PowerApp Vers. 2.1
- NoCoverFlow7 Vers. 1.0-1
- NoSTUArrow Vers. 1.0-1
- InfoStats Vers. 1.1-2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 29.03.2014 ore 23.00
- Message Box (iOS 7) Vers. 2.0-5
- BlurFolders Vers. 1.0-2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 31.03.2014 ore 23.55
- MathPass Vers. 2.0
- VoiceChange Vers. 6.0
- PhotoAlbums+ for iPad Vers.
- PhotoAlbums+ for iOS 7 and iPad Vers.
- PhotoAlbums+ for iPhone/iPod Vers.
- Location Sentry Vers. 1.0.1-1
- HUDE Vers. 1.0-46
- Bouncy Vers. 1.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 1.04.2014 ore 23.00
- Slide2Kill 7 Vers. 1.1-25
- iBatteryinfoPro Vers. 1.4-445
- PassDial Pro Vers. 2.1-3
Testati e funzionanti giorno 02.04.2014 ore 19.30
- Saturn Vers. 1.0 ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 03.04.2014 ore 20.00
- NCAllOnly Vers. 2.3-2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 04.04.2014 ore 20.00
- NoBannerDismiss Vers. 0.0.1-5
Testati e funzionanti giorno 05.04.2014 ore 17.45
- QuickTimer Vers. 1.0.1-1
- Remove Badges Vers. 1.3-2
- iSleepWell (iOS 7) Vers. 2.0.5
- MultiPass Vers. 1.0.0-4
- SafeHouse Vers. 1.2.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 06.04.2014 ore 23.55
- SleepyAlarm Vers. 1.2.2-1
- Slumber Vers. 1.3
- QuickCarrot Vers. 1.1-1
- GesturesPlus Vers. 0.0.1-38
- NoCC Vers. 1.2.0-1
- AutoControl Vers. 1.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 07.04.2014 ore 20.00
- InvisibleFolders Vers. 1.4-1
- OmniFast Vers. 1.0-1
- HBUC Vers. 1.0.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 08.04.2014 ore 17.00
- BetrFoldr Vers. 3.1-5
- SwitchUp Vers. 1.0.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 09.04.2014 ore 21.00
- Open In App For Photos Vers. 1.2-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 10.04.2014 ore 23.00
- SelfDestruct Vers. 1.0-4
- DisturbPlease Vers. 1.1.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 11.04.2014 ore 23.55
- Bluetooth Companion Vers. 1.6.2-1
- CalmCall Vers. 1.0.3-1
- Fake Whatsapp Messages Vers. 1.0.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 12.04.2014 ore 17.00
- Sleipnizer for Safari Vers. 4.1.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 13.04.2014 ore 23.00
- LiveWallpaper Vers. 4.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 14.04.2014 ore 17.30
- Dated Vers. 1.1.2-1
- SnapToShare Vers. 1.2.3
- DefaultSBPage Vers. 2.0-19
Testati e funzionanti giorno 15.04.2014 ore 23.30
- ManualCorrect Vers. 1.1.6-1
- ManualCorrect Pro Vers. 1.1.6-1
- iScreenShot Vers. 2.0-64
- QuickWeather Vers. 1.0
- InstaLauncher Vers. 1.2-5
Testati e funzionanti giorno 16.04.2014 ore 19.30
- 1Pal (1Password Auto Login) Vers. 1.1
- BetterLS Vers. 2.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 17.04.2014 ore 17.00
- BatteryFullAlert Vers. 0.0.1-12
- Slide2Lock Vers. 0.0.2-2
- Imperium Vers. 2.1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 18.04.2014 ore 20.00
- DoublePass Vers. 1.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 20.04.2014 ore 18.20
- NowPlayingStatusBar for iOS 7 Vers. 2.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 21.04.2014 ore 23.30
- RoundScreenCorners Vers. 1.1-1
- CamText Vers. 2.2-1
- iSnapShot Vers. 1.0
- Imperium HD VERS. 1.0
- Kik Camera Gallery Vers. 0.0.1-2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 22.04.2014 ore 19.30
- LivePhotos Vers. 1.1-1
- ScreenShotAlbum Vers. 1:1.0-1
- ShareLock Vers. 0.2 ARTICOLO (repo Ryan Petrich)
- CellularUsageOrder Vers. 1.0-4
- Confirm Launch iOS 7 Vers. 0.0.1-40
- ShareDraft Vers. 1.0
- WhatsApp No Bar Vers. 1.0
- Speedy Homey Vers. 1.2-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 24.04.2014 ore 10.30
- OnlyOneNotification Vers. 0.0.2-6
- SixBar Vers. 0.0.4-29
- SpotCMD Vers. 1.0
- SnapMoreText Vers. 2.0-1
- FreeMyCloud Vers. 1.0-52
Testati e funzionanti giorno 25.04.2014 ore 22.00
- Metaphrase Vers. 1.2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 26.04.2014 ore 23.30
- NO Restore or Recovery mode Vers. 1.0.2
- unBold Vers. 1.0.1-1
- ActIf Vers. 1.2-1
- BMarks Bar – Chrome Vers. 1.0.4-11
- Switcher Blur Vers. 1.1.0-3 ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 29.04.2014 ore 20.00
AutoBlue Vers. 1.0.0-1
All Mail Actions Vers. 1.0-3
Facebook Internal Settings Vers. 1.0-3
No Spotlight Dim Vers. 1.0-5
Show LS Status Clock Vers. 1.0-2
Show Notification Dates Vers. 1.0-2
Unlimited NC Notifications Vers. 1.0-1
- PaperBoard Vers. 0.2.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 30.04.2014 ore 23.00
- NO PLS RECOVERY Vers. 1.1-2
- iOverclock 2 Vers. 2.0-1
- SafariBlur Vers. 1.5-4
Testati e funzionanti giorno 01.05.2014 ore 23.00
- SlideUP2Unlock Vers. 1.0-33 ARTICOLO
- ImmortalNotifications Vers. 1.0-1
- RotateVideo Vers. 1.0
- NC Customizer Vers. 1.2-1
- Slices Vers. 0.0.1
- Articon Vers. 1.3.1
- StatusForecast Vers. 1.3.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 02.05.2014 ore 20.00
- Snooze Vers. 1.0.2-2
- Timely Vers. 1.0-5
Testati e funzionanti giorno 04.05.2014 ore 23.55
- MaskMuter Vers. 1.1
- AutoBlue Vers. 1.1-1
- BrowserBlur Vers. 1.2
- 7Shaders Vers. 0.3-1
- KeyShortcut Vers. 3.0-1
- SwitchData Vers. 2.5
- Lyricalizer Vers. 1.3.4-2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 05.05.2014 ore 20.00
- NewTabKeyboard Vers. 0.0.1-19
- CryptoNotes Vers. 1.2
Testati e funzionanti giorno 06.05.2014 ore 19.30
- AppSilence Vers. 1.4
- Front HDR Vers. 1.2-6
- MSGAutoSave Vers. 0.0.1-33
- SmartTap Vers. 0.2-55
Testati e funzionanti giorno 07.05.2014 ore 18.30
- Popoveractions Vers. 0.0.1-6
Testati e funzionanti giorno 08.05.2014 ore 23.45
- AttachmentEncryptor Vers. 0.1 (Repo Ryan Petrich) ARTICOLO
- YouTube no Ads/HQ3G Vers. 1.1-4 ARTICOLO
- Virtual Home Vers 1.3-1
- CatchY0u Vers. 1.2
- LinkOpener Vers. 1.3.1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 09.05.2014 ore 18.00
- SBPowerAlert Vers. 2.8
- quickCam Vers. 1.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 10.05.2014 ore 17.00
- Vibe Vers. 1.0-4
- Vibrator Vers. 1.1-1
- BatteryManagerPro Vers. 1.0-1
- VoiceChange Vers. 6.1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 11.05.2014 ore 21.00
- DoubleRandomPass Vers. 1.0
- PhoneKeeperPro Vers. 1.0-1
- Vertex Vers. 1.1.1-1 ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 12.05.2014 ore 23.00
- IfFound Vers. 1.0.4-1
- Facebook Fullscreen Vers. 1.1
- Twitter Fullscreen Vers. 1.1
- StatusTime+ Vers. 0.1.1-2
- BatteryManagerFree Vers. 1.0-1
- Twitter ShowKeyboard Vers. 1.2
- Fixated Vers. 1.2.1-5
Testati e funzionanti giorno 13.05.2014 ore 17.00
- AppCap Vers. 3.1
- Speed Intensifier Vers. 7.0-7
- SSHMediaControls Vers. 0.0.1-120
- Bulb Vers. 1.1-2
- Classic Retweet Vers. 0.3
Testati e funzionanti giorno 14.05.2014 ore 18.00
- WhatsPad Vers. 2.0
- Socializer Vers. 1.0-133
- Youtube Pro Vers. 1.4
- PopShare Vers. 1.1
- NCStickyBar Vers. 0.0.1-80
- ReplaceBlurs Vers. 2.1-2
- BlurredMusicApp Vers. 0.4-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 15.05.2014 ore 23.30
- NowNow Vers. 1.3
- augmented Vers. 1.0.2-1
- FastInfo Vers. 1.0-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 16.05.2014 ore 23.30
- Strava Activator Vers. 0.1
- Knock Vers. 0.9-2
- Longer Message Vers. 1.0-5
Testati e funzionanti giorno 17.05.2014 ore 23.00
- AutoDisabler Vers. 1.0-1 ARTICOLO
- Bluepicker Vers. 1.3.2-1
- Smart 3G + LTE Vers. 2.1-5
Testati e funzionanti giorno 18.05.2014 ore 17.00
- Switchr for iPhone Vers. 1.4 ARTICOLO ARTICOLO AGGIORNATO
- DynamicText Vers. 1.1.7-1
- YouTuber Vers. 1.0
Testati e funzionanti giorno 19.05.2014 ore 23.45
- GPSCheat Vers. 1.0-5
- KeyShortcut Pro Vers. 1.4-2
- Controls for Music App Vers. 1.0.0-4
- BetterPowerDown Vers. 1.0.0-6
- TapToScroll for Activator Vers. 1.1-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 20.05.2014 ore 22.00
- iDictionary Vers. 1.2.4 (Translate right on reading document. (IOS7))
- MagicBadges Vers. 1.0.4-3 (custom badge position, size, color, image)
- ProfilesPlus Vers. 1.0-2 (Powerful Profile switching app (iOS7+)
- flipflop Vers. 0.0.1-2 (Unlock your device with any passcode!)
