Cydia - Tutti i Tweak al momento compatibili con iOS 8.4 [Aggiornato 12.07.2015] l TUTTO HACKINTOSH CYDIA & JAILBREAK

Cydia – Tutti i Tweak al momento compatibili con iOS 8.4 [Aggiornato 12.07.2015]

Qualche giorno fa, il Team Taig, ha rilasciato una nuova versione del tool che permette lo sblocco di tutti i dispositivi che hanno installato iOS 8.3, in questo articolo vi verranno riportati i tweak al momento compatibili.

Qualche giorno fa il Team Taig, ha rilasciato e poi aggiornato una nuova versione del suo tool per eseguire il Jailbreak di iOS 8.4 per tutti i dispositivi.

In questo articolo vi riporteremo tutta la lista completa dei tweak al momento compatibili con iOS 8.x.

Se volete sapere di più e avere una lista ancora aggiornata, potete anche guardare QUI’, se avete testato dei tweak che sono funzionanti e non compaiono nella lista lo potete dire attraverso i commenti in modo tale da aiutare tutta la comunità, noi aggiorneremo la lista giorno per giorno.

Tornate ogni tanto a rivedere gli aggiornamenti!

Lista completa dei Tweak Testati e funzionanti su iOS 8.4 giorno 12.07.2015 ore 04.30 (se volete sapere la lista dei tweak giorno per giorno invece vi basterà guardare QUI’)


  • A Best VoIP APP – Tinkle
  • AboutMore Vers. 1.1
  • AboutUDID Vers. 1.1
  • AcamarUI Vers. 1.7-15
  • Acapella  Vers. 1.1-4
  • ActiSearch Vers. 2.0
  • Activate Command Vers. 1.3.0-1
  • Activator  1.9.3 ARTICOLO
  • Activity Pro Vers. 1.1-4
  • Actual Battery Vers. 2.0-4
  • AdaptiveCC Vers. 0.0.1-11
  • AdBlocker 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.01
  • Aduitor 1.2
  • AdvancedSettings8 Vers. 1.0.1
  • Aeternum
  • Aeuria LS Vers. 1.1.1
  • AFVideo Vers. 1.0-1
  • AirBlue Sharing  2.0.8 ARTICOLO
  • AirPlay Enabler Vers. 1.1
  • akAuto3G Vers. 2.2.1-1
  • AKMessages Vers. 0.1.6-1
  • AlarmVolume Vers. 1.1
  • AlbumArtCenter  3.1.2-12
  • AlbumShot Vers. 0.0.1-1
  • AlipayBioEnabler Vers. 0.0.3-1
  • Allarm Vers. 1.0
  • AllBetas Vers. 0.0.1-1
  • AllBoardPass Vers. 0.0.1-3
  • AllBoxed Vers. 1.1.0
  • AllDrop Vers. 1.6.1
  • Almpoum Vers. 1.3-26
  • Aloud Vers. 1.2.2
  • AlphaBadge
  • AlternateControls Vers. 1.0.0-1
  • Alternatum Vers. 1.0
  • AlwaysBackCamera 1.0.3
  • AlwaysFirstSwipe Vers. 0.0.2-6
  • AlwaysGreen  1.1.1
  • Anchor  Vers. 1.1.2-1 ARTICOLO
  • Andrios Vers. 0.0.6
  • AndroidLock XT
  • AnyDrop 3 (iOS 8 & 7)  Vers. 1.1-12
  • AnimateAll Vers. 1.9.1-1
  • AnimateAll HD Vers. 1.9.1-1
  • Animate iOS 8 Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • Aoraki Vers. 1.2-4
  • Apex 2 (iOS 7 & 8)  1.0.15
  • AppBox 8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.5-68
  • AppButton Vers. 1.0.1
  • AppColorClose Vers. 1.0-2
  • AppETA Vers. 3.0
  • Appellancy Vers. 1.1-20
  • AppelLocker Vers. 1.1-4
  • AppHeads  Vers. 1.0.7
  • App Language Switcher Vers. 1.1-3
  • AppList Vers. 1.5.9 ARTICOLO
  • Applocker Vers. 2.3.7
  • Applocker Activator Toggle Vers. 1.0.2
  • AppNoti Vers. 0.0.2-1
  • Appro Vers. 2.1.8-2
  • AppRun Vers. 1.0.1-588
  • AppRunByActivator Vers. 0.0.1-14
  • AppSwitchCurrent 1.2-4
  • AppSync Unified
  • AppSync (5.x -> 8.x) Vers. 7.9-1 ARTICOLO
  • Apptray 1.9
  • AquaBoard (iOS 8) Vers. 2.1-13
  • Archer Vers. 1.1.3
  • Area Code Display Pro Vers. 1.3.3-8
  • Aria  Vers. 1.1.13-1
  • Arise Vers. 1.3.8
  • ArithmeticAlarm8 Vers. 0.0.1-3
  • Artless Vers. 1.0
  • AskToSend Vers. 1.2-14
  • Aslock Vers. 1.1-1
  • Asos Vers. 1.0.0-1-104
  • Aspectus Vers. 1.2
  • Assistant 6 and 6 plus Vers. 1.0
  • Assistant+ Vers. 1.1.0-1
  • Assistive+  Vers. 1.3-2
  • Asuo Vers. 1.0.4-1
  • ASUpdateHider  Vers. 1.3-2
  • atom (iOS 8) Vers. 1.2.1
  • Attachments+ for Mail Vers. 2.0-4
  • AudioOut Vers. 1.4.0-7
  • augmented Vers. 1.5.0-2
  • Australian BOM Weather+ Vers. 5.0.3-1
  • AutoAirPlay Vers. 1.1-1
  • AutoAnswer8 (iOS 8) Vers. 0.1-4
  • Auto AppTranslate  Vers. 2.0.1
  • AutoDora Vers. 0.9.0-25
  • AutoFreeRam Vers. 2.0
  • Auxo Legacy Edition Vers. 1.0.2
  • Automa Vers. 1.0.3-1
  • AutoMuter Vers. 1.1.0-173
  • AutoRotateVideos Vers. 1.0-4
  • Auto Tap 0.3-1
  • AutoTouch for iOS 8  Vers. 3.1.2-1
  • AutoUnlock To App 8 Vers. 1.2-1
  • Auto VPN Vers. 0.3
  • Auki
  • Auxo 3 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.1 ARTICOLO
  • AvatarSync Vers. 0.9.7
  • Avix 1.0
  • Awake Speech Vers. 1.4.0-13
  • Axial Vers. 1.0.2-1
  • BackupIt Vers. 3.5
  • Badge Customizer Vers. 1.4.3-2
  • Badgomizer Vers. 1.2.1-6
  • BannerBuddy Vers. 0.0.1-8
  • Barrel  Vers.
  • Bars
  • BatteryBar Vers. 1.0
  • BatteryLife  Vers. 1.6.5 ARTICOLO
  • Battery Passcode Vers. 1.3
  • Battery Percentage for iPod Vers. 1.1
  • Battery Percentage Only Vers. 1.0-1
  • BatteryStatusBar
  • BattSaver for iOS 7 & 8  2.0.17
  • BayBrowser 2
  • BBMAddi+ Vers. 15.1-3
  • Beacon 2 (iOS 8) 0.9.0-1
  • Beep Beep Vers. 3.0-1
  • BerryC8 Vers. 1.0.2-1
  • BetterDelete Vers. 1.0
  • Better HUD  Vers. 1.2-7
  • BetterNF Vers. 1.1.1-1
  • BetterPowerDown Vers. 1.1.0-6
  • BetterRotate iPad Vers. 1.0-1
  • BetterWiFi7 (iOS 7 & iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.2
  • Bigify Vers. 1.6.3
  • Bigify+ (iOS 8 & 7.1) Vers. 4.1-6
  • BimmerNotifierPro Vers. 0.0.1-4
  • BioBoot Vers. 1.0-5
  • BioLockdown  1.2.12
  • BioProtect  1.7-279 ARTICOLO
  • BlankKeys Vers. 1.0
  • Blender Vers. 1.2
  • Bloard Vers. 0.1.1
  • Blocked 1.0.1-16
  • BluePill Vers. 1.2-93
  • Bluetooth Companion Vers. 1.7.8
  • BlurredMusicApp
  • BlurryBadges Vers. 1.0-6
  • BlurryLaunch 1.5
  • BMWNotifier Vers. 0.0.1-36
  • BootUp Vers. 0.1-60
  • BOptions+ Vers. 1.0-7
  • BounceNotify8 Vers. 2.0.1-1
  • Boxy 2  Vers. 2.0-1
  • Brevity 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 2.2-2
  • Bridge 1.2.5
  • Brightness Activator Pro 2 (iOS8)  1.0-3
  • BrighterLSMedia Vers. 1.0
  • BrowseInsideApps-Lite iOS8 Vers. 1.1-1
  • Browser Changer Vers. 1.16-5
  • BTC Mouse & Trackpad Vers. 1.8-1
  • BTstack
  • BurstGIF Vers. 0.9.9-1
  • Burst mode  1.5-1
  • BytaFont 2 Vers. 2.5.6
  • BytaFont Tweak Mode Vers. 1.0.0-14
  • Calendar for Lockscreen  Vers. 1.5.5-1
  • Callback for Messages 1.1
  • CallBar (iOS 7 & 8)  0.9-22
  • CallConnect Vers. 0.0.1-11
  • Call Enhancer  Vers. 1.4-1
  • Caller Id Best  Vers. 2.2-1
  • CallerID Greece  1.0-61
  • CallLockScreen Vers. 1.5-6
  • CallLogPro 8 Vers. 8.0
  • Call on GV 8 (iOS 8) 3.3-2
  • CallShare Vers. 1.1
  • CallShortcut Vers. 2.5.0-3
  • Calypso Vers. 0.5.0-3
  • CamBlur7 Vers. 1.4-5 ARTICOLO
  • CamElapsed+ Vers. 1.0-3
  • Camerability 1.0.1
  • CameraModes  1.1-1
  • CameraTweak 3 (iOS 8)  Vers. 1.3
  • Camrix Vers. 1.0.4
  • CamRotate  1.3-1
  • CamVolZoom  Vers. 1.2-8
  • Canopy for iOS 8 Vers. 4.0-2
  • Carpe Diem Vers. 1.0-1
  • CarrierNM Vers. 1.0-2
  • CCBringUpSwitcher Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • CCButtonBorder CCBB Vers. 2.1
  • CC Deseparator Vers. 2.0-5
  • CCDock Vers. 0.0.1-147
  • CCfix 8 Vers. 1.0-3
  • CCFlashLightLevel Vers. 1.1-3
  • CCHide
  • CClean  Vers. 1.0-1
  • CCLiveBrightness Vers. 0.0.1-40
  • CCLoader Vers. 1.2.10
  • CCNowPlaying Vers. 0.8.2-1
  • CCQuick Pro for iOS8  1.0-6
  • CCScale Vers. 1.1-3
  • CCSettings for iOS 8 Vers. 0.0.6-113 ARTICOLO
  • CCSwipe Vers. 1.1.3-1
  • Centered Vers. 1.1
  • Centrum Vers. 1.1.1-1
  • Cercube 1.3.0