- LockThrough Vers. 1.0-1 (set lockscreen clock & date opactity)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 21.05.2014 ore 20.00
- Helius Vers. 1.0 (A new kind of lock screen media controls)
- KeyShortcut Pro Vers. 1.6 (Key shortcuts, profiles & configurable)
- ProfilesPlus Vers. 1.0-5 (Powerful Profile switching app (iOS7+)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 23.05.2014 ore 23.30
- Shots From Gallery Vers. 1.0.5-1 (Use gallery photos in “Shots” app)
- GuestMode Vers. 1.1.4-1 ARTICOLO (customizable guest experience that keeps you in charge)
- Blur Remover Vers. 0.0.3-18 (Replaces translucency to transparency)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 24.05.2014 ore 18.00
- TouchPass Vers. 1.2 (Unlocking your device is just a tap away)
- HideLSMusicControls Vers. 1.1-6 (Hide media controls on the lock screen.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 25.05.2014 ore 23.30
- WinterTerminal Vers. 0.3-1 (set font & background color of MobileTerminal)
- FolderIconRadius Vers. 1.0.1-1 (customize size of folder icon corner radius)
- FaveBot Vers. 1.0-1 (View favorites natively in Tweetbot 3)
- Blutrol Vers. 3.5.2-1 (Control your favorite games with iCade Arcade Cabinet and other controllers)
- FlipCam Vers. 0.0.1-16 (Photo UI shortcut to flip camera)
- UnShaker7 Vers. 2.0 (easliy unlock device by shaking it)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 26.05.2014 ore 23.30
- Morse Buzz Vers. 1.1.0-7 (vibrate to spell Caller’s name in Morse Code)
- DefaultSpot Vers. 1.0-1 (Makes Spotify your default music player)
- Sticky Vers. 1.2 (Sticky notes for your iDevice)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 27.05.2014 ore 19.30
- Pull To Disable Alarms Vers. 1.2.1 (disable active alarms in Clock.app)
- PhotoTag Vers. 1.0-2 (set time to sleep device automatically)
- TimeDisarm Vers. 1.0-2 (Disable passcode on custom schedule)
- TodayLock Vers. 1.0 (new stylish Today View for Lock Screen)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 28.05.2014 ore 23.30
- FolderEnhancer (iOS 7) Vers. 2.3.1 ARTICOLO (Improves and extends iOS folders.)
- Complete Me Not Vers. 1.0-4 (Removes the complete my album button!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 29.05.2014 ore 23.30
- AccountChanger Vers. 1.3.2-2 (AppStore Accounts Management Tweak)
- AccountChanger TS Vers. 2.4.2-2 (AppStore Accounts Management Tweak. Next of AccountChanger)
- OkSiri Vers. 1.0-1 (Always-on voice recognition is here!)
- Lookback Anywhere Vers. 0.6.3-13 (Records screen, camera, touches etc of any app)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 30.05.2014 ore 20.00
- MusicCount Vers. 1.1 (Show how many times a song has been played.)
- DefaultPlayer Vers. 1.0-1 (Choose your default music player app.)
- Dictator Vers. 1.2-1 (force dictation language for all keyboards)
- Data Logo Switcher Vers. 1.0 (Change your 3G/4G/LTE logo)
- KeyCuts Vers. 1.0-1 (Speed up your typing today!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 31.05.2014 ore 19.50
- Gestr Vers. 1.0-7 (Launch apps with multitouch gestures you define!)
- Knock Vers. 0.9-3 (knock/hard tap device as Activator actions)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 01.06.2014 ore 20.00
- Music Controls Customizer Vers. 1.0 (Your Ultimate music controls customizer!)
- DotsDotsDots Vers. 1.0-5 (Play TwoDots, the easy way.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 02.06.2014 ore 22.00
- AppDye Vers. 1.0.1 (dye or tint blue iOS7 color to any color of your choice)
- CCDock Vers. 0.0.1-132(Control Center in your Dock!)
- DownLock Vers. 0.2-6 (lock/unlock device when face-down)
- ShotColor Vers. 1.0a (An awesome MobileSubstrate tweak!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 03.06.2014 ore 23.00
- ControlCam Vers. 1.0.1-1 (Control Camera app using bluetooth controller)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 04.06.2014 ore 23.00
- StopPlayin’ Vers. 1.0 (Disables the PLAY button in the Music.app!)
- Look Locked Vers. 1.0.0-1 (View Web Pages from the Lock Screen)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 06.06.2014 ore 23.00
- Brightness4Activator Vers. 1.2.1 (Adjust brightness via activator)
- AutoMuter Vers. 1.0.6-7 (Automatically mute your iDevice while in Course/Meeting (Compatible with iStudiez Pro [AppStore App])
- AttachmentManager Vers. 1.1.0-1 (Manage SMS attachments in the Messages App)
- SorryLowBattery Vers. 1.1.0-46 (set fake battery percentage from Settings)
- VibeTime Vers. 1.3 (tell the time using phone vibrations)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 07.06.2014 ore 17.00
- TrollTwitter Vers. 1.3-4 (simulate faked stats in Twitter app.)
- Acutus Vers. 1.1-1 (lockscreen quick access to favourite things)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 08.06.2014 ore 23.00
- ScareYou Vers. 1.0-4 (randomly show scary faces prank machine)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 09.06.2014 ore 17.40
- MultiIconMover+ Vers. 2.3.0 ARTICOLO (Enhanced version of MultiIconMover.)
- CCNowPlaying Vers. 0.7.1-1 (Post #NowPlaying from Control Center)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 10.06.2014 ore 20.00
- NoSearchCancel Vers. 1.1-1 (Hide the Spotlight cancel button)
- Screenshot Extender Vers. 1.0.0-8 (Customize your screenshot!)
- FingerRobot Vers. 1.0 (record/playback user touch actions)
- Genie Vers. 1.0 (The intelligent way to unlock your device)
- yWatcher Vers. 1.0.2-1 (modes to alert & protect device from thieves)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 11.06.2014 ore 18.00
- Boxy 2 Vers. 1.0.5 (Fully customize your icon layout!)
- MapStep Vers. 0.0.1-15 (resumes media playback after Navigation Voiceover)
- CloudNotifier Vers. 0.9 (send notifications to a Cloud service)
- tsProtector P Vers. 3.3.16-2 (warns when apps access system files)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 12.06.2014 ore 18.00
- f.lux Vers. 0.990 (warms colors at night to match indoor lighting)
- Snapper Vers. 1.0-5 (Pin screenshots on the screen.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 12.06.2014 ore 23.00
- URL Open Menu Vers. 1.0-3 (Open links from text selection.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 15.06.2014 ore 17.00
- FolderSwipe7 Vers. 1.0-1 (Swipe on folder to open folder.)
- BattSaver for iOS 7 Vers. 2.0.10 (clever efficient power management system)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 16.06.2014 ore 23.00
- LockToCell Vers. 1.0.4-1 (lock switcher icon position to snapshot)
- InstaConfirm Vers. 1.2 (confirmation alert for instagram liking)
- MessageHeads Vers. 1.0.7-1 (Chat Heads for Messages)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 17.06.2014 ore 17.00
- Reminders Pro Vers. 0.0.1-185 (Adds new features to the Reminders app)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 18.06.2014 ore 18.00
- Volume+ Vers. 0.2-3 (Advanced volume HUD features)
- ipEQ for iPhone Vers. 1.4.1 (World’s first Music.app equalizer. Fully integrates into iOS’ native Music.app)
- UK Weather Vers. 2.2.0-1 (UK Met Office data in Weather.app and Notification Center Widget)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 19.06.2014 ore 20.30
- Headphone Assistant Vers. 1.2-3 (Don’t touch your device while listening to music)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 20.06.2014 ore 23.30
- Controllers for All Vers. 1.5 ARTICOLO
- iPad Battery Vers. 1.1.0-3 (battery alerts set to iPad levels)
- xSlider Vers. 1.3-1 (Manage items displayed on Lock Screen)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 22.06.2014 ore 23.30
- DedupeVariants Vers. 1.0.0-1 (Remove duplicate entries from key popups.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 23.06.2014 ore 18.00
- ShowCase Vers. (Make keyboard show current case.)
- LSManager Vers. 1.0-1 (customize lockscreen display elements)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 24.06.2014 ore 23.00
- RendaryaHD Vers. 1.0-1 (pro image editor in Camera & Photos)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 26.06.2014 ore 23.30
- Spectral Vers. 1.0.2-2 (blurred album artwork on iOS 7 lockscreen)
- iYoutubeReplay Vers. 1.0-2 (automatic replay in Google YouTube app)
- NoSTUArrow Vers. 1.1-1 (Remove iOS 7 unlock slider arrow)
- LSManager Vers. 1.0-2 (customize lockscreen display elements)
- Volume Presets for Activator Vers. 1.0.0-42 (Volume level presets for your media)
- RocketBootstrap Vers. 1.0.2 (mach lookup support library for iOS 7)
- HapticPro Vers. 1.2-10 Grazie alla segnalazione di Andree
- Badger 7 Vers. 1.1-1 (interact with Notifications on the homescreen)
- StaticLock Vers. 1.1.0-1 (prevent lockscreen from moving at all.)
- ShoutDown Vers. 1.1 (Power management by your voice!)
- #PlayMe Vers. 2.0-1 (title of music playing on Status Bar)
- Applocker Vers. 2.2.6 (Lock apps, folders, home screen layout and more!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 27.06.2014 ore 22.30
- Navigate From Maps Vers. 3.0.4 (Navigate with TomTom/Navigon from Maps!)
- AllDrop Vers. 1.4 (upload any system file with Dropbox app)
- Stride 2 (iOS 7) Vers. 2.0.6-1 (Unlock your iOS device in style.)
- Messages Vers. 1.2.3-3 (SMS / iMessage from anywhere in iOS)
- pushNotify Vers. 1.3 (Forward iOS notifications to Mac.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 28.06.2014 ore 17.00
- NicoVideoEnhancer 7 Vers. 1.0-4 (open NicoVideo URL in iNicio, SmilePlayer.)