  • CertManager
  • ChangeAwake Vers. 1.1
  • Change 4G to LTE Vers. 1.0-1
  • ChargingHelper for iOS 8 Vers. 0.6.4-1
  • ChargingHelperPlus for iOS 8 Vers. 0.7.2-1
  • CheeseCake Vers. 1.2-1
  • ChineseSkill Hack Vers. 1.0.0
  • ChooseBoard Vers. 1.1.1-1
  • ChooseBoard Lite Vers. 1.0.0-19
  • Chrome Downloader+ Vers. 4.0-2
  • CircleIcons Vers. 1.1.3-15
  • Circulate Vers. 0.0.1-316
  • Cistem Aperio Vers. 1.0-10
  • Clap Vers. 0.3-3 ARTICOLO
  • ClassicDock Vers. 1.1-8
  • ClassicFolders Vers. 1.1.0-3
  • ClassicLabels for iOS 7.1 & 8 Vers. 2.0-1
  • ClassicLockScreen Vers. 2.8-3
  • ClassicSwitcher Vers. 2.0-1
  • CleanLock 1.1.2
  • CleanUp Vers. 0.1.0-1
  • ClearLockNotifications Vers. 2.4-1
  • ClearNotificationButtons  Vers. 1.2
  • CleverPin Vers. 1.9-1
  • Clex2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0
  • Clone Alarm Vers. 1.1.4-1
  • Cloaky Vers.  2.2.1-1
  • ClockFirst Vers. 1.1
  • CloseAll Vers. 1.1.1-1
  • CloudToButt Vers. 1.0-1
  • Cobalia Vers. 1.0-1
  • ColorBadges  Vers. 1.0.9-1
  • ColorBanners 1.0.2-1
  • Color Convos 2.2.6-1
  • ColorFill Vers. 0.0.1-13
  • ColorFlow Vers. 1.3.7-1
  • ColorFont Vers. 1.1-2
  • ColorFont2  8.0-2
  • ColorfulKBD Pro Vers. 2.0.0-1
  • Colorize Vers. 1.2-5
  • ColorReachability  Vers. 1.0.0-5
  • ColorY0urBoard8 (iOS 8 & 7) Vers. 2.0
  • ColorY0urBoard8Free Vers. 1.0
  • Columba 0.16-1
  • Combination Lock Vers. 1.0-2
  • Confero  Vers. 1.2-2
  • Confero for iPad Vers. 1.0-1
  • ConfirmKill Vers. 1.0-23
  • Confirm2Proceed  Vers. 1.6
  • Contacts Photo Sync  Vers. 2.0.6
  • ContactSlider (iOS 7) Vers. 1.2.2-2
  • ControlF 0.1-2
  • Controllers For All Vers. 1.5.3-3 ARTICOLO
  • Controls for Music App Vers. 1.1.0-1
  • Convergance Vers. 2.0.1
  • ConversationPics 1.4-1
  • Copic  3.4.3
  • Copic For CallBar Vers. 1.0.1
  • CopyCurrentPlaying Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • Cornered 1.0
  • Cou Vers. 1.0-4
  • Couria (iOS 8) Vers. 0.8.3
  • CrazyClock Vers. 1.0
  • CroppingScreen Vers. 1.0-4
  • CSwitcher Vers. 2.0.0-1
  • curtainChecker Vers. 1.0
  • Curtains  Vers. 1.3-11
  • CustomClock Vers. 1.0.0-2
  • CustomCover  Vers. 1.5.1
  • CustomLS
  • CustomMessages Vers. 2.4.1
  • CustomNotificationSound Vers. 1.1
  • CustomSpotlightText Vers. 0.0.1-31
  • CustomStatusBar Vers. 1.0-1
  • CyDelete8 (iOS 7 and 8) Vers. 1.0.2-1
  • Cydia Installer  1.1.18 ARTICOLO
  • Cydia Substrate Vers. 0.9.5101 ARTICOLO
  • Cylay Vers. 6.4
  • Cylinder Vers. 1.0.3
  • CyNotifier Vers. 1.0.0
  • Dank Meme Vers. 0.0.1-1
  • DanRese Vers. 1.2.0-3
  • DarkPhotos Vers. 1.3.3-1
  • DataMeter Vers. 1.2-8
  • Date In StatusBar Vers. 1.0.1
  • Dated Vers. 1.2-1
  • DateText Vers. 1.0
  • DathBanners Lite Vers. 2.1
  • DathBanners Pro Vers. 1.0-2
  • DathBanners 2 1.0.1
  • DathMessages Vers. 2.3-2
  • DathUI (iOS 8) Vers. 2.1
  • Deafen Vers. 1.3
  • DeDirect 1.0
  • DedupeVariants Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • Deepcove Vers. 1.2-9
  • DefaultPlayer Vers. 1.3
  • Define Activator Vers. 1.0-1
  • DeLe Vers. 1.0-535
  • DetailedBatteryUsage Vers. 1.1
  • Diclose Vers. 0.0.1-1
  • Digital Clock Icon Vers. 1.0.0
  • Dim  Vers. 1.3.6
  • DimInCall Vers. 1.3.1 ARTICOLO
  • DimMe Vers. 1.1.1
  • Disable App Switcher Rotation Vers. 1.0
  • Disable Camera Grabber Vers. 1.0.3
  • DisableLockCamera
  • Disable Frequently Visited Sites  Vers.1.0.9
  • disableinstantmute Vers. 0.0.1-15
  • Disable iOS Swipe Back Vers. 1.0.1-2
  • Disable Parallax Effect
  • DisableVoiceControl 8 Vers. 0.0.1-2
  • Disable WhatsApp Call Vibration 1.0-1
  • Discreetify Vers. 1.1.1-1
  • Discret Vers. 1.0-76
  • Display Recorder Vers. 1.3-14
  • DisturbMeLater  Vers. 0.0.1-115
  • DisturbPlease Vers. 1.2.0-1
  • Dock 2.2.9-1
  • DockColor Vers. 1.1-4
  • Dock&Roll  Vers. 0.9
  • DockShift Vers. 1.6.5
  • DockWare (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.0-1
  • Don’t Kill The Beat Vers. 1.0-5
  • donTouch Vers.  0.1.0-5
  • Doorman Vers. 1.0-131
  • DotsGoDown
  • DotsDotsDots Vers. 1.0-13
  • Dotter  Vers. 1.0.2-1
  • DoubleCheck Vers. 1.0.2-1
  • DoubleCut Vers. 0.3-1
  • Download Enabler for ProTube 2 Vers. 1.0
  • Dropped Vers. 1.1-1
  • Dye Vers. 1.2-2
  • Dynamics Vers. 1.1
  • DynamicText Vers. 1.2-5
  • EASimulateTower 2.6-13
  • EasySpring2 (iOS 8) Vers. 2.0-1
  • Echo 1.9
  • Eclair Vers. 1.0
  • Eclipse 2 (iOS 8)  Vers. 2.3-2 ARTICOLO
  • Edit Alarms Vers. 1.1-1
  • EditPasteboard Vers. 1.1
  • EffacePad 1.0
  • Effects+  1.2-6
  • EKG Signals+ Vers. 1.3
  • Ember  Vers. 1.1-6
  • Ember+ Vers. 1.0-50
  • Emoji for Korean Vers. 2.0
  • Envelope  1.1d
  • EqualizerEverywhere Vers. 1.5.4
  • EventOnStart Vers. 1.0-3
  • Everest Vers. 1.1
  • ExchangePolicyCleaner Vers. 1.2-3
  • exKey Vers. 1.8.8-1
  • exKeyboard Vers. 1.0-5
  • EZRingtones Vers. 1.1-1
  • Extended Networking Vers. 1.1.0
  • Facebook Fonts Fix  Vers. 25.0
  • Facebook Internal Settings Vers. 2.0-1
  • FaceBook Messenger Essentials Vers. 1.0
  • Facebook ++  1.4r-5
  • FaceBOpenIN Vers. 1.0-1
  • FaceDetectionDuringVideo Vers. 1.2-2
  • Faces Vers. 0.0.3-13
  • FaceTime Picker Vers. 1.0-1
  • Faded Vers. 0.0.1-1
  • FakeClockUp
  • FakeLocation Vers. 1.8
  • FakeMyConnectionType Vers. 1.2.9-1
  • FavBox Lite Vers. 0.1.7-7
  • Favorites 1.0.2
  • Fairydust Vers. 0.0.1-5
  • FBCopyTXT Vers. 1.0-4
  • FBNoNeedMessenger Vers. 1.0-3
  • FB Unlimited Chat Heads Vers. 0.0.2-5
  • Feedback 1.3
  • Filza File Manager
  • Fix Image KB Font Vers. 1.1
  • Flex 2  1.970
  • Firewall iP7 Vers. 1.16
  • FlagPaint 2 (iOS 7 & 8)  Vers. 2.4 ARTICOLO
  • Flashorama  Vers. 1.5-5
  • FlipBook Vers. 1.0-15
  • Flick Scroll Vers. 0.9-1
  • FlipControlCenter Vers. 1.0.1 ARTICOLO
  • Flipswitch Vers. 1.0.5 ARTICOLO
  • f.lux  0.9983 ARTICOLO
  • Flurry  Vers. 2.0-4
  • FMFLive Vers. 1.5
  • FMFNotifier  Vers. 1.6-18
  • FolderBlur Vers. 0.1-2
  • FolderEnhancer (iOS 7/8)  2.5.0 ARTICOLO
  • Folder6Plus Vers. 0.0.5-1
  • FolderIcons (iOS 8) Vers. 3.1-3
  • Folderix Vers. 1.2 ARTICOLO
  • ForceGoodFit Vers. 1.0.3-1
  • ForceReach Vers. 1.0-5