- AllBoxed Vers. 1.0 (upload any system file with Box app)
- CCQuick Pro Vers. 1.4-1 (shortcuts & powerful options for Control Center)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 29.06.2014 ore 23.30
- MoreInfo Vers. 1.0.0-41 (info from Web for current playing media)
- StopCCinApp Vers. 1.2.0-1 (set which apps can show Control Center)
- QuickShoot Pro 2 Vers. 2.0.6-1 (take photos/video from Camera app icon)
- slideback Vers. 1.0-1 (Like a back button. But better. AppSlide for iOS7)
- Mesalation Vers. 0.2-1 (Default passcode grace with TouchID)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 30.06.2014 ore 23.00
- JR Locker Vers. 1.0.1-1 (passcode restrict access to app launching)
- RestoreTab for Safari Vers. 1.5-1 (restore recently closed browser tab)
- NCFold Vers. 1.0-6 ARTICOLO ARTICOLO AGGIORNATO (fold notifications & more display options)
- AlphaBadge Vers. 1.0-8 (Change the transparency of your badges!)
- Bridge Vers. 1.1.6 Grazie alla segnalazione di Francesco Martino (Import media into your iTunes Library)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 01.07.2014 ore 23.30
- ScreenShotClip Vers. 1.4 (Screenshot only a portion of your screen)
- Mail More Photos Vers. 1.8 (Allows you to email as many pictures as you want from the camera roll.)
- Push for Gmail Vers. 1.11 (Enables push for your Gmail accounts in the standard iOS Mail App)
- No Yahoo! Vers. 1.1 (Deletes the NC text””Weather information provied by”)
- NC Date Customizer Vers. 1.1-1 (Customize date label in Notification Center)
- Hide Newsstand iOS 7.1.x Vers. 0.0.1-3 (Hide newsstand icon iOS 7.1 & iOS 7.1.1)
- BounceNotify Vers. 1.0-1 (dock icons bounce for notifications)
- ClockFirst Vers. 1.0-2 (Show the lockscreen clock first and always – including when media is playing)
- iTouchSecure Vers. ARTICOLO
- Decode Camera For iOS7 Vers. 1.2-2 (Add Dimensional Code Scanner to Camera.app)
- AlbumSnapper Vers. 1.1.0-1 (Create & add photos to albums, from the camera!)
- More Icons Vers. (Put more icons on each page.)
- Shrink Vers. (Adjust SpringBoard’s icon sizes.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 02.07.2014 ore 22.00
- CallLauncher Vers. 0.0.2-3 (quickly call contacts from app icons)
- Ringer & Tones Vers. 1.05 (formerly RingerX VIP)
- AskToSend Vers. 1.2-12 (confirms before sending SMS & Mail)
- Search+ Vers. 1.0.1-3 (Show Spotlight Search from anywhere and more)
- Asuo Vers. 1.0.2-4 (Powerful protect WhatsApp contacts,chats and etc)
- Notific8 Vers. 1.1.0-1 (An iOS 8 makeover for the Notification Center)
- Capture View Vers. 1.3-1 (save view & scroll contents to Photo)
- LSWeather Vers. 1.1-1 (weather info as slide to unlock text)
- UnlimGmail Vers. 0.0.1-1 (allows adding more than 5 accounts)
- ClassicLock Extension Vers. 1.0 (Extensions for ClassicLock Cydget)
- browserswipe Vers. 1.0-2 (Swipe to go back in Google Chrome!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 03.07.2014 ore 21.30
- Folder Customizer Vers. 1.2.1-3 (Customize the look of your folders.)
- ActiveBoard Vers. 1.1-1 ARTICOLO (Stylize alert system on home screen)
- DockWare Vers. 1.1.0-2 (access the dock from any app or screen)
- Revolver Vers. 1.0.5-1 (Infinite App Switcher!)
- Daydreaming (ScreenSaver) Vers. 1.0-1 (Screen saver plugins with timer for activation
Testati e funzionanti giorno 04.07.2014 ore 22.55
- PebbleSiri Vers. 0.6-5 (control Siri from a Pebble smartwatch!)
- blurSL Vers. 0.0.1-2 (Blur the background for Spotlight)
- GridSwitcher Vers. 1.4-1 (shows app switcher in a grid)
- Photo Info Vers. 2.0.2 (view EXIF, GPS & more from Photos app)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 05.07.2014 ore 23.30
- ChargingHelper Vers. 0.5.0-2 (battery life & charging complete reminders)
- 7Folder Relayout Vers. 0.1-4 ARTICOLO (change iOS 7 folder display options)
- PProtect Vers. 2.0 (password protect your photostreams)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 06.07.2014 ore 23.30
- StatusbarWeather7 Vers. 1.2-1 (temperature & weather in statusbar.)
- VineDownloader Vers. 0.0.6-1 (download Vine videos into Camera Roll.)
- PolusVers. 2.0.1-2 ARTICOLO (Control Center launcher for apps & actions)
- NoLockBounce Vers. 1.1.2-1 (Removes bounce when tapping lockscreen)
- Hidden Pro Vers. 1.0-4 (Hide yourself in most chatting apps)
- MarkAsRead7 Vers. 0.0.1-1 (Remove icon’s badge when clear Notification Center section.)
- AnyAttach Vers. 1.4-4 (attach files to emails inside Mail app)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 07.07.2014 ore 18.00
- Arco Vers. 1.2.1-1 (Track Progress Indicator for Status Bar.)
- Polus Vers. 2.0.2-1 ARTICOLO (Control Center launcher for apps & actions)
- StatusbarWeather7 Vers. 1.3-1 (temperature & weather in statusbar.)
- MailtoOpener Vers. 0.2.1 (Open mailto URL in in-app composer)
- Lockify Pro Vers. 1.5-1 (Customize your lockscreen how you like!)
- SafeHouse Vers. 1.3-1 (disable passcode while on known wifi network)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 08.07.2014 ore 13.00
- Couria Vers. 0.6-1 ARTICOLO (Centralized Quick Reply & Quick Compose)
- auki Vers. 1.3 (Simple quick reply, compose and more!)
- Auxo 2 (iOS 7) Vers. 1.2.3 ARTICOLO (A fantasic re-imagined task switcher!)
- CopyNote Vers. 0.0.1-18 (shortcut to copy whole Notes contents)
- SLgestures Vers. 1.0-1 (Spotlight gestures! Tap to dismiss!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 09.07.2014 ore 23.45
- AirBlue Sharing Vers. 1.5.1 Funziona su iOS 6.1.x e su iOS 7.x.x ARTICOLO (Bluetooth File Transfer And More)
- LinkStore Vers. 1.1 ARTICOLO (Scarichiamo file IPA direttamente da AppStore)
- Forecast Vers. 3.1.3-6 (Forecast replaces the standard lock clock with the native iOS5 weather widget. It also supports adding a clock to the weather widget in Notification Center.)
- LockPages Vers. 1.3.1-22 (Support package for other tweaks to add pages to the lockscreen.)
- LockInfo7 Vers. 7.0.6-27 (Unlock your information.)
- HiddenSettings7 Icon Vers. 1.0.2-1 (Launch HiddenSettings 7 from home screen)
- LocationFaker Vers. 1.6-4 (change your location using a map)
- StoreAlert Vers. 1.0.1 (Ask before opening iTunes/App Store)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 10.07.2014 ore 23.45
- DarkFolders7 Vers. 1.1.1 (Dark iOS 7 Folders)
- NoDelay64 Vers. 1.2-4 ()remove delay on slide-to-unlock display)
- ConverganceVers. 1.0.4 ARTICOLO ARTICOLO AGGIORNATO (Convergance, a complete lockscreen replacement for iPhone and iPod Touch.)
- AltKeyboard 2 (iOS 7) Vers. 1.0.8 (Enhance your keyboard experience.)
- SwipeSelectionVers. 1.4.2-1 (Compatibile con iOS 4,5,6,7) ARTICOLO (Swipe along the keyboard to move cursor & select text.)
- SwipeSelection Pro Vers. 0.9.6-1 ARTICOLO (Swipe along the keyboard to move cursor & select text.)
- Browser Changer Vers. 1.15-3 (Open links in 3rd-party browser, instead of Safari)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 11.07.2014 ore 21.30
- Cloaky Vers. 1.8-1 (Cloak annoyance items!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 12.07.2014 ore 19.30
- Flashorama Vers. 1.4-9 (use Torch when Capturing Panorama!)
- Still Capture Enabler 2 Vers. 1.8-8 (Takes still images during video recording!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 13.07.2014 ore 20.30
- MinimalCamera Vers. 1.2.0-1 (Camera UI tweak for the minimalist)
- Assistive+ Vers. 1.2-3 (cusBetter assistive touch)
- NoStatusBar Vers. 2.3-1 (Hide your iOS 7 StatusBar!)
- SlideCut Vers. 0.3-1 (Slide shortcut via space key.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 14.07.2014 ore 23.30
- TapToSnap Vers. 0.0.1-19 (snap pic by tapping screen in Camera app)
- Aslock Vers. 1.0-4 (slide Spotlight panel to lock device)
- HUDSpeed Vers. 1.0.0 (Speed up the HUD fade out animation)
- BookSong Vers. 0.0.1-10 (Bookmark current song! Music app remembers where your song is.)
- Messages+ Vers. 7.5.2 (SMS/iMessage from anywhere in iOS)
- IntelliScreenX 7 Vers. 7.10.6 ARTICOLO (Facebook, Twitter, RSS, Enhanced Mail, ++ in your iOS 6 Notification Center and on your Lock Screen!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 15.07.2014 ore 18.20
- foldergestures Vers. 1.0-36 (Gestures for your folders! Tap to dismiss!)
- Volume Amplifier Vers. 1.49 (Amplify volume on iPhone 4S/5/5C/5S) Grazie alla segnalazione di Lawrence Corpuz
- FasterBalance Vers. 0.0.1-13 (skip startup ad in HSBC Faster Balance app)
- TwitkaFly (iOS 7)Vers. 1.2-1 ARTICOLO (Tweet from anywhere and quick reply for twitter)
- Colorize Vers. 1.2.0 (artwork-based color UI for Music app)
- RemindMeAnywhere Vers. 1.0 (custom popup alert triggered via Activator.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 16.07.2014 ore 17.30
- TinyGrid+ Vers. 1.3-1 (Customizable Folder Grid Layout for iOS7)
- Assistive Vers. 1.2-3 (Better assistive touch)
- ClearLockNotifications Vers. 2.2-1 (Clear all notifications from lockscreen.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 17.07.2014 ore 23.30
- SimulateTouch Vers. 0.7-15 (Simulate fake touch and swipe. Support multi-touch)
- xNotiLockColor Vers. 1.1-1 (Change colors of Lockscreen Notifications)
- Animated Weather Enabler Vers. 1.0.3 (Per iPhone 4) (enable weather.app animation for iPhone 4)
- DathKeys Vers. 1.0.4-3 (Define your keyboard through your eyes.)
- (system-wide Night Mode for iOS)
- FullCameraLog Vers. 0.0.1-4 (Log all Camera information, done by Apple.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 18.07.2014 ore 23.30
- Slide to Reboot Vers. 1.0-8 (tap powerdown knob to change to reboot)
- InstaEnhancer Vers. 1.5 (best enhancing tweak for instagaram!)
- DarkPhotos Vers. 1.3.1-1 (Dark, beautiful Photos app)
- MewSeek Vers. 2.8.4-2 Grazie alla segnalazione di Leonardo Mazzanti e di jody zago (Live streaming & fast music downloading)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 19.07.2014 ore 23.30
- ShadowSocks Per-App Plugin Vers. 0.3.2-2 (control per-app ShadowSocks proxy)
- ShadowSocks Vers. 0.3.2-2 (shadowsocks client for iOS)
- iTransmission 4 Vers. 4.6 (iTransmission redesigned & recoded for iOS 4-7)
- Safari Download Enabler Vers. 3.1-9 (native file downloading in Safari)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 20.07.2014 ore 16.00
- Asphaleia Vers. 1.0.4-39 (customizable locking system for apps & more)
- ScreenLocker Vers. 1.0-1 (Locks the screen)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 21.07.2014 ore 23.30
- BlurBar Vers. 1.2-1 ARTICOLO (Blur status bar on iOS 7 homescreen.)
- Circlet Vers. 1.3.2-1 (A simpler status bar, one circle at a time.)
- ColorBar Vers. 1.0-1 (Customize your status bar!)
- HideCameraGrabber Vers. 0.0.1-4 (Removes cell signal dots from ios 7.)
- NoSignalDots Vers. 0.0.1-2 (Removes cell signal dots from ios 7.)
- StickyBanners Vers. 0.0.1-5 (Notification banners stick until swiped away.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 22.07.2014 ore 17.30
- TypeRead Vers. 1.2-19 (Only send read receipts when you start typing!)
- ScreenPainter Vers. 1.4-24 (Paint your screenshots before they are taken!)
- Fleksy Enabler Vers. 0.0.2-110 (enable Fleksy keyboard in some apps)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 23.07.2014 ore 17.30
- NotesCounter Vers. 1.2-1 (Live word counter in Notes.)
- Orangered for iOS 7 Vers. 1.2.1-1 (Reddit push notifications.)
- Fully Masked Passwords Vers. 1.2-1 (Masks the last character when entering passwords.)
- AIPLAY Vers. 1.14 (record/playback user touch actions)
- unlimitedphotos Vers. 1.0-1 (unlimited marking/selection for photos)
- Music Enhancer Vers. 1.0 (Download SoundCloud and 8tracks songs)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 24.07.2014 ore 23.00
- xStatusColor Vers. 2.0-7 (Customize your Homescreen StatusBar Color!)
- handyPhone Vers. 1.0.5-2 (enhancements for the Phone app)
- LockHTML3 Vers. 1.2.t-1 (LockHTML3, taking your LockScreen to a whole new level again!)
- Apex 2 (iOS 7) Vers. 1.0.10 (Grouping apps has never been so fun.)
- TimerAlarms Vers. 1.1 (Create alarms using the Timer.)
- Homekey Hangup Vers. 0.1-1 (home key to hang up while in call.)
- DisableLockCamera Vers. 1.0-2 (Remove all access to camera on lock screen.)
- FullLockCamera7 Vers. 1.1-1 (Access full camera function from the lock screen.)
- Scrub Radio Vers. 0.0.1-45 (song scrubbbing for iTunes Radio)
- Brevity Vers. 1.0.1-1 (A Shortcut for your Messages)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 25.07.2014 ore 23.00
- nonosim Vers. 0.0.1-1 (hides “No SIM” in statusbar & lock screen)
- Power Tap Vers. 1.1.1-1 (tap powerdown knob to reboot, respring, safe mode)
- QuickPass Vers. 1.3b (Quickly enable/disable passcode lock!)
- yBox Vers. 1.1-2 (customize statusbar & lockscreen appearance)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 26.07.2014 ore 23.00
- QuickStore 2 Vers. 2.1-1 (Open AppStore links with in-app popup window)
- ColorBadges Vers. 1.0.5-4 ARTICOLO (Colorize your badges)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 27.07.2014 ore 23.30
- AboutUDID Vers. 1.0-1 (Adds UDID display to General > About)
- FlaggedMailBadge Vers. 1.2 (Shows flagged emails badge on mail app iOS 7)
- ColorfulVolume Vers. 1.2-1 (Change color & title of volume HUD)
- DuplexClock Vers. 0.0.1-27 (dual timezone clocks on status bar)
- Canopy for iOS 7 Vers. 3.1-2 (Adds many features to Safari)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 28.07.2014 ore 23.30
- QuickReplier for Skype Vers. 1.1.2-2 (Quick replies for Skype!)
- FMFNotifier Vers. 1.3 (Receive a notification when a friend requires our location.)
- Activator Vers. 1.9.0 (Repo Ryan Petrich) ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 29.07.2014 ore 23.55
- ChargingHelperPlus Vers. 0.6-1 (battery & charging reminder displays)
- ReturnToCalm Vers. 0.0.1-22 (choose color of Return To Call bar)
- MyStatusBarColor Vers. 0.2.7-1 (colorize font & background of statusbar)
- QuickYo Vers. 1.0.2-2 (Quick reply for Yo!)
- GIFPaper Vers. 1.3 (Animated GIF Wallpapers!)
- NoSafariTopBlur Vers. 0.0.1-2 (remove blur from Safari toolbar)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 30.07.2014 ore 23.45
- No Glint Vers. 1.0-3 (Remove Slide To Unlock Glint!)
- ConvoProtect Vers. 1.0-371 (Lock & Hide convos in msging apps)
- QuickReplier for Viber Vers. 1.1.1-1 (Quick replies for Viber!)
- NCNoSeparator Vers. 0.0.1-2 (Removes separators from NotificationCenter.)
- ControlUndim Vers. 1.0.1 (Undim Control Center while changing brightness)
- DailyPaper Vers. 1.0 (Daily wallpapers courtesy of Bing)
- unlimited attachments Vers. 1.0-3 (unlimited large attachments in Mail)
- SubtleLock (iOS 7) Vers. 2.0.3-1 (Sleek redesigned Lockscreen UI) Grazie alla segnalazione di Alessandro Aiese
Testati e funzionanti giorno 31.07.2014 ore 23.20
- CustomizeLS Vers. 0.0.1-9 (Customize LockScreen elements!)
- BetterNF Vers. 1.1.0-14 (IMDb & RT ratings in Netflix, and more!)
- NoNotificationCenterBlur Vers. 0.0.1-2 (remove blur from Notification Center)
- TypeStatus Vers. 1.2.1 (iMessage typing/read indicators in status bar)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 01.08.2014 ore 23.30
- AutoDora Vers. 0.8.3-20 (Puzzle & Dragons aid tool.)
- Aria Vers. 1.0.11-1 (Music tweak: queue, grid views, more…)
- SwitchClose Vers. 1.1-1 (Auto dismiss the iOS 7 app switcher.)
- Pluck 2 Vers. 2.1 (Select songs to play from anywhere!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 02.08.2014 ore 15.30
- Delete Contact Vers. 1.3.1 (single or multi-delete contacts; trash icon)
- FrontWall Vers. 1.1.0-1 (secondary Wallpaper overlay on home screen)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 03.08.2014 ore 17.30
- InlineCandidate Vers. 1.6 (forces keyboard candidate inline mode)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 04.08.2014 ore 23.30
- Brightness Activator 2 Vers. 1.0-2 (Change brightness using Activator)
- Controls for Spotify Vers. 1.5-1 (Enhances Spotify. Offers several Activator actions)
- CameraTweak 2 (iOS 7) Vers. 1.1.2 (powerful enhancements to iOS Camera app)
- SafariAlwaysPrivate Vers. 0.4-1 (Safari ALWAYS in “Private Browsing Mode”)
- aBar Vers. 1.0-4 (nav & toolbar colorized like app icon)
- BlowToUnlock Vers. 1.1-25 (Blow at device to unlock / wake it)
- Safari Upload Enabler Vers. 1.4-6 (Enable native file uploads in MobileSafari)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 06.08.2014 ore 23.30
- libghost Vers. 1.0-1 (iOS 6 icon ghosting APIs to iOS 7)
- BiteSms Vers. 8.3 ARTICOLO
- MediaSpeak7 Vers. 1.0-1 (Speaks currently playing song name)
- handyDialer Vers. 1.3.0-1 (enhanced dialer for quick contacts search)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 07.08.2014 ore 23.00
- Sprint Timer Vers. 1.1-1 (Accurately record your sprinting time.)
- SpotFile Vers. 1.0-37 (Search your FileSystem using Spotlight)
- iTunes Radio Scrubber Vers. 0.0.1-1 (scrub/rewind track position in iTunes Radio)
- RASBerry Vers. 1.1-1 (Right Align Statusbar like Android…and more!)
- DathKeys Vers. 2.0.1 (Define your keyboard through your eyes.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 08.08.2014 ore 23.00
- IMEPlus Vers. 1.1.0 (IME for Japanese flick textinput.)
- AppStore plus Vers. 1.0-2 (popup recommends new App Store apps)
- iCaughtU Pro Vers. 2.7-7 ARTICOLO (location & photo sent for wrong passcode entered)
- VolumeStatus Vers. 1.0-2 (Volume level on statusbar)
- QuickScope Vers. 0.9-880 (fast & sleek interactive search interface)
- QuickScope Light Vers. 0.9-2 (fast & sleek interactive search interface)
- Protect My Privacy Vers. 3.2-7 (protect personal information on your iPhone.)