  • Forecast  3.2.1-3
  • FreeLoader Vers. 0.0.1-235
  • Freyr Vers. 1.0
  • FrontFlash  1.6-1
  • Front HDR Vers.  1.3-1
  • FTLSaver Vers. 1.0.2-1
  • FullFolder  Vers. 0.0-42-1
  • Fully Masked Passwords Vers. 1.2-2
  • FullNC Vers. 0.1.1-2
  • FullSwitch (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.3-1
  • Fuse Vers. 1.0
  • Gauss Vers. 1.2.1-1
  • GDUploadAny Vers. 1.0-10
  • Gestr Vers. 1.1
  • GhostPrefs Vers. 1.5r-0
  • GIFPaper8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.1
  • GlowBadge Vers. 1.3-6
  • GlowBoard Vers. 0.1-736
  • Googiri  Vers. 2.5.3-1
  • GPSCheat Vers. 1.0-9
  • GrabberApp8 Vers. 1.0-8
  • Grabby  Vers. 1.3.10
  • GridSwitcher Vers. 1.5-3
  • GroupIndicator Vers. 0.0.1-44
  • GroupMe Vers. 0.9.3-1
  • GrowlNotifier Vers. 1.2.1
  • GuestMode  Vers. 2.0.4-2 ARTICOLO
  • HackInApp Vers. 3.1
  • HandsFree 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.1
  • handyDialer Vers. 1.6.1
  • HandyKey Vers.1.2.3
  • HapticMusic Vers. 0.1-24
  • Harbor Vers. 1.0.0-29
  • HardwareKeyboardFix Vers. 1.1-2
  • Headphone Assistant Vers. 1.4-1
  • Heads Up Display Mode Vers. 1.0-1
  • Helius 2 Vers. 1.0-1
  • HiddenCallLog7 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 2.0-2
  • HiddenConvos Vers. 1.2-1
  • HiddenConvos Pro Vers. 1.0-1
  • Hidden Pro Vers. 1.0.5-1
  • HiddenWallpapers Vers. 1.0.5-1
  • HideCameraGrabber Vers. 0.0.3-1
  • HideCCMedia Vers. 1.0-1
  • Hide DateTime Vers. 0.0.1-1
  • HideFavoritesTab Vers. 1.3-1
  • HideFavoritesTab Pro Vers. 1.4.2
  • HideMe8 Lite Vers. 0.0.3-2
  • HideMe8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.2-1
  • Hide Newsstand iOS 7.1.x
  • HideSensitive Vers. 1.0.4-1
  • hid-support Vers. 1.2-1
  • Hold2Speak Vers. 1.2
  • HomescreenDesigner Vers. 1.2.2-5
  • HomeScreen Settings (iOS8 & 7) Vers. 2.1-1
  • HotDog Vers. 3.0
  • House Arrest Fix 1.0.0-6
  • HoverNotifications Vers. 1.0
  • HUD Customizer  Vers. 1.2.0-1
  • HUDDismiss Vers. 2.0
  • HUDTransparent8 Vers. 0.0.3-4
  • iAppLock Vers. 1.9.3
  • iBatteryInfoPro2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0-2
  • iBlacklist Vers. 8.0-2
  • iBooks – Two Hands Vers. 1.0.2-1
  • iBox for iOS8  1.1.1-1
  • iCaughtU Vers. 2.4-17
  • iCaughtU Pro (iOS 8)  8.3-1
  • iCleaner – iCleaner Pro  Vers. 7.4.2 ARTICOLO
  • Icon Finder Vers. 1.0.2-1
  • iconNotifier Vers. 0.0.5-1
  • IconSash 1.4
  • Icon Tool  Vers. 2.0.2-1
  • IDBox Vers.
  • IfFound Vers. 1.0.5-5
  • IfFound² (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.1-3
  • IfFound Lite Vers. 1.0.5-7
  • iFile Vers. 2.2.0-1 ARTICOLO
  • IGEnhancer Vers. 2.0.2
  • Ignition Vers. 1.0.0-1
  • iKeywi 3 (iOS 8) Vers. 3.1.0-2
  • IllLookLater Vers. 1.0-1
  • iLostFinder Vers. 1.4.0-7
  • ImageBoard Vers. 1.1
  • iMAllFile Vers. 1.0-7
  • iMeasure Vers. 1.5
  • iMessageSpamReporter Vers. 1.3-1
  • I’m Listening Vers. 1.4-1
  • IMN for iOS 8  0.29-1
  • Impulse Vers. 1.1
  • Inbox Count Vers. 1.0.3-1
  • IneffectivePower Vers. 1.2.4-1 ARTICOLO
  • Infinite Tweet 2  2.3-1
  • InfinityTask  Vers. 1.7.2-1
  • InfoStats Vers. 1.1.4
  • InstaAlwaysSound Vers. 1.1
  • InstaCopyTXT Vers. 1.0-2
  • Instagram No Bar Vers. 1.0
  • Instagram ++ 1.5r-3
  • InstaEnhancer Vers. 2.0
  • InstaHidder  Vers. 1.2
  • InstaLauncher Vers. 1.3-1 ARTICOLO
  • InstaRealDate 2.3-1
  • InstallReset Vers. 0.0.1-22
  • Instanote Vers. 0.1.0-1
  • InstaOpenIN Vers. 1.1-5
  • InstaRealDate Vers. 2.2-1
  • IntelliID Vers. 8.00.00
  • IntelliScreenX 8 Vers. 8.00.13 ARTICOLO
  • InterAccess 1.0.0
  • InTube 2 (iOS 8)  Vers. 2.2.3 ARTICOLO
  • ioSpq Vers. 1.0-2
  • IPA Installer Console Vers. 3.2-2
  • ipEQ for iPhone Vers. 1.4.2
  • iPicar 2.0.2
  • iPicMyContacts Vers. 1.99
  • iProtect Vers. 8.0-1
  • iRelease Vers. 0.0.4-2
  • I See Stars  Vers. 1.3-4
  • iSwitch 1.2
  • iTouchSecure for iOS 8 Vers. 1.0.0-5
  • iTransmission 4
  • iTunes Radio Unlimited
  • iUnlock  1.0.5-5
  • iWidgets Vers. 1.2.3
  • iWidgetTapper  Vers. 1.5-10
  • iYoutubeReplay  Vers. 1.3-4
  • Jellylock7
  • Karma4Ever Vers. 1.1-1
  • KDLTE4G Pro Vers. 1.6-2
  • KeepAutoCapReal Vers. 8.1-4
  • KeepSecret  1.0-2
  • Kepo 1.0.0-7
  • Keyboard Vers. 1.1
  • Keyboard Accio Vers. 2.0-3
  • KeyboardPlus8 Vers. 0.2.0-16
  • KeyboardVibrate8  Vers. 0.0.3-1
  • KeyCommands Vers. 1.0
  • KeyCuts Vers. 1.1-1
  • KeyShortcut Pro  1.7-2
  • KikCameraSender Vers. 1.3.0-1
  • Kik Messenger Essentials Vers. 7.0
  • Kik8 1.0.0-6
  • KillBackground8 (iOS 7 & 8)  Vers. 1.0-4
  • KillBoard Vers. 1.1
  • KuaiDial for iOS7&8 Vers. 1.0.0a11-11
  • LabelShift
  • LandscapeProximity 1.0-1
  • libcolorpicker Vers. 1.1
  • libghost Vers. 1.1-2
  • LinkOpener Vers. 1.4
  • LinkStore for iOS 8 Vers. 1.2 ARTICOLO
  • ListeningLauncher Vers. 1.1.0-1
  • Lithium 0.9.4
  • LittleBrother  Vers. 1.1.0
  • Live Effects Enabler Vers. 1.0-3
  • LLBiPT5 Vers. 1.0-7
  • LLBPano Vers. 1.2-4
  • LocationFaker8 (iOS 8)  1.1-1
  • LocationHolic Vers. 0.6.28
  • LockBlur Vers. 1.0-8
  • Lockdown Pro iOS 8+ Vers. 1.0
  • LockEditor Vers. 1.0-2
  • LockEmoji Vers. 1.0-1
  • LockGlyph Vers. 1.1.9-10
  • LockHTML 3
  • LockHTML4 Vers. 1.0.3-1
  • LockInfo 8  8.0.1-6 ARTICOLO
  • LockKeyboard
  • LockLaunchApp iOS 7/8 Vers. 2.3-1
  • LockMemos Vers. 1.3
  • LockMemosPlus Vers. 1.2
  • LockPages  Vers. 1.5.1-16
  • LockPredict Vers. 1.0-2
  • Lock Saver Vers. 1.0.5
  • LockScreen Extender Vers.  0.6
  • Lockscreen Launcher Vers. 1.7
  • LockSmoother Vers. 0.1A-2
  • LockSmoother+ Vers. 0.1.3-3
  • LockSpeed Vers 1.2.4-1
  • Lock Screen Tool
  • LockStatusClock Vers. 2.0-2
  • LockTate Vers. 0.1-11
  • Locus Vers. 1.0-3
  • LongCCB 1.0.0-1
  • LongerAutoLock  Vers. 1.1.1-1
  • Lookback’s Awesome Mode  Vers. 1.0.2-2
  • LSCCRemote Vers. 1.5-6
  • LSWeather Vers. 1.3.2
  • Lyricalizer  Vers. 1.4.2
  • LyricCentre 1.0.0-1
  • MagicBlink Vers. 1.0-1
  • MagicColors Vers. 1.5-2-1
  • MagicDots Vers. 1.4-5
  • Mail Labeler Vers. 1.2.2
  • Mail Labeler Lite Vers. 1.2.0
  • Mail More Photos Vers. 1.9
  • MarkAsRead8 Vers. 0.0.2-3
  • MaskMuter Vers. 1.2
  • MEFacetimeiOS8 Vers. 1.b-3