- FBNoNeedMessenger Vers. 1.0-2 (remove Messenger requirement for FB chat)
- ListeningLauncher Vers. 1.0.3-1 (Brings currently Playing App to front.)
- CCToggles Vers. 0.2.2 (iOS 7 ControlCenter Toggles and Quicklaunches Customizing tool)
- SwipeNav Vers. 0.8-4 (swipe back gesture for app Nav-bars)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 09.08.2014 ore 19.30
- VBEnhancerLite Vers. 1.0-2 (suite of features for Viber app.)
- UnlimSafariTabs Vers. 0.0.1-1 (uncap tab limit in Safari iOS 7)
- relock Vers. 1.0-1 (elegant, simple way to locking your device.)
- AppControl Vers. 1.0 (swipe icon & configure app-specific settings) ARTICOLO
- BadgeBoss Vers. 1.3.1-13 (Customizable Badges!)
- HandsFree Vers. 1.0.2-1 (Answer calls by waving your hand.)
- NoDrunkText Vers. 1.0-1 (schedule times to disable app usage.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 11.08.2014 ore 23.00
- Confirm2Proceed Vers. 1.3 (confirm dialog for sms, calls, email & more.)
- WebShare Vers. 1.1-1 (Easily share images from websites)
- iScheduler Vers. 1.5.5 (automation tool, scheduler for your iPhone)
- DisableCam Vers. 0.0.2-1 (disable either front or rear camera)
- SnapFeed Vers. 0.0.1-3 (Load SnapChat directly to inbox feed)
- FullSwitch Vers. 1.0.1-28 (Fullscreen App Switcher cards)
- ProWidgets Vers. 1.1.0 (Revolutionary widget suite and framework)
- Vibrator Pro Vers. 1.1 (Adds most wanted features for Viber Messenger!)
- iKeywi Vers. 1.4.6-2 (Customize your 5-Row keyboard)
- ClassicSwitcher Vers. 1.5-38 (Brings the classic app switcher to iOS 7)
- SocialNoteShare Vers. 0.0.1-1 (adds social sharing options to Notes)
- Flipboard FLEX Loader Vers. 1.0.0-13 (dynamically loads Flipboard Explorer into apps)
- NoShutterSound Vers. 1.5 (disable shutter sound in Camera interface)
- WipeTracks Vers. 0.0.1-11 (disable history tracking in Safari)
- AlwaysShowSublabelsOnSnapchat Vers. 0.0.1-2 (sublabels underneath snaps in SnapChat)
- Randomy Vers. 1.0-5 (Where tint blur and color transition animation met)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 12.08.2014 ore 23.45
- SnapSelect Vers. 1.3 (send library photos in SnapChat)
- NoHomePageBlur Vers. 0.0.1-1 (no blur on Home Page card in switcher)
- SafeLock Vers. 1.0.2-2 (disable passcode outside of safemode)
- ClassicDock Vers. 1.0-20 (Bring back the amazing iOS 6 dock to iOS 7!)
- GTWP Vers. 1.0 (Google Trends Visualizer homescreen)
- Spotlight Flipswitch Vers. 0.0.1-2 (Toggle enabling/disabling Spotlight.)
- Lockdown Pro iOS 7 Vers. 1.0.7 (Password protect your applications)
- SBInfoGrabber iOS 7 Vers. 1.0.7 (support library for iOS 7)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 13.08.2014 ore 18.00
- Priority Hub Vers. 1.2-1 (organizes notifications on lockscreen)
- AppColorClose Vers. 1.0-1 (Tint close button based on icon color.)
- StealthMemos Vers. 1.0 (StealthMemos)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 14.08.2014 ore 23.00
- QuickFolders Vers. 1.0.3-1 (Launch apps from folders quickly!)
- iKeywi 2 Vers. 2.0.4-1 (Customize your 5-Row keyboard)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 15.08.2014 ore 16.45
- PowerDown Vers. 1.0.3-2 (Show power down view via QuickDo gestures and add reboot, respring, safe mode slider to power down view..)
- WAEnhancerLite Vers. 1.0-1 (most wanted features for WhatsApp)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 16.08.2014 ore 17.45
- SMSEnhancer Vers. 7.0.1 (Adds contact pic & timestamps to each message)
- UIRotation for Activator Vers. 1.2-4 (Rotate the device screen with gestures)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 17.08.2014 ore 17.30
- Display Recorder Vers. 1.3.13 (Record the display in real-time, send to camera roll, web interface, ProTapper-style touch circles and Activator integration) Grazie alla segnalazione di Francesco
- Smart Search Vers. 1.2.1-1 (More spotlight search sources!)
- BrightPlayer Vers. 1.0.4-7 (adds brightness control to video player)
- Shazam On Start Vers. 1.0.3-2 (Shazam starts tagging just after opening.)
- App Activate Pro Vers. 1.4.0-1 (actions for icon hold, double & triple-tap)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 18.08.2014 ore 23.30
- PandoraSkips Vers. 0.0.5-1 (unlimited skips in Pandora music app)
- KeepSnapchatSignedIn Vers. 0.0.1-21 (automatically signs into Snapchat)
- Skype Emoticon Unlocker Vers. 1.0-1 (Unlocks All Emoticons/Smileys on iPad)
- ClassicLabels for iOS 7.1.x Vers. 1.0.0-1 (app icon label shadows from iOS 6)
- SafeHouse Pro Vers. 2.5-1 (disable passcode while on known wifi/bluetooth networks) ARTICOLO
- StatusModifier Vers. 3.3.2 (Adds free RAM info and seconds to the clock in the status bar)
- VideoExplorer Vers. 2.1 (find & use videos from your device)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 19.08.2014 ore 23.50
- YoutubeToMp3 Vers. 8.0.4 Grazie alla segnalazione di Leonardo Mazzanti Berselli e Daniel da Monza (convert & take audio from Youtube videos)
- NoPlayerBlur Vers. 1.0.3-1 (Removes blur in iOS 7 movie player.)
- Nightmode Vers. 1.3.1-1 (Configurable system-wide nightmode tweak)
- Attachments+ for Mail Vers. 1.7-6 (Save, view, open, and send attachments, all from within Mail.app)
- panicLock Vers. 1.4.2-1 (Discretely lock your iOS Device via any gesture!)
- Controls for SoundCloud Vers. 1.0-2 (Enhances the SoundCloud music platform.)
- NotifyMeAgain Vers. 0.0.1-64 (delay notifications; to show later)
- SMS on GV 7 Vers. 2.3-2 (Seamlessly integrate Google Voice SMS send/receive into iPhone Messages app)
- Lookback’s Awesome Mode Vers. 0.7.0-19 (Records screen, camera, touches etc of any app)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 20.08.2014 ore 18.30
- panicLockPro Vers. 1.0-10 (Discretely lock Device via gesture!)
- Calmi Vers. 0.2.1-1 (Toggle vibrate by Ring/Silent switch)
- PebbleStatus Vers. 2.1 (status bar icon for Pebble watch Bluetooth connection)
- Volume8 Vers. 0.1.2-1 (Windows 8-like volume HUD for iOS.) ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 21.08.2014 ore 23.55
- NoNoNotifications7 Vers. 0.0.1-1 (Hides “No Notifications” text in Notification Center)
- vHome Vers. 1.3 (Virtual Home and Lock Buttons)
- AutoLoadTweets Vers. 0.0.1-2 (auto refresh timeline in Twitter.app)
- Weather Clock 7 Vers. 1.1.3-45 (show current weather above the clock)
- World Clock 7 Vers. 1.0.6-26 (Three clocks displayed on your lockscreen)
- InTube Vers. 1.5.3 ARTICOLO ARTICOLO AGGIORNATO (download videos from YouTube app)
- Chip Vers. 1.5.1 ARTICOLO (customize notifications; sounds, colors, animations)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 22.08.2014 ore 23.00
- groovyAPI Vers. 1.0.4 (JavaScript interface for SpringBoard.)
- Chroma Vers. 1.3.8 (Simple, lightweight UI customization.)
- Appro Vers. 2.0.7-2 (Most powerful protect Privacy and App)
- Call on GV Pro Vers. 2.2-3 (Seamlessly integrate Google Voice into iPhone Calling)
- Springtomize 3 – iOS 7 Vers. 1.2.0-1 ARTICOLO (Customize your device like never before.)
- MessageLoad Vers. 1.0-4 (set how many messages load by default in Messages)
- NoSafariImages Vers. 0.0.1-3 (disable loading of images in Safari)
- YouTubed Vers. 1.6.2-1 Vers. (enable audio backgrounding for YouTube app)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 23.08.2014 ore 23.30
- Gesture Music Controls Vers. 2.0-5 (gestures in CC, Lockscreen & Music app)
- Hermes Vers. 0.0.1-122 (The lightweight quick reply solution) ARTICOLO
- Lullaby Vers. 1.0-5 (Stop music after you’ve fallen asleep)
- SoundIcons Vers. 0.1-11 (animated audio indicator for app icons) ARTICOLO
- MiniPlayer Vers. 3.1.1-1 (Experience iTunes 11 MiniPlayer on iOS) Grazie alla segnalazione di Luxbg72
- Musical Vers. 1.0-3 (repeat/shuffle in LS and ControlCenter)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 24.08.2014 ore 20.00
- True iRadio Vers. 1.0 (tweaks for iTunes Radio fanatics)
- Bloard Vers. 0.0.8-2 (Universal dark keyboard for iOS 7)
- PhoneHome Vers. 1.0-1 (Quit phone after call ends.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 25.08.2014 ore 23.30
- Deafen Vers. 1.0-1 (no screen wake for high volume setting)
- exKey Vers. 1.7.5-3 (Adds extra row of keys to keyboard)
- CCLoader Vers. 1.2.7 (reorder/disable segments of Control Center)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 26.08.2014 ore 16.00
- BatteryLife Vers. 1.4 (Displays useful information about your device’s battery health) ARTICOLO
- WelcomeMessage Vers. 1.0.0-1 (Your iPhone finally says hello.)
- ColorfulKBD Vers. 0.0.1-5 (keyboard changes to random colors)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 28.08.2014 ore 23.30
- Lumos Vers. 1.0-54 (Quick Illumination Charm On Your LockScreen)
- Twitter Essentials Vers. 1.0.1 (Twitter Essentials, must have tweaks for Twitter users!)
- PlayTask Vers. 1.0 (pause music by pull down in switcher)
- Background Manager Vers. 1.0.3 (Real backgrounding on your iDevice!)
- SlideForUsage Vers. 0.0.6 (Slide down on the apps in the App Slider(Switcher) to see information on usage)
- WallpaperPlus Vers. 1.0 (import, edit, resize and apply wallpapers)
- InstaRealDate Vers. 1.1.1-1 (show long dates for Instagram photos)
- #PlayMe2 Vers. 1.0-3 (show song titles on Status Bar)
- NoAdStoreOpen Vers. 0.0.2-1 (prevent Cydia auto-opening AppStore)
- NoSpotKey7 Vers. 0.0.1-1 (don’t show spotlight keyboard immediately)
- StatusPeek Vers. 1.1d (NC grabber as it was meant to be.)
- BatterySafe Vers. 1.3 (decrease brightness for low battery levels)
- LiveWire Vers. 1.0.3-1 (cool animation when you unlock device)
- LiveWire Pro Vers. 1.0.3-1 (choose between stylish unlock animations)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 29.08.2014 ore 18.00
- LSCCRemote Vers. 1.0-1 (Control Remote app from LS & CC)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 30.08.2014 ore 23.45
- iDynamic Vers. 2.0 (browse and download dynamic wallpapers) ARTICOLO
- NoSlideWhileMusic Vers. 0.0.1-3 (No Slide To Unlock Text While Music Plays)
- NoRedirect2AppStore Vers. 1.0-1 (stop annoying redirect to AppStore) ARTICOLO
- Social Duplicator Vers. 2.2 (Clone your social apps to use multiple accounts!)
- Grabby Vers. 1.3.3 (Customizable camera grabber)
- iWidgets Vers. 1.1.2 (HTML Widgets on SpringBoard)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 31.08.2014 ore 20.15
- ClassyLock Vers. 1.5-7 (A classy, reimagined lockscreen!)
- LockQuote Vers. 1.5 (Quote of the day on the lockscreen!)
- TapTheAt Vers. 1.1 (Hold ‘at’ symbol to input email address)
- Contrast70 Vers. 1.0-1 (iOS 7.1’s UI contrast handling for 7.0)
- SlideWeather Vers. 2.0 (Beautiful, minimal lock screen weather)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 01.09.2014 ore 23.30
- ClassicLockScreen Vers. 2.0-4 (Hate the iOS 7 Lock Screen?)
- Acute Vers. 2.1 (A reimagined way to control your device)
- Don’t Scroll to Top Vers. 1.0 (Disable statusbar jump to top)
- NoSwitcherLabels Vers. 0.0.1-25 (No Icon Labels in App Switcher)
- NoGrayContrast Vers. 1.0-1 (Remove iOS 7.1’s gray contrast handling.)
- MagicDots Vers. 1.0.1 (Customize page dots iOS 7!)
- Vibration for Activator Vers. 1.0-1 (Makes the device vibrate on a specified event)
- OS Experience Vers. 1.0.7-2 (Window manager and multitasking switcher.)
- Portrait Lock Vers. 0.1.2-1 (rotation lock set on per-app basis.)
- NoEmojiPaging Vers. 1.1-1 (disable paging in keyboard emoji panel)
- BigBubbles Vers. 1.0.5-1 (Bigger image bubbles for the Messages App.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 02.09.2014 ore 23.30
- iUnlock Vers. 1.0.4-6 (Custom unlock animation and sound)
- Icon Tool Vers. 1.6-1 (app tools menu from jiggle mode)
- TwitConfirm Vers. 1.0-3 (Alert to confirm retweet/favorite)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 03.09.2014 ore 23.30
- DimInCall Vers. 1.2.3 (Dims the screen when a call is connected)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 04.09.2014 ore 23.00
- Message Scheduler for WhatsApp Vers. 0.1-1 (Schedule messages for WhatsApp)
- Centered Vers. 1.0 (ControlCenter proxy inside NC)
- Reroute Vers. 1.2 (Make your apps open other apps!) ARTICOLO
- InCaseOf Vers. 1.0-10 (Easier display of vital information In Case of Emergency.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 05.09.2014 ore 23.00
- ListLauncher7 Vers. 1.315-6 (Launch apps fast from Spotlight.)
- StopAlarm Vers. 1.1.3 (Snooze or Stops an Alarm!)
- Ah! Ah! Ah! Vers. 1.1.5-1 (A Customizable Unlock Error Alarm, inspired by Jurassic Park)
- Australian BOM Weather+ Vers. 4.4.0-1 (Metereology data in Weather.app & Notification Center Widget)
- BlurryBadges Vers. 1.0-5 (customizable blur for app badges)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 06.09.2014 ore 21.45
- DockAdjust Vers. 1.0.0-41 (Adjust dock height simply!)
- No Tint&Blur Lockscreen Vers. 2.5-2 (No dark tint/blur on lockscreen alert display)
- BlurryContrast Vers. 1.0-1 (how springboard blurry contrast should be.)
- Yellow Flash 7.0 Vers. 1.0-3
Testati e funzionanti giorno 07.09.2014 ore 20.45
- Custom Touch ID Fail Vers. 1.1-1 (personalised string for TouchID unmatched print)
- PurpleBoard Vers. 1.0.2 (Alternative home screen interface)
- FullFolder Vers. 0.0-25-2 (Full screen folders on homescreen)
- iMessage7 Vers. 1.0.0 (tweak for all your Message needs!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 08.09.2014 ore 19.00
- VolumeStatus 2 Vers. 2.0-1 (Volume level on statusbar)
- Radiate Vers. 1.0 (Make All Icons Glow!)
- Boover Vers. 2.1-7 (Total control over your badges) ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 09.09.2014 ore 23.00
- NoPassHighlight Vers. 0.0.1-1 (Disable lock screen passcode button highlight)
- RSSIPeek Vers. 0.0.1-20 (Quickly view the signal RSSI!)
- BetterWebPickerMenu Vers. 0.1-1 (Show full length items in web dropdowns)
- SpeedMaster Vers. 1.2-1 (make apps & games faster or slower)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 10.09.2014 ore 23.00
- Brightness Activator Pro Vers. 1.0-6 (adjust brightness by swipe up and down)
- WhatsApp LSeen TimeStamp Vers. 4.0-9 (On/Off Lastseen TimeStamp WhatsApp)
- NoSlowAnimations Vers. 4.0-25 ARTICOLO (speed up slow animations in iOS 7) (speed up slow animations in iOS 7)
- iCleaner Pro Vers. 7.2.4 (The ultimate iDevice system cleaner) ARTICOLO
- BlurryBar Vers. 1.1-2 (blur effect for homescreen status bar.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 11.09.2014 ore 17.00
- Open in Chrome Vers. 1.3.2 (Open Safari links in Google Chrome!)
- UIColors Vers. 1.5-621 (A tweak that colors your whole iDevice!)
- MessageEnhancer Vers. 0.0.1-121 (variety of tweaks for Messages.app)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 12.09.2014 ore 23.30
- Faces Vers. 0.0.2-37 (Add images to the passcode buttons.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 13.09.2014 ore 23.00
- AlbumArtCenter Vers. 2.1.3-2 (Album Artwork in Control Center)
- Bulletin Vers. 1.1.5-6 (Enable NC at lockscreen, custom background, blur background.)
- QuickCall Vers. 1.0.1-3 (Call from anywhere)
- BetterCCSliders Vers. 1.3 (Tap at the end of sliders in control centre to set max/min value.)
- SafariTabCount Vers. 1.8 (Shows the number of tabs open in safari)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 14.09.2014 ore 23.00
- Vestigo Vers. 0.4-1 (Quickly view and change Wifi Networks)
- CenterStage Vers. 1.2.2 (access NC from middle of status bar)
- CameraLocation Vers. 1.1-1 (auto-enable location for lock camera)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 15.09.2014 ore 17.00
- Central Hider Vers. 1.1.3 (disable accesssing the NC and CC)
- BlurSlide Vers. 1.0-97 (A Classy, Blurred Slide To Unlock.)
- Parental Controls For iOS Vers. 0.0.3-19 (Time Limit for apps, passcode protection)
- UnlimMusic Vers. 1.1-7 (Search, Listen and Download unlimited free music.)
- iBox for iOS7 Vers. 0.9.6-1
Testati e funzionanti giorno 16.09.2014 ore 23.30
- ColorFlow Vers. 1.1.1-4 (Colorize your Music app)
- iMaker Vers. 1.0.1-1 (make animations for app icons)
- iMaker Lite Vers. 0.0.1-20 (make animations for app icons)
- MyPhoneDefault Vers. 0.1-1 (Change some Phone.app settings.)
- DockShift Vers. 1.5-3 (Change iOS 7 dock backgrounds)
- Weatherboard Vers. 1.3.0-3 (animated weather as lockscreen or home screen) ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 17.09.2014 ore 23.55
- SpeedMasterFree Vers. 1.0-1 (make apps & games faster or slower)
- VK Media Unrestrictor Vers. 1.2 (play full songs in VK app)
- Shy Page Dots Vers. 0.1.0-2 (Hide page dots when not scrolling)
- CSwitcher Vers. 1.0.2-2 (App Switcher inside Control Center)
- Cou Vers. 1.0-3 (Change ‘Slide to answer’ knob to buttons)
- StatusBarTimer Vers. 1.0.4 (display stopwath timer on statubar)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 18.09.2014 ore 22.10
- Flinfo Vers. 1.1.0 (get app info by flicking its icon)
- Quit App for Activator Vers. 7.1.2-3 (Quit current/all apps with activator action)
- WhatsApp Black List Vers. 0.0.2-1 (make WhatsApp less annoying)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 19.09.2014 ore 22.25
- BeSureBefore Vers. 1.0-1 (avoid proceed operations mistakenly.)