  • Melodic Vers. 1.2
  • meme Vers.0.0.1-1
  • MessageHeads Vers. 2.0.7-1
  • Messages+ Vers. 8.0.3
  • MessagePopper  Vers. 1.1-2
  • Messages Tag Vers. 1.0.0
  • Mesalation Vers. 0.3-1
  • Messenger+ Vers.  1.0
  • Messenger Lock Out Vers. 1.0.0
  • MessengerReturn Vers. 1.0-5
  • Metaphrase Vers. 1.3
  • MFAnyFile Vers. 1.0-6
  • MiBand Utility 0.0.1-80
  • MiniPlayer Vers. 3.2-1
  • MobileTSS
  • Mobius
  • MoonSilent Vers. 1.1
  • Moove Vers. 1.0-1
  • MoreDictation Vers. 1.0-4
  • More Icons Vers.
  • MoreInfo Vers. 1.1.0-1
  • MorePredict  Vers. 1.1-3
  • MoreSiri Vers. 1.0-1
  • MoreThanSMS Vers. 2.0
  • MoreTimer  1.0-4
  • MorningApp Vers. 0.0.1-46
  • MouseSupport Vers. svn.r220-1
  • MSGAutoSave8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0
  • MSGSplus Vers. 2.1.1-1
  • MultiDelete Vers. 1.0
  • Multify Vers. 1.0.4-2
  • MultiIconMover Vers. 1:1.1.2-2
  • MultiIconMover+  2.6.0 ARTICOLO
  • MultipleReturnToSender 1.0-1
  • MultiSend Vers. 1.1
  • MusicButton Vers. 1.1.3-1
  • Mussic Vers. 1.0-3
  • Muswitch Vers. 1.3
  • MxTube
  • MyBatteryAlerts Vers. 1.1-1
  • MyBias Vers. 1.0-3
  • MyVibe Vers. 1.3-1
  • MX2Roll Vers. 1.0
  • NativeZoom Vers. 1.0-2
  • Navigate From Maps  4.0.2
  • NCAllOnly Vers. 3.2-1
  • NCBrowser 8 (iOS 8) Vers.  0.1.3
  • NC Customizer Vers. 1.3-1
  • NC Date Customizer Vers. 2.0-1
  • NCFold Vers. 1.0-9 ARTICOLO
  • NCIfNeeded Vers. 1.1
  • NCObey Vers. 1.1.0-1
  • NCPad Vers. 1.0.3
  • NCSingleTapClear Vers. 1.1
  • Nested Folders (iOS 8) Vers. 1.1.1-1 ARTICOLO
  • NeteaseMusicAdRemover Vers. 0.0.1
  • NetflixSleepTimer Vers. 0.0.1-1
  • Netflix++ – Trailers and More Vers. 1.2-1
  • NevaGonnaBuy Vers. 0.0.1-7
  • NewTabSearch Vers. 0.0.1-16
  • NewTerm
  • NextGenUI5 (iOS 8) Vers. 5.4.0
  • NicoVideoEnhancer 8  1.0-5
  • Nightmode8 (iOS 8)  Vers. 2.3.6-1
  • Nitrous Vers. 2.5-5
  • NoAdStoreOpen
  • NoAlarmVibrate Vers. 1.0
  • NoAppSettings Vers. 0.0.1-5
  • NoAppStoreRedirect Vers. 0.5
  • NoAudioRecorder Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • NoBanner 1.0.4
  • NoBarScreen Vers. 1.0-4
  • NoBlur  Vers. 1.3-1
  • No Blurry Calls Vers. 1.1-1
  • No Caller ID Blocker 1.0-2
  • NoCameraFlash Vers. 1.2-27
  • NoCC Vers. 1.3.0-2
  • NoCCMediaControls8 Vers. 0.0.1-2
  • NoChineseSNS Vers. 1.3.1
  • No Cloud Tabs Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • NoCoverFlow7
  • NoDelay64 Vers. 1.3-1
  • NoGrayContrast Vers. 1.0-4
  • NoIconDot 8 Vers. 0.1-1
  • NoIconLabels Vers. 0.1-4
  • NoKeyPop 1.1-3
  • NoLockBounce
  • No LockScreen Blur Vers. 1.2.1-1
  • NoLockScreenDate for iOS8 Vers. 1.0.0-13
  • NoLongPressKeys Vers. 1.0.0
  • NoMotion  Vers. 1.2
  • NoNewMark8 1.0-1
  • NoNotificationsText Vers. 1.0
  • NoRingerHUD Vers. 1.0
  • NoScrollWhenNewMessage Vers. 1.0
  • noNoSimAlert 8 Vers. 0.0.1
  • Non-Stop Music 8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.75
  • NoOrientationStatus Vers. 1.0.1
  • NoPageDots7
  • No Percent Sign
  • No Passcode LockOut Vers. 2.2b-1
  • NoPhotosCollections Vers. 1.0.0-1
  • NoPhotoGestures Vers. 1.0-1
  • NoPhotoTabBar Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • NoRecentlyDeleted Vers. 0.0.1-17
  • NoSlideTo Vers. 0.0.6-1
  • NoSlowAnimations Vers. 4.2.1 ARTICOLO
  • NoSpot iOS 7
  • NoSquare Vers. 1.0-2
  • NoSwitchBar Vers. 1.0
  • No Switcher Icons Vers. 2.0-1
  • NoSwitcherLabels Vers. 1.0.1
  • NoTabBarText Vers. 0.0.1-7
  • Notate Vers. 1.1-1
  • NoteCreator Vers. 1.3
  • NotFrequently Vers. 1.0-1
  • NotiAction Vers. 1.5-1
  • NotificationKeeper Vers. 1.0
  • Notification Killer Vers. 1.1-1
  • Notifications Tab Remover Vers. 1.0.1-5
  • Notifier+ Vers. 8.0-1
  • NotifyWifi 7 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 1.1-5 ARTICOLO
  • NotiHax Vers. 0.0.1-1
  • No Tint&Blur Lockscreen Vers. 2.9-1
  • NotNine 0.0.1-95
  • NoTouchCancelReply Vers. 1.0-17
  • NoTracking+ Vers. 1.1.2-1
  • NoUberJailbreak 1.2-3
  • NoUninstall Vers. 0.2.1-1
  • NoUpdateCircles
  • NoUpdateHistory Vers. 0.0.1-2
  • NoUpperCaseTable Vers. 1.0-4
  • Nourania Vers. 1.0-2
  • NoVibratedWakeup Vers. 0.3
  • No Voice Control Vers. 1.0-1
  • NoVolumeHUD Vers. 1.0
  • NowNow Vers. 1.4
  • No Yahoo! Vers. 2.0-1
  • No Yahoo! & TWC Vers. 2.1-1
  • Nuntius Vers. 0.0.1-62 ARTICOLO
  • NoWakeOnRinger Vers. 1.0
  • NowListening Vers. 1.9.9
  • nupsidedown Vers. 1.0-5
  • ODUploadAny Vers. 1.0-4
  • OneHandWizard Vers. 1.0.3
  • OneMoreTime 1.0-3
  • OneThumb Vers. 1.6.2-1
  • OneTapClear Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • OnlineNotify 1.3-2
  • OnlyOneNotification Vers. 0.0.2-10
  • OnTapMusic Vers. 1.0-11
  • OopsLock Vers. 1.1-1
  • Open in Chrome Vers. 1.4
  • Open in ProTube 2 Vers. 2.0.3
  • OpenOther for iOS 8 Vers. 1.2-2
  • OpenSSH
  • OpenSSL
  • OrangeMeNot Vers. 1.0-1
  • Orangered (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • Overachiever  1.0.18-1
  • Package Update Notifier 1.0.4
  • Pag 1.0.1
  • PagedSwitcher Vers. 1.0-1
  • Pandora Essentials Vers. 5.6.3
  • Pangu 8.0-8.1.x Untether Vers. 0.3 ARTICOLO ARTICOLO AGGIORNATO
  • panicLock [iOS 8] Vers. 1.4-5
  • panicLock Pro [iOS 8] Vers. 1.3-1
  • PanoMod 1.6-6
  • PaperBoard Vers. 2.0-3
  • Parental Vers. 1.0.2-3
  • Parental Controls For iOS Vers.  0.0.9
  • Pasithea 1.1.8
  • Password Events Vers. 0.0.1-7
  • PassTime Vers. 1.1.1-1
  • PDF Printer Vers. 1.5-2
  • Pebble Profiles  Vers. 1.1.3-9
  • PebbleSiri Vers. 0.8-2
  • Persian Keyboard iOS8 Vers. 1.0.3
  • PersianSTU Vers. 1.0.0-3
  • Phantom for Snapchat 4.2.5-1
  • PHEnhancer  Vers. 1.0-9
  • PhoneCaller Vers. 1.0.3
  • Photego Vers. 1.1
  • PhotoAlbums+ for iPad and iOS 8 Vers. 1.0.0-3
  • PhotoAlbums+ for iOS 8 and iPhone/iPod Vers. 1.0.0-3
  • Photo Info Vers. 2.0.3
  • Photo Organizer 8 Vers. 1.5-5
  • PhotoRes Vers. 1.0-6
  • PhotoSize Vers. 1.0
  • Photo Timestamp  Vers. 1.1.0
  • PhotoTorch Vers. 1.5-11
  • Photo Uploader Vers. 1.0-2
  • PkgBackup  Vers. 8.0.7 ARTICOLO
  • PlayingLabel Vers. 1.0
  • PM, really? Vers. 1.1-1
  • Polus  Vers. 2.0.7-1 ARTICOLO
  • Popular  1.1
  • Pop-textField Vers. 1.1
  • Portrait Lock Vers. 0.1.2-3
  • PortraitWallpaper Vers. 0.0.1-1
  • PowerApp
  • PowerBanners Vers. 0.0.1-3
  • PowerDown Vers. 1.0.4
  • Power Informer  Vers. 1.0.1-2
  • Powerleft Vers. 1.5.0-9
  • PowerPlus Vers. 1.0
  • Power Tap Vers. 1.1.1-24
  • Predix Vers. 1.1
  • PrefDelete Vers. 1.3.0
  • PreferenceLoader
  • PreferenceOrganizer 2
  • PreferenceTag2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0-3
  • PrefSafety 1.0.1-2
  • Prenesi Vers. 1.0.0
  • PreThree Vers. 1.0.1
  • Prettier Banners Vers. 0.4-1
  • Printify  Vers. 2.2.3
  • Priority Hub 1.4.4
  • PrismBoard Vers. 1.0-1
  • PrivatePlus7 Vers. 1.0-1
  • PrivateSMS7 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 2.0-1
  • Private Space Vers. 2.1-1
  • PrivateViewing Vers. 1.0-1
  • Profluence Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • Programmable SMS (iOS 8 & 7) Vers. 1.0.3-213
  • Protean  Vers. 2.0-142
  • ProTube Vers. 1.9.9-6
  • ProTube HD Vers. 1.6.9-5-1
  • ProximityCam Vers. 1.0-4
  • PullBulletin Vers. 0.0.1-25
  • PullToRespring Vers. 0.0.1-35
  • Pushability Vers. 0.0.1-14
  • Push for Gmail Vers. 1.13-3
  • PwnTunes for iOS 8 Vers.
  • Pyx Vers. 1.0
  • Quartz 2.0-4
  • QR Mode  Vers. 1.4-1
  • QuickActivator 1.4.1-1 ARTICOLO
  • QuickCall  1.0.2-3
  • QuickFolders Vers. 1.1
  • QuickGestures (iOS 8) Vers. 3.0-3
  • QuickMusic 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0.4
  • QuickPass
  • QuickReplier for Viber 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 2.2.1-1
  • QuickShoot Pro iOS 8  1.3-1
  • QuickSiri Vers. 1.0
  • QuickUnlock 1.0
  • Quit App for Activator Vers. 8.1-7
  • reachabilityUnlocked Vers. 1.0-5
  • ReachAll Vers. 0.0.3-1
  • ReachTheNyanCat Vers. 0.0.1-8
  • ReachWeather Vers. 1.3.1-1
  • Reaction Vers. 1.0-6
  • Recents 1.0.1
  • RecentFacebook Vers. 1.0.5-14
  • RecordPause Vers. 1.0-4
  • Record ‘n’ Torch Vers. 1.6-9
  • Reminders for Lockscreen Vers. 1.5.2-1
  • Remove Badges Vers. 1.5-1
  • Remove Recents Vers. 1.4
  • Rendarya8 (iOS 8) 1.2-1
  • RePower Vers. 2.0-2
  • Reroute Vers. 1.3
  • ResetAllKiller 1.0.1-1
  • ReStats Vers. 1.1-27
  • Return Vers. 1.1
  • Revelation  1.3-2
  • RippleBoard Vers. 1.0
  • Rise Vers. 0.0.1-14
  • Rochade Vers. 0.9.6-1
  • RocketBootstrap
  • Roomy Vers. 1.2
  • RoundDock Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • Rubik Vers. 1.2-1
  • SafariAlwaysPrivate8 Vers. 0.5
  • Safari Downloader+  Vers. 3.9-4
  • Safari Enhancer Vers. 2.1-1
  • Safari Full Url Vers. 1.3
  • Safari No Bar Fullscreen Vers. 1.0
  • SafariNoHistory8 Vers. 0.3-22
  • SafariRefresh Vers. 2.0-1
  • Safari Uploader 8 Vers. 1.1-2
  • SafariWallSetter Vers. 1.0-1
  • Safe Alarm Vers. 1.3.5-2
  • Safe Alarm PRO Vers. 1.4.3-1
  • SAFUploadAny Vers. 1.0-2
  • SameGrabbers Vers. 0.0.2
  • SameStatus
  • SaveGram Vers. 1.4.2-1
  • SBDocument Vers. 2.0
  • SBFLip Vers. 0.1.3-1 ARTICOLO
  • SBInfoGrabber iOS 7 Vers. 1.0.8
  • SBMultiFunction Vers. 1.8.1-5
  • SBPowerAlert  Vers. 8.1-101
  • SBRotator for iOS 8  1.0-46
  • Scream  Vers. 1.1-6
  • ScreenLocker Vers. 1.0-2
  • Screenshot+ Vers. 1.0-1
  • ScreenShotterAlert Vers. 1.1-13
  • ScrubAround Vers. 1.1
  • Searchlight Vers. 1.4-11
  • Secretary Vers. 1.4.0-16
  • Secret-Lock Vers. 1.1-2
  • See Tweets from People Who Blocked You Vers. 2.0
  • SelectiveReading  1.4-5
  • SendDelay  Vers. 1.2-1
  • Sesame Vers. 1.1
  • SetPan Vers. 0.0.1-15
  • Settings8 Vers. 0.1-11
  • SevenSpotlight Vers. 1.0.0-2
  • ShadowBoard Vers. 1.2
  • ShadowSocks Per-App Plugin Vers. 0.3.2-6
  • ShareMe Vers. 1.0.1
  • ShareMemos Vers. 1.0-2
  • ShareMusix Vers. 1.0-6
  • Share Widget for iOS 8 Vers. 1.1-3 ARTICOLO
  • Shazam On Start Vers. 1.0.4-1
  • ShoutDown Vers. 1.2.0-1
  • ShowCase Vers. 1.3.5-1
  • ShowContactPhotos8 Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • Show My Touch Vers. 1.3.0-1
  • ShowSongMetadata Vers.  1.1.1-1
  • Shrink Vers.
  • SilencePlease Vers. 1.5-1
  • SilkScreen Vers. 1.0-50
  • Sim&Puk Attempt Vers. 1.0.1-6
  • SimpleCCMedia Vers. 1.0-1
  • SimpleCenters Vers. 1.1
  • SimpleNC Vers. 1.4
  • SimpleOneTap for Twitter Vers. 1.1
  • Simpler Photos Vers. 1.0.3-1
  • SimpleSwitcher Vers. 1.0-3
  • SimulateTouch Vers. 0.7-17
  • SixBar
  • Skrollerz Vers. 1.3.0
  • Sleeper Vers. 1.0.1
  • SleepFX Vers. 2.2.2
  • SleepyAlarm Vers. 2.0-1
  • SleekCode Vers. 1.1-5
  • SleekPhone Vers. 1.4-2
  • Sleipnizer for Safari  5.0.2-1
  • Slices Vers. 0.2.0-1
  • SlideCut  Vers. 0.3.2-1
  • SlideForUsage Vers. 1.0.0-1
  • Slide2Kill8 Lite Vers. 0.0.3-3
  • Slide2Kill8 Pro Vers. 1.1-8
  • SlipDownToKill 8 Vers. 1.0-1
  • Slo-mo Mod  Vers. 1.4-3 ARTICOLO
  • Smart 3G + LTE Vers. 2.3-1
  • SmartBatteryPercentage Vers. 1.3-1
  • Smart Search Vers. 1.2.3-1
  • SmartTap Vers. 0.6-2
  • SmoothCursor 1.0-3
  • SmoothKB Vers. 2.0
  • SmoothPop 1.0-5
  • SMSmileys Vers. 2.0.0-1
  • SMSNinja Vers. 1.6.5
  • SMS on GV 8 (iOS 8)  3.3-1
  • SMS Stats 2 Vers. 1.0.3-2
  • Snapchat Log 4.2.0-1
  • Snapi Vers. 1.0-156
  • Snap Master Vers. 1.5.3-1
  • SnapMoreText Vers. 2.2-1
  • Snapper Vers. 1.1-1
  • Snes9x EX+
  • SnooScreens Vers. 1.1-1
  • SnoozeHelper 1.0.0-2
  • SnoozeMeNot Vers. 1.0
  • Social Duplicator 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0
  • Social Enhancer Vers. 2.1-2
  • Software Update Killer Vers. 1.0.2 ARTICOLO
  • Sol Vers. 1.0-1
  • SorryLowBattery Vers. 1.2.1-1
  • SpaceText Vers. 1.0
  • Spectral Vers. 1.0.3-1
  • Speak Notification 1.6.3-1
  • SpeedChanger Vers. 0.1.0
  • Speed Intensifier  Vers. 8.9-1
  • Speedy Homey Vers. 1.3-1
  • Speak Notification  1.6.2-2
  • SphereView  1.1.4-2
  • Spin  Vers. 3.3-1
  • SpinSettings Vers. 0.0.1-115
  • SpotBingSearch  Vers. 1.2.1-9
  • SpotCleaner Vers. 1.0-1
  • SpotifyDataSwitch 1.0
  • Spotlight Google Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • SpotlightSiri Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • SpotLock
  • SpringboardOrganiser Vers. 1.1-29
  • springPage  Vers. 1.0.7-1
  • SpringResearch Vers. 1.0-1
  • SpringSounds Vers. 1.0