- Messages Customiser Vers. 2.5.0 (Choose chat bubble colours in Messages.app)
- Tinct Vers. 1.1 (Customise almost all prominent UI elements of the OS)
- CCShuffle Vers. 1.1-1 (Add shuffle and repeat controls to the control centre and lockscreen)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 20.09.2014 ore 23.30
- Best Caller ID Vers. 1.0-3 (instantly knowing who is calling before you pickup)
- GuestMode Vers. 1.1.5-1 ARTICOLO (customizable guest experience that keeps you in charge)
- iDevice Wise Vers. 1.0-4 (Know every spec about your iDevice) ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 21.09.2014 ore 23.30
- Programmable SMS Vers. 1.0.0-1 (Send text messages using Activator.)
- Watusi Vers. 2.1-2 (All in one tweak for WhatsApp Messenger!)
- FlagPaint7 Vers. 1.3.1 ARTICOLO (Tint banners based on icon color)
- MapsOpener Vers. 1.4 (Opens map links in Google Maps app)
- GroovyLock Vers. 1.7.3 (HTML LockScreen MobileSubstrate theming platform for iOS 7)
- SBHTML Vers. 1.2.4 (HTML SpringBoard theming platform)
- RocketLauncher Vers. 1.2-1 (A lightweight speedy Lockscreen launcher )
Testati e funzionanti giorno 22.09.2014 ore 20.10
- Phantom for Snapchat Vers. 3.2.2-1 (Break nearly all of Snapchat’s limits)
- Hide Labels Vers. 0.0.1-10 (Hide docked/undocked icon labels.)
- WACamButtonRemover Vers. 1.0-1 (Remove camera button on Whatsapp’s chat bar)
- Infinite Tweet 2 Vers. 2.1.2-1 (Tweet over 140, expand twitlonger post and more.)
- BackupIt Vers. 3.2 (easy app for icon layout backups)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 23.09.2014 ore 17.30
- PHEnhancer Vers. 1.0-5 (best features for phone app)
- VBEnhancer Vers. 1.0-4 (suite of features for Viber app.)
- Piano Passcode Vers. 2.0-3 (Play the piano to unlock your device)
- XPasscode Vers. 1.1-2 (Unlock your device in style)
- Arise Vers. 1.2-3 (Alarms under your control!)
- LockScreenGestureCleanUp Vers. 0.5-1 (Prevents useless guesture reconizers in SBLockScreenView)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 24.09.2014 ore 23.30
- QuickShare Vers. 1.2.5-3 (Simplify the way to share on Facebook or Twitter)
- Grooveshark Vers. 2.7.5 (connect to the world’s music library)
- Chrome Downloader Vers. 2.2-1 (A nifty download manager for Chrome.)
- AudioOut Vers. 1.2.2-1 (audio to speakers when headphones connected)
- ProTube Vers. 1.9.9 Grazie alla segnalazione di Francesco Martino (complete feature-filled YouTube app)
- ProTube HD Vers. 1.6.9 (complete feature-filled YouTube app for iPad)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 25.09.2014 ore 18.45
- HiddenCallLog7 Vers. 1.1-1 (Hide recent & missed calls in Phone app.)
- PrivateSMS7 Vers. 1.1-1 (Hide conversations in Messages app)
- SetBack Vers. 2.0.4 (Save your device’s setup and revert back to at the touch of a button)
- ChangeAwake Vers. 1.0-2 (Be notified about music changes.)
- Snapchat Log Vers. 3.4.0-1 (save all sent and received snaps in organized archive.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 26.09.2014 ore 19.00
- Safari Full Url Vers. 1.2 (Show the Full Safari URL)
- SMSNinja Vers. (block/filter/lock/hide SMS/MMS/Calls)
- Music Slide Vers. 0.0.1-11 (show music title on unlock slider)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 28.09.2014 ore 23.50
- VolHUD Vers. 1.0-1 (Subtle volume HUD for iOS 7!)
- Chrome Downloader Plus Vers. 2.3-1 (A nifty download manager for Chrome.)
- CustomCover Vers. 1.4.2 (Customize the media artwork on the lock screen.)
- Messages Customizer Pro Vers. 1.1 (The complete solution for customising your iOS Messages app)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 29.09.2014 ore 20.15
- Reachability7 Vers. 0.2-1 (Bring iOS 8’s Reachability feature to your iOS 7 device.)
- SmartBatteryPercentage Vers. 1.2-1 (hide battery % when above 20% only)
- CallerID Greece Vers. 1.0-22 (CallerID for Mobile and Landlines!)
- Five Icon Dock Vers. 0.9.3400 (fits even more stuff right down there)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 30.09.2014 ore 17.30
- CallLogPro 7 Vers. 7.0 (Manage history & delete call records.)
- Lockscreen Launcher Vers. 1.5 (Open apps from your lock screen!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 01.10.2014 ore 23.30
- FBVoipRemover Vers. 1.1.1 (Stop FB from abusing the VOIP String!)
- NoMotion Vers. 1.0.5 (remmove all parallax motion effects)
- PkgBackup Vers.7.0.7-1 ARTICOLO (back-up & restore all your cydia packages)
- Purge Vers. 1.4 (Kill all apps from iOS 7 switcher)
- AutoTouch for iOS 7 Vers. 2.0.2 (record and playback touch operations)
- bluePill Vers. 1.2-51 (suite of features for Facebook & Messenger
- ImmediateSend Vers. 1.4.4 (faster send & reply of SMS/iMessage)
- Ascend Vers. 2.1-321 (A reimagined lock screen!)
- Resume Vers. 1.3 (Resume your music on respring.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 02.10.2014 ore 17.30
- NoSwipeSafari Vers. 0.0.1-2 (Disables swipe back/forth pages in Safari)
- Monochrome Vers. 1.0 (Shades of grey for SpringBoard icons)
- Eclipse Vers. 1.4.5-3 ARTICOLO (system-wide Night Mode for iOS)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 03.10.2014 ore 15.00
- WAEnhancer Vers. 1.3 (most wanted features for WhatsApp) ARTICOLO
- GhostPrefs Vers. 1.4.8-1 (Complete Snapchat preferences)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 04.10.2014 ore 15.45
- Youtube Essentials Vers. 1.4 (An awesome Youtube Patcher. Configure Options in Settings.)
- DotsGoDown Vers. 1.1-1 (Move the page dots down.)
- Launch Brightness Vers. 0.0.1-8 (brightness level for restarts/resprings)
- PanoMod Vers. 1.5-4 (Enable Panorama and customize it.)
- PhotoTorch Vers. 1.4-2 (adjustable Torch in Photo Camera mode)
- Record ‘n’ Torch Vers. 1.6-2 (Toggle Torch while recording video.)
- Video Zoom Mod Vers. 1.1-1 (Enable Video Zoom and set your maximum zoom factor.) Grazie alla segnalazione di Sardu
Testati e funzionanti giorno 05.10.2014 ore 23.30
- CamBlur7 Vers. 1.3-2 ARTICOLO (Blur effect for Camera UI as it should be.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 06.10.2014 ore 19.30
- FrontFlash Vers. 1.4-2 (simulate Flash in Front-Facing Camera, even in iPad.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 07.10.2014 ore 17.30
- Instahancer Vers. 2.2-0 ARTICOLO
- PredictiveKeyboard Vers. 2.8-16 (Android-like word suggestions above keyboard.)
- FaceOff 7 Vers. 1.0.4-33 (Turn off screen (and more!) when face down)
- LINE Sticker Gift Enabler Vers. 1.0-1 (Enable sending sticker as a gift.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 08.10.2014 ore 17.45
- SleekPhone Vers. 1.3-1 (semi-transparent style for the dialer)
- LabelShift Vers. 1.1-1 (Move the SpringBoard Labels up.)
- CallShortcut Vers. 1.3.0-5 (contact dialing shortcut app icons)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 09.10.2014 ore 19.15
- CamElapsed+ Vers. 1.0-2 (Because the old resolution is not cool.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 10.10.2014 ore 19.00
- Inbox Count Vers. 1.0.2-1 (Shows counts in top bar of Mail.app)
- Rendarya Vers. 2.2 (pro image editor in Camera & Photos)
- Centrex Vers. 1.2 (iOS8-like appearance for ControlCenter) ARTICOLO
- Stepper Vers. 1.1-2 (show # steps taken on lockscreen/statusbar.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 11.10.2014 ore 23.30
- Voltage Vers. 1.2-1 (View percentage on the volume HUD)
- FakeMyConnectionType Vers. 1.2.0-5 (Fake your connection type easily.)
- Musiex Vers. 1.1 (Music at a glance)
- Impulse Vers. 1.0 )music gestures while screen is off)
- ScrubAround Vers. 1.0 (A round scrubber for your music.)
- TypeAndTalk Vers. 1.0-2 (Type and Talk mode for Dictation.)
- InstaURL Vers. 2.1 (Browse the web literally from anywhere on your device with a simple gesture)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 12.10.2014 ore 23.30
- donTouch Vers. 0.0.8-1 (lock/unlock springboard icon launching)
- iconNotifier Vers. 0.0.4-1 (Icon-based scrolling notifications system)
- springPage Vers. 1.0.3-1 ARTICOLO ARTICOLO AGGIORNATO (Per page springboard wallpapers)
- mVisualizer Vers. 1.2.3-14 (audio-driven lockscreen animations & recorder)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 13.10.2014 ore 19.25
- Safari Downloader+ Vers. 3.1-1 (Powerful Youtube & Download Manager for Safari.)
- GlowBadge Vers. 1.1-60 (Replace app badges with icon glow!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 14.10.2014 ore 22.35
- Chrome Downloader+ Vers. 3.7-1 (Powerful Videos & Files Download Manager for Chrome on iOS.)
- EQUALarm Vers. 1.0 (Solve a math equation before being able to dismiss your alarm!)
- Interactive Message Notifications Vers. 1.0-1 (iOS 8-like message notification interaction for iOS 7.)
- ColorfulKBD Pro Vers. 1.0.1-2 (An awesome KeyBoard coloring tweak!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 15.10.2014 ore 18.15
- Photo Organizer 7 Vers. 2.3-5 (Take control of your photo library)
- I See Stars Vers. 1.2-3 (View music ratings in the playlist tables)
- CallBar for iOS 7 Vers. 0.3-176 (Don’t let incoming calls interrupt you!)
- Non-Stop Music Vers. 0.0.2-646Plays music after respring)
- Userscripts Loader Vers. 1.4-1 (Userscripts manager for browser apps)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 16.10.2014 ore 17.25
- ZW1T Lite Vers. 0.8.0-1 (Zoom With 1 Thumb for Safari only)
- OneThumb Vers. 1.5.1-2 (Universal Thumbs Up/Down for streaming radio)
- CamVolZoom Vers. 1.2-3 (Zoom in/out the camera with Volume Buttons!)
- NoWallpaperZoomAnimation Vers. 1.0-1 (No more wallpaper zooming animation!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 17.10.2014 ore 17.30
- AlienBlueVisitedSync Vers. 1.1-1 (syncs visited links from Alien Blue)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 18.10.2014 ore 17.30
- Data Usage Monitor Vers. 1.1-11 (Data & HotSpot Bandwidth Monitor)
- PagePreview Vers. 2.3-5 (home screen Page Preview & Navigation)
- Clex Vers. 1.2-6 (Control Music Center)
- Protean Vers. 1.0.4-42 (Your status bar, your way.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 20.10.2014 ore 17.15
- SaveGram Vers. 1.2-1 (Save posts from Instagram.)
- Segue Vers. 1.0-1 (Custom slideshow transitions in Photos app)
- Sound Light Vers. 1.2-6 (plays sound when activating flashlight)
- TetherMe Vers. 3.1.2-1 ARTICOLO (Dynamically enables native tethering)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 21.10.2014 ore 23.55
- MoreDictation Vers. 1.0-2 (More languages support for Dictation.)
- Slo-mo Mod Vers. 1.3-3 ARTICOLO (enable camera Slo-mo capture and customize it.)
- Flurry Vers. 1.0-8 (Change blur and tint levels.)
- DathUI Vers. 1.0-25 (Revolutionary UI Tweak)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 22.10.2014 ore 17.25
- NoTracking Vers. 0.0.1-7 (Stop apps from tracking everything!)
- StraightOrb Vers. 1.4.0-1 (Puzzle & Dragons Orbs is Auto Straight!!)
- SnapMoreText Vers. 2.1-2 (write more text to SnapChat photos)
- VineDownloader Vers. 0.0.6-23 (download Vine videos into Camera Roll.)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 23.10.2014 ore 23.30
- Instant Compose Vers. 1.1-0 (A flick away from posting to various social services!)
- VlifePapers-iPhone Vers. 1.0.0 (animated wallpaper for lock screen & home)
- CoverArtExplorer Vers. 1.2 (choose artwork for albums, artists & songs)
- Burst mode Vers. 1.3-6 (Burst Mode photo capture like iOS 7)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 24.10.2014 ore 23.00
- GIFViewer Vers. 1.0.2-3 (View animated GIFs in Photos.app and the image picker.)
- ConvoPics Vers. 0.0.1-2 (enables conversation list pictures)
- SB OpaqueClarity Vers. 0.0.2-1 (darken & clear NC,CC,Keyboard,Siri,Spotlight & more)
- PwnTunes for iOS 7 Vers. (Drag&Drop Music Import without iTunes) ARTICOLO
- BetterWiFi7 (iOS 7 & iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.2 (features to enhance Wi-Fi functionality)
- CamToggleBlur Vers. 1.0-3 (Toggle for blur transition effect in camera app.)
- Effects+ Vers. 1.2-1 (more effect filters for iOS 7 Camera and Photos app.)
- InternalPhotos Vers. 1.0-5 (Enable hidden Photos app settings.)
- ToneEnabler Vers. 1.0.0-2 (Restore ringtone folder use on iOS 7)
- NoUpperCaseTable Vers. 1.0-2 (Disable UITableView titles uppercase.)
- Apple File Conduit “2” Vers. 1.2 (allow full file-system access over USB) ARTICOLO
Testati e funzionanti giorno 25.10.2014 ore 17.00
- NoBlur Vers. 1.1.1-1 (Disables some blur elements on iOS 7)
- GlowBoard Vers. 0.1-736 (Running app icons glow)
- SwipeShiftCaret Vers. 1.6-5-1 (Caret micromanager via swipes)
- FaceDetectionDuringVideo Vers. 1.2-2 (Enable Face Detection when recording Video!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 26.10.2014 ore 23.45
- BackupAZ Vers. 1.1 (Backup your device with BackupAZ)
- SMS Stats 2 Vers. 1.0.3-2 (Stats built into the messages app)
- CCBackground Vers. 1.3-1 (set Control Center background wallpaper) ARTICOLO ARTICOLO AGGIORNATO
- Appellancy Vers. 1.1-20 (Control your phone with your face!)
- HomescreenDesigner Vers. 1.2 Grazie alla segnalazione di Valerio Galia (Create, manage & apply layouts. All in one!)
- LockSpeed Vers 1.0.1-2 (Speed dial favorites on lock screen)
- SwitchAutofocus Vers. 1.0-7 (Does autofocus annoy you?)
- TransparentCameraBar Vers. 1.5-4 (Transparent or hide your Camera Bottom Bar)
- ZW1T Vers. 0.8.1-1 (Zoom With 1 Thumb)
- Overachiever Vers. 1.0.14-1 (Automatically earn all missing achievements for Game Center games)
- PreferenceTag Vers. 1.7-5 (Organize your Settings with Tags.)
- QuickMusic Vers. 1.0.0-1 (stylish music control panel)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 27.10.2014 ore 17.00
- Tage Vers. 1.0.6 (awesome multitasking gestures and more.) ARTICOLO
- QuickActivator Vers. 1.3.6 customizable Control Center action shortcuts) ARTICOLO
- SwipeExpander Vers. 1.0.4-3 (keyboard key swipes for text & actions)
- AlienBlue++ Vers. 1.1-3 (Meme Maker and YouTube Downloader)
- HiddenWallpapers Vers. 1.0.5-1 (Enable hidden wallpapers iOS 7 & 8)
- MultiSend Vers. 1.0.2 (Easily send an SMS to multiple recipients!)
- CallShare Vers. 1.1 (Share information during a call!)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 28.10.2014 ore 23.45
- Social Enhancer Vers. 2.0-1 (tweaks for social apps. see descriptions.)
- PrefDelete Vers. 1.1.1 (uninstall tweaks from Settings panel)
- CalcBase Vers. 0.0.1-1 (swipe to change base in Calculator)
- WebsiteDataABC Vers. 0.0.1-37 (sort browser cache list alphabetically)
- TapTodaysCalendar Vers. 1.2.0
- SleekCode Vers. 1.0-3 (Sleek pass code!)
- BioProtect Vers. 1.4-283 (Protect apps with Touch ID or passcode.) ARTICOLO
- Badge Customizer Vers. 1.4.3-2 (change badge color, size & position)
- iAppLock Vers. 1.7.3-20 (Protect your privacy. Lock your Apps.)
- HUD Customizer Vers. 1.0.4-3 (custom appearance for volume & media HUDs)
- Activator Vers. 1.9.1 (Repo Ryan Petrich) (Centralized gestures, button and shortcut management for iOS) ARTICOLO
- AppList Vers. 1.5.9 (Allow extensions to read the list of installed apps) ARTICOLO
- Flipswitch Vers. 1.0.5 (Centralized toggle system for iOS) ARTICOLO
- BioLockdown Vers. 1.2.8 Grazie alla segnalazione di Lorenzo Munari (Fingerprint lock apps, settings & switches)
- FullForce for Phone Vers. 1.1.3 (Force applications to show in fullscreen mode)
- VideoPane Vers. 1.1.4 (Picture-in-picture for video; multitask while playing movies)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 29.10.2014 ore 17.45
- Controllers for All Vers. 1.5 ARTICOLO
- Barrel Vers. (3D and other effects on icon pages!)
- NotifyWifi 7 Vers. 1.1-3 (Wi-Fi Change Notification on Banner) ARTICOLO
- Googiri Vers. 2.1.2-4 (route Google Search queries to Siri)
- UnlockSound7 Vers. 1.1.2-4 (bring back the old unlock sound) ARTICOLO
- Dropped Vers. 1.1-1 (Activator event for device falling or hitting the ground.)
- Vine++ Vers. 1.2-1 (download Vine video to camera roll)
- EZRingtones Vers. 1.1-1 (download ZEDGE or Audiko ringtones)
- KikCameraSender Vers. 1.3.0-1 (Send any gallery image as camera! Now with Move and Crop superpowers!)
- Nitrous Vers. 2.5-3 (Give JavaScript a speed boost with Nitro)
- Speak Notification Vers. 1.4.5-7 (speaks out notifications in a customised way)
Testati e funzionanti giorno 30.10.2014 ore 23.45
- Cydia Substrate Vers. 0.9-5016 (powerful code insertion platform) ARTICOLO
- Hold2Speak Vers. 1.2.1 (answer your calls, while activating your speaker. ) ARTICOLO ARTICOLO AGGIORNATO
- CroppingScreen Vers. 1.0-1 (Crop only a portion of a screenshot.)
- Air Traffic Control Vers. 1.0-1 (Disables Airplane Mode alerts when launching applications.
- Almpoum Vers. 1.3-1 (more options for screenshot taking)
- VoipRemover Vers. 1.1.2 (Stop FB from abusing the VOIP String!)
- EqualizerEverywhere Vers. 1.4.2 (Equalizer that applies to every app)
- TypingPrivacy Vers. 1.2-4 (Disable iMessage typing notifications)
- Wake With Weather Vers. 3.2.0-1 (Siri reads weather after alarm goes off)
- Cydia Installer Vers 1.1.15 (graphical iPhone front-end for APT) ARTICOLO
- MSGSplus Vers. 2.1-1 (several tweaks for Messages app.)
- No Passcode LockOut Vers. 2.1-1 (disable the passcode retry limits)
- Safari Enhancer Vers. 2.1-1 (cool features for safari on 7.1.x)
- WiPi Vers. 1.4-1 (Show the WiFi Picker with Activator gesture)
- CC Deseparator Vers. 2.0-5 (Removes Control Center separator lines.)
- HideMe7 Vers. 1.4-59 (One Stop Shop to remove UI elements)
Grazie ancora per il supporto
GRAZIE PER LA COLLABORAZIONE A TUTTI VOI CHE MI SEGUITE. P.S. Se qualcuno di voi utenti, volesse anche aiutarmi, lavorando insieme a me, mi farebbe davvero tanto piacere, fatemelo sapere attraverso o la mia e-mail [email protected] o anche attraverso i commenti, grazie di cuore a tutti per l’ aiuto che mi state dando.
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