  • Springtomize 3 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 1.3.0-5 ARTICOLO
  • Sprint Timer Vers. 2.0-1
  • SPTouch Vers. 2.0.3
  • SSH Connect Vers. 1.3-3
  • SSHLock Vers. 1.0.2
  • SSHMediaControls 0.3.0-3
  • StatusBarTimer Vers. 1.1.0-7
  • StatusWeather Vers. 2.0
  • StatusbarWeather8 Vers. 1.1
  • StatusBright Vers. 2.0
  • StatusHUD 2
  • StatusPeek 1.1f
  • Stealth Cam Vers. 1.6.1
  • SteamOldEnough Vers. 1.0.0-1
  • Stepper Vers. 1.1-3
  • Stepper 2 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0-5
  • StickerMe Vers. 0.9.7-2
  • Sticky Vers. 1.4
  • Sticky Banners Vers. 1.0-1
  • Still Capture Enabler 2 Vers. 1.9-1
  • StopAlarm iOS 8  1.2.2
  • StopAutoDelete 0.0.1-2
  • StopCCinApp Vers. 1.4.0-1
  • StopPlayin8′ Vers. 1.1-1
  • StopPlayin8’+ Vers. 1.0
  • StoreAlert Vers. 1.1
  • Stratos  Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • StreamPlay  Vers. 1.0-72
  • STUCalendar Vers. 1.0
  • Substrate Safe Mode Vers. 0.9.5000 ARTICOLO
  • SubtleLock (iOS 8) Vers. 1.1-1
  • Support Unsupported Accessories 8 Vers. 1.0-1
  • SwipeButtonColor Vers. 1.0
  • SwipeSelection ARTICOLO
  • SwipeSelection Pro
  • SwipeExpander  1.0.6-1
  • SwipeSelect Vers. 1.0
  • SwipeShiftCaret Vers. 1.6-5-1
  • SwishSwitcher Vers. 1.0.1
  • Switchability Vers. 0.0.2-2
  • SwitchAutofocus Vers. 1.0-10
  • SwitcherDND Vers. 1.0
  • SwitcherFX 0.2.0-1
  • SwitchManager Vers. 1.0-1
  • Switcher Navigation Actions Vers. 1.0
  • SwitcherPaper 1.0.3-6
  • syslogd to /var/log/syslog Vers. 1.1.0
  • SystemWidePredictiveText Vers. 0.0.1-11
  • TabLess
  • Tage  1.1-2 ARTICOLO
  • TaiG 8.1.3-8.x Untether   2.1.3 ARTICOLO
  • Taker Vers. 1.1-1
  • Tap2LockAndRespring Vers. 1.0
  • TapTapFlip Vers. 1.1
  • TapTapFolder 0.3.2
  • TapTodaysCalendar Vers. 1.2.1
  • TapToScroll for Activator Vers. 1.2
  • TapToSnap Vers. 2.0
  • TayRotator Vers. 1.0-1
  • TetherMe for iOS8+  Vers. 1.0.2-1 ARTICOLO
  • TetherStatus Vers. 2.1-1
  • TGAnyFiles  Vers. 1.1-21
  • TimeCode Vers. 1.4.1
  • TimePasscode Vers. 0.0-4
  • TimePasscode Pro Vers. 0.0.4
  • Tinder ++ Vers. 0.0.3-1
  • Tintch Vers.  1.1
  • TinyBar  0.1.3-3
  • TitleHider Vers. 1.0
  • TokeTime Vers. 1.0
  • ToneEnabler Vers. 1.1-7
  • TouchPose+ Vers. 1.1-19
  • Torqueo Vers. 1.0
  • Transference Vers. 1.1.0
  • Transition Vers. 1.0.2-1
  • TransparentCameraBar Vers. 1.5-10
  • TransparentVolume8 Vers. 0.0.2-5
  • TripleSpace 1.1
  • True iRadio
  • TryGpsOut5 Vers. 3.8
  • TubeSelector 1.0-4
  • TWBEnhancer Vers. 1.1-5
  • TWBEnhancerLite Vers. 1.0-5
  • Tweet Analytics Vers. 1.0-1
  • Tweetbot+ 1.1.0
  • Tweetbot Blur Remover Vers. 1.0.0-1
  • Tweet2Safari Vers. 1.0
  • TwitkaFly iOS 7/8+ Vers. 2.2-1
  • TwitVerified Vers. 1.0
  • TypeRead Vers. 1.4-8
  • TypeStatus Vers. 1.3.1
  • TypeTab Vers. 1.2-1
  • TypingPrivacy  1.2-5
  • UIRotation8 (iOS 8)  1.0-3
  • UK Weather Vers. 2.3.0-1
  • unBold Vers. 1.0.1-2
  • UnderFace Vers. 1.0.1-20
  • UnDim4What Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • Uninstall Application Size Vers. 1.2-7
  • UninstallNever Vers. 1.1
  • unlimitedphotos Vers. 2.0.1
  • Unlimited Itunes Radio Skips 8 Vers. 1.4-1
  • UnlockCounter  Vers.  1.3
  • UnlockSound Vers. 1.1.3-5
  • UnlockSound7 Vers. 1.1.2-4 ARTICOLO
  • UnlockSound8 Vers. 1.0.1
  • UnlockVol Vers. 1.4
  • UntetheredHeySiri Vers. 1.1
  • UpNext Vers. 1.3
  • URL Open Menu Vers. 1.1-7
  • User Agent Changer  Vers. 1.1.8
  • vColor
  • Vertex Vers. 2.0.2-1
  • VerticalVideoSyndrome Vers. 0.0.1-43
  • Vestigo Vers. 0.5.7
  • Vex 1.1-1
  • Viber ++ Vers. 1.0r-48
  • vibratekeyboards8 Vers. 1.0.3-1
  • Vibrator Pro Vers. 2.0a
  • VideoExplorer Vers. 2.2
  • VideoPane Vers. 1.1.5
  • Video Zoom Mod Vers. 1.1-3
  • VineDownloader  Vers. 0.0.8-7
  • Vine++  Vers. 1.5r-12
  • Vine12S Vers. 3.0
  • VirtualHome 8 (iOS 8)  1.4-1
  • VKSettings Vers. 3.0.1-1
  • VlifePapers-iPhone Vers. 1.1.0
  • VoiceChanger Vers. 0.4-10
  • VoipRemover Vers. 1.1.3
  • Volume Amplifier  Vers. 1.59
  • VolumeBanner Vers. 0.0.1-78
  • VolumeNotifier Vers. 0.2-2
  • VolumeStatus 2 Vers. 2.1-2
  • VPNOnly 8 (iOS 8) Vers. 1.0
  • WACallConfirm 1.1
  • WA Earlier Messages Vers. 2.0-2
  • WAEnhancer8 (iOS 8) 2.1-6
  • WAESendAny Vers. 1.0-2
  • WASendAny Lite Vers. 1.0-3
  • WAFixCrash Vers. 1.0-1
  • WallActivity Vers. 0.1.1-3
  • Wallmart Vers. 2.0-1
  • WallpaperSettings 0.4.2
  • WAOpenIN Vers. 1.0-1
  • WAQuickReply 1.2-8
  • Wake Info 2  Vers. 1.3.0-3
  • WakeTrace Vers. 1.5.1-12
  • Wake With Weather  Vers. 3.2.4-1
  • WA ShutUp Vers. 2.1-2
  • Watchboard Vers. 1.0.4-1
  • watchscreen Vers. 0.9.0-25
  • Watusi 2.9
  • Wave 1.0.1-1
  • WeeLoader Vers. 1.4-3
  • WhatsApp Blacklist Vers. 1.0-8
  • WhatsApp Call Chooser 0.0.1-5
  • WhatsApp Disable Played Receipt  Vers. 2.0
  • WhatsApp for IMN Vers. 0.2-9
  • WhatsApp LSeen TimeStamp  Vers. 4.3-2
  • WhatsApp Read Receipt Disabler Vers. 0.0.7-1
  • WhatsApp Stealth Mode Vers. 0.0.1-79
  • WhatsApp++  1.6r-2
  • WhatsApp Web Enabler  Vers. 1.0-8 ARTICOLO
  • What’s this song, Siri? Vers. 1.0.1-1
  • WeatherBoard (iOS 8 & 7)  1.1.1-18
  • Weather Clock 7 Vers. 1.1.5-5
  • WeatherFix8 Vers. 1.0-1
  • WhiSelfie Vers. 1.1
  • WhitelistSwitcher Vers. 1.0-3
  • WhoIsCalling Vers. 1.132
  • WhoozIt 1.0
  • WI Bug Fixes Vers. 1.0-4
  • WidgetCenter Vers. 1.0.0
  • WidgetWeather2 Vers. 2.0-1
  • WiFi Booster Vers. 2.0.1
  • WiFried (AWDL Disable) Vers. 0.4 (Fix per problemi di Wi-fi con iOS 8.x)
  • Winterboard Vers 0.9.3918 ARTICOLO
  • WiPi Vers. 1.4-1
  • VKMusic Vers. 1.0-1
  • World Clock 7 Vers. 1.0.7-13
  • WorldShaper   Vers. 1.1.2-1
  • WritingALetter 2 Vers. 2.0
  • Wu-Lock Vers. 1.0-1
  • XModGames Vers. 1.0-9
  • yBox Vers. 1.2.1-1
  • You Fade Me Up Vers. 1.1-2
  • YouTubed Vers. 1.7.0-1
  • Youtube Essentials Vers. 1.6
  • YouTube Mate Vers. 1.0
  • YouTube To Protube Vers. 1.0.0-1
  • Zeppelin Vers. 2.0.1-12
  • ZW1T  1.0.1-1
  • ZW1T Lite  1.0.0-1
  • 2Drunk2Text Vers. 2.0-17
  • 2TapShot Vers. 0.2
  • 2048oard Vers. 0.0.2-10
  • 3DSwitcher Vers. 1.1-10
  • 3G Unrestrictor 5 (iOS 8 & 7) Vers. 5.8.3-2

Al momento conosciamo solo questi, ma se ne avete testati altri e nella lista non ci sono, ditecelo attraverso i commenti, aggiorneremo la lista pian piano.

Aiutiamo la comunità Jailbreak!

Vi ricordo che potete consultare anche una lista completa visitando questa pagina : Link


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Ciao a tutti cari lettori

  1. Ragazzi ma con quale testa le fate le cose?!?
    Lista dei tweak compatibili con iOS 8 aggiornato alle 23:30:

    Lista dei tweak non compatibili con iOS 8:

    Io boh…

  2. Ragazzi ma bite sms?e poi volevo chiedervi,come mai dopo il jailbreak ios 8 non mi funziona l’orologio nativo?

    1. Ancora no, segui gli articoli dei tweak funzionanti e compatibili, non appena sarà compribile lo troverai lì’… ,) Buona navigazione!!

  3. ho scaricato WHATSAPP BLACKLIST 1.0.6 per ios 8 sul mio Iphone 5 con jailbreak…. ma non funziona assolutamente… i messaggi non vengono filtrati e arrivano su whatsapp senza nessun problema…. qualcuno sa darmi indicazioni?

    1. Grazie del supporto aggiorneremo l’ art dei tweak! se ce ne stanno altri che non compaiono puoi anche dirlo così aiutiamo tutta la comunità. 😉
      Grazie ancora!

        1. Prova a fare come ti dico io, non basta solo installarlo, devi anche attivarlo, allora vai sulle impostazioni e scegli tramite activator di attivarlo con le gesture, prova con vai verso destra sulla barra di stato, vedrai che non appena lo fai il dispositivo va in safe mode, se non è così scrivimi, perchè io ho provato sia su iPad 4 che su iPhone 6.

        2. Per vedere se il tweak funziona, non basta solo installarlo ma devi anche attivarlo, allora fai così come ti dico io.
          Vai sulle impostazioni e tramite activator metti come gesture verso destra sulla barra di stato.
          Una volta fatto, vai sulla barra di stato e vai verso destra, se non va in safe mode e il bluetooth si attiva allora scrivimi, perchè io la stessa versione l’ ho provata sia su iPad 4 che su iPhone 6!

          1. io non ho modificato il metodo di attivazione l’ho lasciato con il suo nativo ( doppio tap sull’orario)

          2. come vedi con il doppio tap sull’orario cioè con la sua attivazione nativa non va in safe mode

          3. Non so che dirti io provato e riprovato appena faccio doppio tap va in safe mode…
            Vediamo se da lo stosse problema a qualcun altro… ti faccio sapere!

          4. hai installato la stessa versione mia oppure va in conflitto con qlk tweak hai notato se quando l’hai installato ha dato qlk errore??? xk se ha dato qlk errore in rosso o giallo vuol dire che fa in conflitto con qlks….

          5. ho provato e ho fatto tanti tentativi anche su altri iPhone 6 ios 8.1 fa la stessa cosa, ho fatto testare il tweak ad uno sviluppatore

          6. sicuro che non va in conflitto con qualche atro tweak???
            hai installato la stessa versione mia??

            Inviato da iPhone

          7. si ho già fatto ma niente da fare! Anche lo sviluppatore mi ha confermato che la devono aggiornare a iOS 8.x!

  4. Ne ho trovati altri molto utili Five icon ( per avere 5 icone nella dock) e poi stra utile Suport unsuported ( per caricare il telefono con qualsiasi cavo anche quelli cinesi ) toglie definitivamente l’incopatibilita degli accessori a presto Marcello

  5. ciao a me Springtomize 3 (iOS 7 & 8) Vers. 1.3.0-5 non funziona РiPhone 6 Рios 8.3 jb con taig 2.1.2 poi aggiornato al .3 il tel non va in SM ma appare messaggio che la versione non ̬ supportata